UK gives "do not resuscitate" order or mentally retarded people


Well-known member
ffreeloader wrote that "he UK is socialist. They have nationalized, put government in control, of most, if not all, of their industries."- so you 'prove' this by throwing the 1945 labor party platform at me! And they aren't even in power now!
So what.

"They have nationalized, put government in control, of most, if not all, of their industries."

And they have. Why are you claiming that they haven't?

Was socialism repealed? Did the U.K. repent of socialism? Did they they say they over-reached when they stole private property?

So, they sold some of their stolen property under Thatcher. Is there anything stopping them from stealing it again? Was there a truth and reconcilliation panel where the labor party apologized for being evil and admitted what they did was wrong? No?

Once a country says it's alright to taking property for the common good, there is no going back. The U.K. is capitalist in name and some practices, but like China and Russia, they retain socialism as their basis.

The U.K. reserves all rights to nationalize anything it wants. And that makes the U.K. socialist.


Well-known member
So what.

"They have nationalized, put government in control, of most, if not all, of their industries."

And they have. Why are you claiming that they haven't?

Was socialism repealed? Did the U.K. repent of socialism? Did they they say they over-reached when they stole private property?

So, they sold some of their stolen property under Thatcher. Is there anything stopping them from stealing it again? Was there a truth and reconcilliation panel where the labor party apologized for being evil and admitted what they did was wrong? No?

Once a country says it's alright to taking property for the common good, there is no going back. The U.K. is capitalist in name and some practices, but like China and Russia, they retain socialism as their basis.

The U.K. reserves all rights to nationalize anything it wants. And that makes the U.K. socialist.
Freeloaders statement remains false, and your "well, they might do it again" and "they didn't apologize" story sounds exactly like what it is- pathetic.


Well-known member
Freeloaders statement remains false, and your "well, they might do it again" and "they didn't apologize" story sounds exactly like what it is- pathetic.
Have they nationalized their industries before? Yes

Do they have nationalized industries now? Yes

Will they nationalize more industries if the government wants to? Yes

Are there any protections for private property? No

That's socialism, nitwit.


Well-known member
So what.

"They have nationalized, put government in control, of most, if not all, of their industries."

And they have. Why are you claiming that they haven't?

Was socialism repealed? Did the U.K. repent of socialism? Did they they say they over-reached when they stole private property?

So, they sold some of their stolen property under Thatcher. Is there anything stopping them from stealing it again? Was there a truth and reconcilliation panel where the labor party apologized for being evil and admitted what they did was wrong? No?

Once a country says it's alright to taking property for the common good, there is no going back. The U.K. is capitalist in name and some practices, but like China and Russia, they retain socialism as their basis.

The U.K. reserves all rights to nationalize anything it wants. And that makes the U.K. socialist.
And you got that wrong.
Most services and industries here have been privatised in the last 40 years.

Or maybe you can give me a list, apart from our NHS if course.


Well-known member
Have they nationalized their industries before? Yes

Do they have nationalized industries now? Yes

Will they nationalize more industries if the government wants to? Yes

Are there any protections for private property? No

That's socialism, nitwit.
Which nationalised industries did you have in mind?

The UK has the same % Conservatives as the USA. A few more than you in fact because we have a Conservative Government.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
And so I'm right nitwit.

So, you'll be able to buy one of these soon in England with your conservative government in power.

Well, no, you're just a right nitwit.

Telling how you're reduced to firearms in regards to your ignorance of Britain being nationalised. Telling that your only position revolves around something to do with firearms.


Well-known member
Well, no, you're just a right nitwit.

Telling how you're reduced to firearms in regards to your ignorance of Britain being nationalised. Telling that your only position revolves around something to do with firearms.

Another gun nut, dreaming of what might have been. 😁

@ffreeloader doesn't know that P.M.Thatcher privatised many of our national services 40 years ago. Even flogged off our Council Homes at cut rates to the tenants..... He don't know nuffin!

Mind you, private industry and commerce has been so corrupt, inefficient and downright unreliable that I now wonder which route might be least bad.....

I wonder whether the Electricity providers of Texas are State or Privately owned?
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