Ukraine Crisis


Well-known member
Baghdad Bob! It's been a minute.

Rumor has it Baghdad Bob is now being sheltered by democrats in one of their sanctuary cities for terrorists, drug kingpins, child molesters, terrorists, and disgraced leftist media perverts.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
What are the potential outcomes here.

Ukraine surrenders basically unconditionally.

Ukraine refuses to surrender but Russia 'wins'.

Ukraine successfully repels the invasion and Russia retreats.

Ukraine successfully repels the invasion and most of the Russian forces are destroyed and the retreating forces have all been decimated (literally reduced to 10% of what they came in with) escaping by the skin of their teeth.

Ukraine is annexed by the US making Ukraine the 51st state of the Union, and this an invasion of America by Russia and WWIII is on (both sides agree on this), unless we stop this right away somehow without escalating, which means a new treaty.

We might have the above without annexation of Ukraine also.

Anyone have any other ideas about how this might turn out? Of course, one way is actual WWIII, I'm not forgetting that one, I'm just hopeful that it's so improbable that we can 'neglect' it in our analysis. If not, then WWIII is on, and we've got to figure out how to end this right now----BANG!

right now.


Well-known member
What are the potential outcomes here.

Ukraine surrenders basically unconditionally.

Ukraine refuses to surrender but Russia 'wins'.

Ukraine successfully repels the invasion and Russia retreats.

Ukraine successfully repels the invasion and most of the Russian forces are destroyed and the retreating forces have all been decimated (literally reduced to 10% of what they came in with) escaping by the skin of their teeth.

Ukraine is annexed by the US making Ukraine the 51st state of the Union, and this an invasion of America by Russia and WWIII is on (both sides agree on this), unless we stop this right away somehow without escalating, which means a new treaty.

We might have the above without annexation of Ukraine also.

Anyone have any other ideas about how this might turn out? Of course, one way is actual WWIII, I'm not forgetting that one, I'm just hopeful that it's so improbable that we can 'neglect' it in our analysis. If not, then WWIII is on, and we've got to figure out how to end this right now----BANG!

right now.
The US banking system could collapse under the weight of higher gas prices and taxes due to depressed world economies as a result of the destabilization caused by the conflict.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Just got a little bit of the CBC. Germany is reversing a policy that they have had since the end of WW2 and exporting offensive weapons to a conflict zone.

And this? This is amazing. Turkey is closing the Bosporus Straits to Russian ships
