UK gives "do not resuscitate" order or mentally retarded people

Gary K

New member
odd that you - who are so concerned about those with disabilities- throws around the word 'retard' so much.
Retardation is the clinical word used for many decades. I never heard of the term developmentally disabled until I was well into my 40's or older. Anyone who thinks it's derogatory to call some who is retarded, retarded' is just trying to change the language. And that is nothing but an attempt to change the entire culture. Political correctness is just another form of the war you leftists have been engaged in against the US for decades. I have no respect for that. So, yeah, I have more respect for the retarded people I went to school with than I do for you.

Gary K

New member
That's what you think.
DNR is all about saving the most likely cases when staff have not got the gear or resources to save all.
Yeah, socialist medicine and death panels. They go hand in hand. That's one of the evils of socialized medicine. Odd how you like socialized medicine, i.e. what you think of as "free" medicine for yourself more than you think of the lives of those who were unfortunately scarred during their time in the womb. That could very well have happened to anyone of us, and yet you would rather see them killed than imagine yourself in their shoes.

Socialism == kill the most helpless.


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Iran is defacto run by the religious leaders- as you well know.

Of course it is. Doesn't change the fact that it its political system is as wikipedia described above.

When you stop conflating political and religious roles, then we can talk about this.

Making a nice graphic that says "I'm right, and god is on my side' is just that- a nice graphic with your bloated opinion of your own ideas.

Well, no, 1) I didn't make it, and 2) I'm on God's side, not the other way around.

If you were too, you wouldn't try to compare Him to the false god Allah, nor would you mock Him for His recommended form of government.


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That's what you think.
DNR is all about saving the most likely cases when staff have not got the gear or resources to save all.

As I said above:

Prioritizing certain patients over others is one thing.

Telling the medical professionals to not even attempt to save some people when they are fully capable of doing so is quite another.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
... you ... (throw) around the word 'retard' (a lot) ...
I'm actually quite deliberate in my use of the term. My use of the term relies on the distinction between being able to reason logically and based on evidence ( higher level reasoning) and basing one's reasoning on ignoring evidence and relying on emotion.

I do tend to use it a lot around you and eider, for reasons that always seem to elude you two.


Well-known member
Yeah, socialist medicine and death panels. They go hand in hand. That's one of the evils of socialized medicine. Odd how you like socialized medicine, i.e. what you think of as "free" medicine for yourself more than you think of the lives of those who were unfortunately scarred during their time in the womb. That could very well have happened to anyone of us, and yet you would rather see them killed than imagine yourself in their shoes.

Socialism == kill the most helpless.
Oh dear......... another righteous-rant.
1. You have always told us that Covid is a scam, and here we are in the UK with our Ambulance and Hospital services stretched further than ever before. So you were lying about all that for starters.
2. And our NHS has had to decide upon who it can save in this crisis. What you missed out in your rant is that Cancer patients have been having their treatments put back because so many of our hospitals have been totally devoted just to care of extreme Covid cases.

Do you live in Texas, by any chance? Well, if you do I suggest that you get off your backside and get out there with some blankets for the homeless because they are dying out there in the frost. We've seen it all on the news.......

But I don't think you care at all for mental 'retards' as you call them. Disgusting.


Well-known member
As I said above:

Prioritizing certain patients over others is one thing.

Telling the medical professionals to not even attempt to save some people when they are fully capable of doing so is quite another.
They are not capable of doing so.
Unlike some claims here, Covid is not a scam and it's killing so many people here that last year's death figures were as high as 1940 when our cities were getting blitzed.

We have watched exhausted doctors who have told us that they can't save them all because they just can't get around fast enough and don't have the resuscitation gear for all. Doctors here have appealed to our government for protection from any future claims that they chose to leave one patient over another, because that is what is happening.

You like truth, so get in there and find it all.

And remember........... Covid is not a Scam.
At least you know that for sure.


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They are not capable of doing so.

Because you say so?

Unlike some claims here, Covid is not a scam and it's killing so many people here that last year's death figures were as high as 1940 when our cities were getting blitzed.

We have watched exhausted doctors who have told us that they can't save them all because they just can't get around fast enough and don't have the resuscitation gear for all. Doctors here have appealed to our government for protection from any future claims that they chose to leave one patient over another, because that is what is happening.


Prioritizing certain patients over others is one thing.

Telling the medical professionals to not even attempt to save some people when they are fully capable of doing so is quite another.

There's a difference between not being able to treat someone, and intentionally not treating someone.

You don't seem to know the difference.


Well-known member
Because you say so?


Prioritizing certain patients over others is one thing.

Telling the medical professionals to not even attempt to save some people when they are fully capable of doing so is quite another.

There's a difference between not being able to treat someone, and intentionally not treating someone.

You don't seem to know the difference.
Thank you for your post.
I will listen to our doctors and nurses telling us about their difficulties.

And you know now that 'Covid is not a scam'.

Gary K

New member
Source, please? Or is this another "ffreeloader fact"?
Ask Eider for the facts. He quit responding to the thread when I posted the actual history of Britain and the power of Fabian influence there. Well, expecting eider to tell the truth is a bit much. Do an internet search for 1945, Labour party, and nationalization of industry in Britain. It's easy to find. It's all over the internet. One simple search and you can find a myriad of articles on it.

I thought you were supposed to be intelligent. But you don't know Britain is socialist at heart? You don't know that the vast majority of their industries have been taken over and run as government bureaucracies? I thought everyone on earth knew these things. They certainly aren't hidden. The facts are right out in plain sight for everyone to see and have been for longer than you've been alive. The socialization of Britain explains it's post WWII continuous decline.

Gary K

New member
Their difficulties in recognizing the humanity of the mentally handicapped?
The dnr orders include people with any type of learning disability. Think about that for a while. That includes people with dyslexia which are proven to be people with normal intelligence but with a brain dysfunction that doesn't allow them to make sense of what they see on the page of a book or a computer screen. I almost said blackboard but I don't think a lot of people know what they are anymore. And the cure is as simple as wearing colored glasses. But it's a learning disability so it is covered by this dnr order.

Think about all the types of learning disabilities there are and it will give you a sense of how radical this order actually is. It's not just being applied to mental retardation. I had a college professor of sociology and psychology who was a practicing psychologist. She had a massive learning disability when it came to math. On the first day of class she would tell her classes that she had this problem because she couldn't even add and subtract accurately. So she said if you see a mistake in my math in scoring the daily quizzes come to me and show me my mistakes. And she made a ton of mistakes in scoring quizzes. She was really smart, but retarded when it came to math. She would fit the description of those with a learning disability so she would be affected by this dnr.


Well-known member
ffreeloader wrote that "he UK is socialist. They have nationalized, put government in control, of most, if not all, of their industries."- so you 'prove' this by throwing the 1945 labor party platform at me! And they aren't even in power now!
Ha ha! They are all long since retired or deceased. I'm sad to say.

But governments since those days have been privatising much of commerce, industry and travel once again. Apart from our National Health Service most services here are privatised. Margaret Thatcher sold off many Nationalised Services back in the 80's.

But ffreeloafer is all about the truth...... 😁