Ukraine Crisis


Well-known member
Workers inside Europe’s biggest nuclear power station are being forced to operate the facility “at gunpoint” after Russian forces attacked and seized it overnight, according to the company that runs the plant. The Zaporizhzhia plant was hit by a Russian projectile Thursday night, according to the International Atomic Energy Agency, causing a fire to break out. Petro Kotin, the head of the state-owned nuclear power firm Energoatom, gave more details about the attack in a Telegram post Friday. According to CNN, Kotin said Russian troops “entered the territory of the nuclear power plant, took control of the personnel and management of the nuclear power plant.” He added: “The station management works at invaders’ gunpoint.”

Ukraine made a big mistake by giving up its nuclear weapons to Bill Clinton in the Budapest Memorandum agreement in exchange for US help in defending Ukraine from Russia in case of invasion. Obama did not help Ukraine when Russia invaded in 2014 and Biden is not helping Ukraine this year. Democrats don't honor treaties even though they will lie to get other countries to make them by assuming Americans don't lie.


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Russia Claims Pentagon ‘Biological War Labs’ Developing ‘Pathogens’ in Ukraine

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Thursday that Russia will continue its “military operation” in Ukraine even if a peace deal is made until the process of “demilitarization” and “de-Nazification” is completed to Moscow’s satisfaction and Ukraine is stripped of weapons of mass destruction – including chemical and biological weapons he accused the United States of developing on Ukrainian soil.

Gary K

New member

Russia Claims Pentagon ‘Biological War Labs’ Developing ‘Pathogens’ in Ukraine

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Thursday that Russia will continue its “military operation” in Ukraine even if a peace deal is made until the process of “demilitarization” and “de-Nazification” is completed to Moscow’s satisfaction and Ukraine is stripped of weapons of mass destruction – including chemical and biological weapons he accused the United States of developing on Ukrainian soil.
The CIA has been incredibly active in the Ukraine for a long time. They have put billions of dollars into arming and promoting conflict there for decades. If you don't think they have promoted corruption there how was Biden able to go there and demand the firing of the prosecutor looking into the corruption of the company who hired his kid for half million a year when he had zero experience in that industry? It was CIA money and influence that created three nazi political parties there.

Do a bunch of research outside the mockingbird media and you will find what I'm saying is true.


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Pardon me for hesitating before jumping on the same side of any issue with Hitlary and George Soros.

Gary K

New member
Pardon me for hesitating before jumping on the same side of any issue with Hitlary and George Soros.
Was that meant for me? Hillary and Soros were both behind what the CIA did there. Just like they were both behind the destruction of Libya which has contributed a lot to the destabilization of Europe. And they both have connections to the WEF.

None of what is happening in the Ukraine is happening in a vacuum. There are world wide forces at work in all of this.

Don't forget that most of the "news" we see comes from companies owned and controlled by the central banks around the world which are owned and controlled by the Rothschilds. And did you know that Russia is one of the last nations on earth that doesn't have currency controlled by one of the Rothschilds central banks? They have their own banking system and their debt to GDP ratio is only 14%. That means they have one of the most stable currencies in existence today with a large percentage of it backed by silver and gold. The Rothschilds hate that as it greatly limits their power over Russia.

There is a good reason we see and hear nothing but Putn, Putin, Putin and Russia, Russia, Russia in the media today and it's not because the media is honest.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
"Airbnb hosts in Ukraine are being flooded with bookings from people all over the world who have no plans to visit. It's part of a creative social media campaign to funnel money to besieged Ukrainians who need financial assistance as Russian forces bombard their country and cut off services."


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
It's not acceptable to stand by while people are murdered. We have to stand by while people are murdered, because of nukes. We need a solution to the current geopolitical system, which is dozens of 100% independent sovereign states. Plus, nukes. The system was fine, arguably, before nukes; but now we are living through yet another risk of winding up in WWIII again----we were supposed to be done with this 'skubalon' by now.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
It's not acceptable to stand by while people are murdered.
Sure it is. If it weren't we'd do something about the thousands of young black men murdered in our inner cities every year. If it weren't we'd do something about the 4500 children under five who starve to death EVERY SINGLE DAY in India. If it weren't we would have intervened in Rwanda.
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"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Sure it is. If it weren't we'd do something about the thousands of young black men murdered in our inner cities every year.
Difficult problem. One thing that people try like heck to do, is clamp down on gun freedoms. If they're not supporting very paternalistic gun control in response to the murder problem among American Black young men, they feel like they're standing by while people are murdered. It's the wrong, paternalistic, idea, but they don't have another problem these people.
If it weren't we'd do something about the 4500 children under five who starve to death EVERY SINGLE DAY in India.
Unless they're being starved to kill them that's not murder. Putin is murdering Ukrainians.
If it weren't we would have intervened in Rwanda.
If our ideology is annexation then we could have done that. Sacrificing American troops and not getting a new state in return, that's the current idea. Witness Iraq and Afghanistan (and Vietnam, and even Japan and Germany, and going back to the American South). You don't put American troops and on the homefront through the hell of war, and not get some more territory back in the deal.

At least Putin's getting that part right. He's trying to annex.

Why don't we?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
We're on the brink of World War III but don't worry, President Potato and his sidekick Kackling Kamala have it all under control!



Well-known member
And the reason it matters what retards like The Fat Turk and the idiots running CNN do is that the United States is made up of idiots, incapable of critical thought, capable only of responding to emotion

Idiots like this:

View attachment 2857

74% of Americans don't have a clue how to handle the Ukraine crisis - just like Biden and his girly-brained homosexual military brass.