Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Trump won that debate by a landslide last night. He was up against three combatants, Hillary and both Moderators. All three tried to back him into a corner with that audio from 2005. He was able to break loose and make an attempt to stay with the issues at hand. Hillary continued her usual "mudslinging", Clinton style. Although, I must admit Trump got in quite a few barbs, as well. Anderson Cooper tried his best to bombard Trump with continued attacks on Trumps unfortunate "locker talk" from over a decade ago. Trump apologized more than once and was able to get off the ropes and continue to fight on through Anderson's barrage of negative questions.

Finally, the subject went away and Trump was able to get back to the issues. Trump looked and acted very Presidential. At one point during the "verbal fisticuffs," a Fly landed on Hillary's blouse. You might gather from this: "You can't say there aren't any flies on Hillary." You might add the following: "Not only is Trump the "fly in the ointment" for Hillary, the same fly is attracted to her pantsuit."

What say you?


What say you?

I say that I'm not at all surprised that you continue to be a loyal follower of the very sick and evil Donald Trump.

Does moral character count when it comes to a President? We as a nation should have learned with Bill Clinton, do you want the same with Donald Trump, or perhaps worse?


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
I say that I'm not at all surprised that you continue to be a loyal follower of the very sick and evil Donald Trump.

Does moral character count when it comes to a President? We as a nation should have learned with Bill Clinton, do you want the same with Donald Trump, or perhaps worse?

Says the man who looks for gay boogeymen under his bed every night.

So, at least I haven't let you down. :rotfl:

Note how Trump lemmings can't defend their candidate, they only attack the person who is righteously judging him.

Have a nice day fellas.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
I've been in the process of praying that, Trump wins the Presidency. I will continue to pray for him. I also pray that Hillary will be kept away from the White House.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
I say that I'm not at all surprised that you continue to be a loyal follower of the very sick and evil Donald Trump.

Does moral character count when it comes to a President? We as a nation should have learned with Bill Clinton, do you want the same with Donald Trump, or perhaps worse?

Note how Trump lemmings can't defend their candidate, they only attack the person who is righteously judging him.

Have a nice day fellas.



Trump is back in the race. He will likely win the election now -
I hate to rain on Patrick Jane's parade again but the most recent poll released today now shows that the "The Donald" has dropped to 11% behind Hillary!

We are all well aware that the conservatives on this forum are quick to dismiss anything which doesn't conform to their perception of reality - but it is difficult to reconcile as to how the winner of the debate could drop to the mid 30's in the polls.

Then there is the small matter of Speaker Ryan deciding to finally distance himself from "The Donald" and Trump's public threats to reek vengeance on any Republican politician whose conscience dictates that he/she part ways with the presidential nominee.

Under a Trump Administration, Speaker Ryan, Republican conscientious objectors and Hillary Clinton will all be serving time in the same prison cell!


New member
I've been in the process of praying that, Trump wins the Presidency. I will continue to pray for him. I also pray that Hillary will be kept away from the White House.

I will not be surprised if Trump miraculously wins because of this.

God gave quail to the Israelites when they asked. He also gave them King Saul when they asked. Sometimes He gives us exactly what we ask for.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
I will not be surprised if Trump miraculously winds because of this.

God gave quail to the Israelites when they asked. He also gave them King Saul when they asked. Sometimes He gives us exactly what we ask for.

If I'm wrong, forgive me, but, are you being sarcastic or genuine? I could see it go either way at this point. After all, Saul became kind of a disappointment.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
I don't believe Trump is a Christian. However, I do believe he's the best person to be the President of our country. He's a good businessman, he's very intelligent, he's articulate, he has leadership ability and he has Pence (A true Christian) to witness to him and to help guide him in some crucial areas that may come about. He's also strong enough to face Putin and the other world leaders.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
All "True Believers" ought to be praying for Trump to win and for Hillary to lose this race. Hillary and her husband have proved themselves to be untrustworthy and dishonest in every way.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
I hate to rain on Patrick Jane's parade again but the most recent poll released today now shows that the "The Donald" has dropped to 11% behind Hillary!

We are all well aware that the conservatives on this forum are quick to dismiss anything which doesn't conform to their perception of reality - but it is difficult to reconcile as to how the winner of the debate could drop to the mid 30's in the polls.

Then there is the small matter of Speaker Ryan deciding to finally distance himself from "The Donald" and Trump's public threats to reek vengeance on any Republican politician whose conscience dictates that he/she part ways with the presidential nominee.

Under a Trump Administration, Speaker Ryan, Republican conscientious objectors and Hillary Clinton will all be serving time in the same prison cell!

The "Polls" could just be corrupted. That's why it's so important for Christians to pray about this matter.


I will not be surprised if Trump miraculously winds because of this.

God gave quail to the Israelites when they asked. He also gave them King Saul when they asked. Sometimes He gives us exactly what we ask for.
Another "locker-room" revelation involving a Trump indiscretion and it will take more than "quail" and "King Saul" to stop Republicans from heading for the exits to distance themselves from the presidential nominee!

A month to go before the election represents an eternity as far as Donald Trump is concerned!

I predict that some of those women whom Trump has denied groping will now feel empowered to go public,leading to the distinct possibility of criminal charges for sexual assault!
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Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
We don't need another eight years of Obama! A very dear friend of mine is still working full time at 62. She pays about four or five hundred dollars a month for "Obama Care", her deductible is $6,000.00 annually. Therefore, her insurance is basically "Catastrophic Insurance." That kind of insurance is for people who need a heart transplant or get in a horrific car wreck, otherwise, it's useless. She's just throwing her money down the drain. She'll never be able to use it. That's what Obama Care has done to the upper and lower middle-class people of this country.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Another "locker-room" revelation involving a Trump indiscretion and it will take more than "quail" and "King Saul" to stop to stop Republicans from heading for the exits to distance themselves from the presidential nominee!

Well, COWARDS always run, correct?


New member
If I'm wrong, forgive me, but, are you being sarcastic or genuine? I could see it go either way at this point. After all, Saul became kind of a disappointment.


Numbers 11:18-19
1 Samuel 8:6-18

Some in the church are saying that America is lost unless we vote for Trump. That's a lot of hope and faith to place in a lawless and profane man.