Trump's Wildly Successful Trip

patrick jane

Donald Trump wraps up a greatly successful foreign trip. He did a fine job. Meanwhile, old news was released Friday at 5:00 PM (just like every weekend on MSM and failing newspapers), just in time for Memorial Day Weekend, all in an attempt to dominate the media and take away from a great President.


Well-known member
Donald Trump wraps up a greatly successful foreign trip. He did a fine job.

All of Europe was relieved to see that the loss of Ringling Bros. didn't signal the end of America's great clown acts. :zakath:

Meanwhile, old news was released Friday at 5:00 PM (just like every weekend on MSM and failing newspapers)

Have you been following the fortunes of Fox News lately?

just in time for Memorial Day Weekend, all in an attempt to dominate the media and take away from a great President.

Mercifully affording Kushy boy an extra day in the "war room" to baton down the hatches and prepare for the storm surgeTSUNAMI:surf: that's just about to descend upon him.

( PJ are you standing behind a little podium right now? :rotfl: )

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patrick jane

What will all the Trump haters do when nothing comes of Kushner or Trump from the investigations? :rotfl: - I suppose they will find some new false hope

patrick jane

He was clear, concise and disciplined. Those were the key ingredients that created a striking success for President Trump in his first foreign trip.
If he can bottle that recipe and start each day in the Oval Office with a big gulp of it, his presidency gets a renewed chance to live up to its promises.
Trump’s clarity on the global stage was a reminder of why he was elected. Much as he did in the campaign on his best days, he cut through the BS to get to the heart of contentious issues and offer forceful solutions.
Under enormous scrutiny, he acted in the best traditions of American leadership on two continents by helping create a Muslim NATO to combat radical Islamists and by pushing the original NATO to face terrorism and financial facts.
Throughout the weeklong trip, which also included a substantive, friendly meeting with the pope and tense negotiations over trade and climate change, Trump showed the message discipline too often missing in the White House. And he did it without sacrificing his core convictions or puckish personality.
One priceless moment came as he stood in the $1.4 billion new NATO building in Brussels and referred to American taxpayers running out of patience with the alliance’s deadbeats. The incident no doubt cheered his supporters at home as much as it rankled the European elites, most of whom regard taxpayers as suitable only for fleecing, especially when they are American.
But now Trump comes home to the swamp, and the test of whether he can drain it before it swallows him. In some ways, he took the swamp with him.
The leaks that bedeviled him here bedeviled him there, creating the most awkward moment on the trip. British Prime Minister Theresa May’s temporary cut-off of intelligence-sharing followed media disclosures from anonymous Americans about the Manchester bombing, including premature release of the terrorist’s name and pictures of the bloodied scene.
Trump’s response — to agree with May and promise a Justice Department probe — turned lemons into lemonade, but only temporarily. Getting results would show he’s in control of the government.
To that end, it is time that Attorney General Jeff Sessions gets in the game. His recusal from the Russian investigation does not mean Sessions must sit around like a potted plant while laws are routinely violated.
Most important, of course, the president comes home as the Russia probe gains steam, with fired former FBI Director James Comey set to testify. Comey, still doing his best imitation of J. Edgar Hoover, has sent friends out with Hooveresque warnings.
One, Benjamin Wittes, has been blabbing that Comey is about to drop a bomb on the president.
“This is a guy with a story to tell,” Wittes said to CNN. “I think if I were Donald Trump, that would scare me a lot.”
Maybe it does scare Trump, at least enough to lawyer up and give Steve Bannon the job of running a political and legal war room over Russia. Bannon’s pugnaciousness makes him a good fit, but no one should underestimate the challenge.


Hall of Fame
What will all the Trump haters do when nothing comes of Kushner or Trump from the investigations? :rotfl: - I suppose they will find some new false hope

What will all the Trump enablers do when he is impeached OR resigns because his presidency is so overtaken with scandal? His actions and responses are not those of an innocent man. Too much smoke ...



Trump's Wildly Successful Trip

10 yard penalty - blocking a prime minister from behind!

No. Trump came up, bear hugged him, as you can see that the man had his right arm around Trump's back reciprocating his rear hug. Then Trump takes his place, straightens his coat and the others pay homage to their alpha male.

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Hall of Fame
They'll have to don hoods once again.

I believe they will blame it on the liberal media. :plain: How dare we not support the guy who sold out our country when he willfully conspired with the Russians.


No. Trump came up, bear hugged him, as you can see that the man had his right arm around Trump's back reciprocating his rear hug. Then Trump takes his place, straightens his coat and the others pay homage to their
alpha male.

Matthew 19

23 Then Jesus said to his disciples, “Truly I tell you, it is hard for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of heaven.

24 Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.”

25 When the disciples heard this, they were greatly astonished and asked, “Who then can be saved?”

26 Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”

27 Peter answered him, “We have left everything to follow you! What then will there be for us?”

28 Jesus said to them, “Truly I tell you, at the renewal of all things, when the Son of Man sits on his glorious throne, you who have followed me will also sit on twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel.

29 And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or fields for my sake will receive a hundred times as much and will inherit eternal life.

30 But many who are first will be last, and many who are last will be first.
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patrick jane

I believe they will blame it on the liberal media. :plain: How dare we not support the guy who sold out our country when he willfully conspired with the Russians.
Look up Hitlery's Russian collusion, uranium etc. - there's a whole bunch of evidence. But NO EVIDENCE of Trump collusion. You're too scared to look up Hitlery's Russian dealings, aren't you?