Trump's Wildly Successful Trip


Matthew 19

23 Then Jesus said to his disciples, “Truly I tell you, it is hard for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of heaven.

24 Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.”

25 When the disciples heard this, they were greatly astonished and asked, “Who then can be saved?”

26 Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”

27 Peter answered him, “We have left everything to follow you! What then will there be for us?”

28 Jesus said to them, “Truly I tell you, at the renewal of all things, when the Son of Man sits on his glorious throne, you who have followed me will also sit on twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel.

29 And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or fields for my sake will receive a hundred times as much and will inherit eternal life.

30 But many who are first will be last, and many who are last will be first.

The liberal lack of observation, seen in the Trump video bearhug/alpha male correction I made for ya'll

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No, he put his right hand on the others right arm and pushed. Just needed to show the world how self-important his narcissistic butt is.

Slow mo it junedogg, it was an aggressive hug from behind (homo hugg) if you look carefully you can see Trump's left arm around the shoulder and his right hand completing the "gug " (gay hug). Then you see a smile on the gug victim's face as he returns the hug having his right arm around the waist of Trumphugger.
You need to go back to body language school son!

Gimme some thanks people

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Look up Hitlery's Russian collusion, uranium etc. - there's a whole bunch of evidence. But NO EVIDENCE of Trump collusion. You're too scared to look up Hitlery's Russian dealings, aren't you?

Isn't Rusha a form of Russia? Quick call the Washington postal

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Slow mo it junedogg, it was an aggressive hug from behind (homo hugg) if you look carefully you can see Trump's left arm around the shoulder and his right hand completing the "gug " (gay hug). Then you see a smile on the gug victim's face as he returns the hug having his right arm around the waist of Trumphugger.
You need to go back to body language school son!

Gimme some thanks people

You can give a hug without forcing one's way to the front!

Once he passed the prime minister Trump showed no interest in him!

Despite the conservative "spin" - "The Donald" felt "entitled" to be positioned in the front row!


Well-known member
What will all the Trump enablers do when he is impeached OR resigns because his presidency is so overtaken with scandal? His actions and responses are not those of an innocent man. Too much smoke ...

Guess you don't remember when Clinton was impeached. Now THAT was a scandal with smoke and fire.



"The Donald" is 6'2" - one of the tallest in the group!

At 70 years old, one would have thought that the President would have developed enough common sense and "social graces" to know that when one is in a group photo, shorter people are positioned in the front rows!

As we all know, however, in an "alternate conservative universe," common sense and social graces are considered fake news!



"The Donald" is 6'2"

At 70 years old, one would expect that anyone that tall would possess the "social graces" to know that in a group photo, you place shorter people in the front rows!

Oh hell no. We finally have an American emperor who gracefully stands ground. I would have slapped the idiot and told them all to walk behind.

We are acting as an empire that controls world interests and we have to be cold blooded and tough or someone like Mau takes the helm.

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That money goes into the US economy. It's why we elected him.

Ah, OK, so any deal that pumps $ into the US economy is peachy. Despite the fact it is with the Saudis. Maybe we should sell weapons to the Iranians?
Any other despotic governments we can make a buck on? Why did we wait so long to get things going in Cuba again.

But more importantly he did do a little bow to the Saudi prince. I understand the "When in Rome issue" but you don't get to criticize Obama and then do the same thing.


Well-known member
Ah, OK, so any deal that pumps $ into the US economy is peachy. Despite the fact it is with the Saudis. Maybe we should sell weapons to the Iranians?
Any other despotic governments we can make a buck on? Why did we wait so long to get things going in Cuba again.

But more importantly he did do a little bow to the Saudi prince. I understand the "When in Rome issue" but you don't get to criticize Obama and then do the same thing.

Ha...we've already given billions to Iran thanks to you know who.

No, Trump bent forward to have a medal put around his neck....neither is a nod a bow.

We need the Sunni Arab states to fight Iran and ISIS, so the arms deal killed two birds with one stone.


Trump's Wildly Successful Trip

Whatever successes the Trump visit may have had was lost first in the announcement that Jared Kushner was the person of interest close to Trump, followed by Friday's Washington Post story that this President's son-in-law and General Flynn tried to arrange a diplomatic "back channel" with Moscow using Russian embassy facilities!

In addition, both had failed to record their contacts when applying for and/or updating their security clearances!

Once again, the Trump White House is so inept that their "self-inflicted" wounds have over-shadowed their own message!

Footnote: Before our conservative "friends" dismiss this as "fake news," 2 days have passed since the Post story was published without the Trump White House denying that such Russian contacts involving Kushner took place!