Ukraine Crisis


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
I guess that just shows they are not "evangelists" for Christ.
Why would you say such a nasty thing? Judging your siblings. Don't you believe that they are doing their able best, just like you are? And if not, then inform us, why? How do you know, what error are they making, what should they do instead? And here is where your dialect needs work, because you'll spout off something or other about legalistic perfectionism, and this is all even though I know that you actually think of sins and sinning in a not unreasonable way, but your dialect is perceived by others as having no such grace. Even though you do have grace. I have seen it, it is there, but why don't you display, reveal, broadcast it? Why just the condemnation and judgmentalism?



Well-known member
You do know that in Catholicism celibacy means avoiding any emission evoked or effected by a male's informed consent, right?
No- I don't know or really care how Catholics define it. And, further I know less now than before I read your mangled airy sentence.
I don't want to use that M word it's creepy. Celibacy means no M word. You know that, right?
I have some passing idea what you are talking about. It is a very backwards, uninformed, and unrealistic view. Enjoy it.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
No- I don't know or really care how Catholics define it.
I'm just making sure for the sake communication is all.
And, further I know less now than before I read your mangled airy sentence.

I have some passing idea what you are talking about. It is a very backwards, uninformed, and unrealistic view.
Big fan of the declaratory I see.
Enjoy it.
Passive aggressive rhetoric.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member

Images show Russian word for 'children' painted outside shelled Mariupol theatre


Satellite imagery of the Mariupol Drama Theatre shows the word 'children' written in Russian in front of and behind the theatre.

Vladimir Putin’s forces bombed a makeshift shelter being used by up to 1,200 civilians – including sick children – in a deliberate attack, Ukrainian authorities have claimed.

As the Ukraine crisis rages on, the Mariupol Drama Theatre is now a scene of devastation following the shelling.

Anger sparked by the alleged Russian attack – which Moscow has denied responsibility for – has been magnified by satellite imagery taken of the building on Monday showing that the word ‘children’ painted in Russian on the grounds outside – in a possible sign to bombers not to target it.
Ukraine’s foreign ministry said on Thursday morning that there are a number of people trapped inside the theatre, with the number of deaths currently not known.


The standard Russian playbook for military invasion. Along with denying it and subjugating their own people with state controlled media.


Well-known member
Why would you say such a nasty thing? Judging your siblings.
It is written..."But he that is spiritual judgeth all things, yet he himself is judged of no man." (1Cor 2:15)
Those preaching hate are not my brothers anyways.
Don't you believe that they are doing their able best, just like you are? And if not, then inform us, why?
Look at who they endorse.
How do you know, what error are they making, what should they do instead?
Stay out of the politics of this world.
It is written..."Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world." (James 1:27)
It is written..."Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God." (James 4:4)
And here is where your dialect needs work, because you'll spout off something or other about legalistic perfectionism,
The perfection I understand has nothing concerning the Mosaic Law about it.
It is perfect harmony with God.
and this is all even though I know that you actually think of sins and sinning in a not unreasonable way,
Are you willing to take the hard road?
but your dialect is perceived by others as having no such grace. Even though you do have grace. I have seen it, it is there, but why don't you display, reveal, broadcast it? Why just the condemnation and judgmentalism?
Why would I care what nay-sayers think?
Did Jesus care what the unbelievers thought when He called them liars and sons of the devil?
Nothing but condemnation and judgement awaits them in the future, and maybe my words, rooted in God's words, will impact some to turn away from "the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience:" (Eph 2:2)

The word of God is a sword.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member

Why far-right White evangelicals are among Vladimir Putin’s strongest American supporters

During the 1980s, far-right white evangelicals like the Moral Majority’s late Rev. Jerry Falwell, Sr., televangelist Jimmy Swaggart and Christian Broadcasting Network founder Pat Robertson railed against the Soviet Union relentlessly — often applauding President Ronald Reagan for standing up to the Kremlin. But times have changed.

These days, Donald Trump, not the late Ronald Reagan, is the most influential figure in the Republican Party — and white evangelicals, journalist Anthea Butler explains in an op-ed published by MSNBC’s website on March 1, are among Russian President Vladimir Putin’s most ardent admirers in the United States.

“While the world looks on in horror as Russia's invasion of Ukraine unfolds,” Butler observes in her op-ed, “one group has been praising Russian President Vladimir Putin. It turns out Putin has a fan base in America’s right-leaning evangelical politicians and pundits.”

Butler continues, “At this year’s Conservative Political Action Conference, which wrapped up over the weekend, Lauren Witzke, a GOP candidate for the Senate in Delaware, said: ‘Here’s the deal. Russia is a Christian nationalist nation. They’re actually Russian Orthodox.... I identify more with Putin’s Christian values than I do with Joe Biden.”

Witzke’s praise of Putin, according to Butler, “isn’t an uncommon stance among some Republicans and white American evangelicals today” — as they have “admired Putin because of the alignment of their beliefs with his about homosexuality, authoritarianism and fealty to former President Donald Trump.” Far-right white evangelicals, Butler notes, believe that Putin’s Russia, Butler notes, “is the way America should be.”
It's fair comment just using a snapshot of here alone. Many ideals expressed here emanating from the far religious right promote laws making homosexuality a crime and are anti democracy along with plenty others that would subjugate society under religious rule without freedom of expression etc.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
It is written..."But he that is spiritual judgeth all things, yet he himself is judged of no man." (1Cor 2:15)
Those preaching hate are not my brothers anyways.
What if they are preaching hate without informed consent? Can't your brothers and sisters and full intersex siblings make mistakes?

No grace.
Look at who they endorse.

Stay out of the politics of this world.
Why are you posting in this thread? Aren't you 'in' the politics of this world, in this thread?
It is written..."Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world." (James 1:27)
It is written..."Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God." (James 4:4)

The perfection I understand has nothing concerning the Mosaic Law about it.
I never said Mosaic law, nor did I mean Mosaic law. God's eternal law is what I had in mind.
It is perfect harmony with God.
Are you willing to take the hard road?
I do! How dare you judge me!
Why would I care what nay-sayers think?
Did Jesus care what the unbelievers thought when He called them liars and sons of the devil?
You're not Jesus.
Nothing but condemnation and judgement awaits them in the future, and maybe my words, rooted in God's words, will impact some to turn away from "the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience:" (Eph 2:2)

The word of God is a sword.
You're not the Word of God.


Well-known member
What if they are preaching hate without informed consent? Can't your brothers and sisters and full intersex siblings make mistakes?
Perhaps my words will provoke them to repentance form sin.
Why are you posting in this thread? Aren't you 'in' the politics of this world, in this thread?
I am in "this thread".
I never said Mosaic law, nor did I mean Mosaic law. God's eternal law is what I had in mind.
Are you truly against that?
Too bad.
What is your version of perfection rooted in. if not harmony with God?
I do! How dare you judge me!
What "judgement" do you see in my question?
If you are truly willing to take the hard road, start with a permanent turn from sin.
You're not Jesus.
You were not aware that "we" are made one at out "immersion" into Him and into His death and burial? (Rom 6:3-7)
You're not the Word of God.
The word of God is what I use in my "campaign"...instead of the political sewers of this world.


Literal lunatic

Images show Russian word for 'children' painted outside shelled Mariupol theatre


Satellite imagery of the Mariupol Drama Theatre shows the word 'children' written in Russian in front of and behind the theatre.

Vladimir Putin’s forces bombed a makeshift shelter being used by up to 1,200 civilians – including sick children – in a deliberate attack, Ukrainian authorities have claimed.

As the Ukraine crisis rages on, the Mariupol Drama Theatre is now a scene of devastation following the shelling.

Anger sparked by the alleged Russian attack – which Moscow has denied responsibility for – has been magnified by satellite imagery taken of the building on Monday showing that the word ‘children’ painted in Russian on the grounds outside – in a possible sign to bombers not to target it.
Ukraine’s foreign ministry said on Thursday morning that there are a number of people trapped inside the theatre, with the number of deaths currently not known.


Ever consider that place might be sex trafficking children and the perverts blew it up themselves to destroy evidence?


Well-known member
What's so great about celibacy? Reminds me of Imbecility.
Celibacy is not good if the urge to have sex cannot be kept under civilized control. Unfortunately, many leftists and democrats fully support sex no matter how perverted and no matter how young sexual victims are. Add the backing of government schools and the ACLU and you have a literal heathen army fighting God and people with good sense.

Helena, MT – The North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMBLA) announced today that it fully supports a controversial new sex education initiative recently proposed for Montana’s elementary schools. If approved, the new proposal would have elementary schools teach proper anatomical terms to kindergartners and subjects such as gay sex to first graders.


Well-known member
Nick Fuentes is a far right loony and then some. It's a wonder he's allowed a woman to stand next to him given that his addle brained channel is supposed to be anti them...
If Nick is a rebel against God his judgment is coming, just like the judgment that is coming for all rebels against God.


Well-known member
It's fair comment just using a snapshot of here alone. Many ideals expressed here emanating from the far religious right promote laws making homosexuality a crime and are anti democracy along with plenty others that would subjugate society under religious rule without freedom of expression etc.
Leftist atheist fools think they can disannul God's judgment against sexual perversion and sodomy but they are dead wrong.