
patrick jane

Trumpcare is coming, with a roll out next week. There will likely be lots of protests and disagreement. Let's discuss Trumpcare here -

patrick jane

Have you got an extra copy of what it will entail, pj?

Inquiring minds need to know.
It will be introduced to America and afterwards Congress will be able to make changes as necessary. Very simply, it won't be passed without intense scrutiny, so we will all know what it entails very soon.


Trumpcare is coming, with a roll out next week. There will likely be lots of protests and disagreement. Let's discuss Trumpcare here -
The financing doesn't add up - how can you introduce a cheaper plan that includes those with pre-existing conditions without requiring a compulsory component?

If they go the private insurance route, you will have the same insurance companies that participated in Obamacare, if they go the universal healthcare route, the right-wing of the Republican Party will refuse to support it.

John Boehner was right, after the Republicans finish reshuffling the deckchairs, Trumpcare will be nothing more than Obamacare under a different name!


we should build a wall around healthcare :)
Obviously "ok doser" has nothing intelligent to contribute to the question as to how the Republicans can reinvent healthcare that is better and cheaper while still accommodating pre-existing conditions!

patrick jane

Obviously "ok doser" has nothing intelligent to contribute to the question as to how the Republicans can reinvent healthcare that is better and cheaper while still accommodating pre-existing conditions!
Watch the magic of Trump !!! Better, cheaper health care for tens of millions of Americans


Watch the magic of Trump !!! Better, cheaper health care for tens of millions of Americans
The reality is that "magic" or "no magic," many conservative Republicans may vote for the repeal of Obamacare but not to replace.

Despite having Republican majorities in both Houses, the Trumpcare replacement may not pass through Congress without Democratic support!
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Trump isn't a traditional conservative. In fact, he has liberal notions behind his conservative attitude.

Works just fine for me- this country is bitterly against itself, and I voted for Trump because I believe he will mend that wound- anybody else would have simply gaped it wide open, and that is not the influence a Christian is supposed to have.


New member
Hall of Fame
One thing I heard about the GOP plan is that they are changing subsidies from being based on income to age. What's the basis for that change? I read one Republican respond with some criticism on that too, asking why a millionaire should be eligible for subsidies based on age.

A while back someone made a comment that Republicans have policies that hurt the poor and I pushed back some but stuff like this sure makes it seem like they do intentionally hurt the poor and help the rich.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
seeing as there's a heckuva lot more poor people than wealthy people, doesn't it make sense to have them help each other?


seeing as there's a heckuva lot more poor people than wealthy people, doesn't it make sense to have them help each other?

The wealthy don't care about the poor- they live in their bubble and prescribe their selves a fake reality of how things actually are :plain:


Well-known member
I expect the Republicans only want to repeal ACA. The replacement is what was before. The poor, even middle class, cannot afford health care so they don't go to a doctor regularly. Then since they are not getting preventive care they wind up in Emergency rooms where the expense is much greater and stick the hospital with the bill who write it off their taxes. Then the taxpayers are the ones who support this worse case scenario and employers who now have employees too sick to work.

The hard part for the Republicans is to make the American public think they really did something better. Cheaper is easy to show when you only repeal even though it is short sighted. I expect the widening gap between poor and rich and the shrinking middle class will only get worse under 45. It appears to be a repeat of the 1920s/1930s.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Obviously "ok doser" has nothing intelligent to contribute to the question as to how the Republicans can reinvent healthcare that is better and cheaper while still accommodating pre-existing conditions!


we'll make the mexicans pay for it! :banana:



For one party to take control of the White House, House, Senate and Supreme Court in America doesn't ocur very often and usually for only a 2 year term!

Faced with Trump and his Cabinet's lack of political experience and his erratic behaviour, some Republicans in the Congress must be "tearing their hair out" for having frittered away 40 days of valuable time before starting to tackle the big ticket items on their legislative agenda!

Repealing and replacing "Obamacare" seems like a strange place to start - given that it is probably the most complex of all legislation to enact, while generating the least amount of general consensus within the Party on how to proceed.

One would have thought that introducing the infrastructure/jobs package would have had more of an immediate impact and generated far more approval from their base.