Trump to declare National Emergency to build wall

The Barbarian

Not if they do it for the right reason, but they never will.

That's the rub, you see. Congress won't give Trump money for his vanity wall. Americans are against it. So he wants to just do it by decree.

Why would you suppose a democrat would care more than a republican, what you think is right? Just remember, we told you so.


President Trump did not explain the Democrat opposition to the border wall, the fact that the more foreign nationals who come to the USA, the more registered democrats there will eventually be. But he should have. That’s exactly what happened in California which is now a one party state. That’s important for Americans to know.

Democrats are trying to create a Communist nation with socialist economics and one party rule. Fools who support Democrats are supporting the overthrow of America.

The Barbarian

President Trump did not explain the Democrat opposition to the border wall, the fact that the more foreign nationals who come to the USA, the more registered democrats there will eventually be.

Not necessarily. The old Reagan republican party was welcoming to immigrants. The immigrants saw Reagan's "Shining City on a Hill" and wanted to be part of it. They believe that effort and energy will be rewarded in America. These people could be republicans, if the republicans weren't currently obsessed with hating them.

But I don't think that's going to happen soon. So long as the party turns its back on Reagan's ideals, and seeks a white nationalist state, when those immigrants become citizens, they'll remember.

It doesn't have to be that way. But the democrats don't mind that it is.

But he should have. That’s exactly what happened in California which is now a one party state. That’s important for Americans to know.

Ironically, Trump made it so. Even Orange County has gone blue. Reagan is rolling in his grave.

And it's not just there:
"So leap with joy;
be blythe and gay,
or weep my friend with sorrow.
What California is today,
the rest will be tomorrow.

Richard Armour

(frothing removed)



Trump to declare National Emergency to build wall

So what did our President do after declaring this "emergency" - he left Washington to play "GOLF" at Mar-Largo!

Keeping America safe on the golf links- apparently the Commander and Chief's "bone spurs" have disappeared once he was no longer subject to the draft!
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Arthur Brain

Well-known member

Trump to declare National Emergency to build wall

So what did our President do after declaring this "emergency" - he left Washington to play "GOLF" at Mar-Largo!

Keeping America safe on the golf links- apparently the Commander and Chief's "bone sours" have disappeared once he was no longer subject to the draft!

I wonder what his handicap is...


the fact that the left is comprised of retards, but we still have to treat them as citizens of this country?
most of them are retarded and believe that by removing guns from the hands of law-abiding citizens, criminals will voluntarily comply as well
republicans are inherently trustworthy

democrats are not
- comes from the Greek κόπρος (kopros) meaning "feces" and λαλιά (lalia) from lalein, "to talk"
- involuntary swearing or the involuntary utterance of obscene words or socially inappropriate and derogatory remarks
- encompasses words and phrases that are culturally taboo or generally unsuitable for acceptable social use, when used out of context
- can be a single word, or complex phrases