The people who wrote the Constitution are fools?
No, the doofus Tom Rogan who wrote that article is a fool, and so is everybody who thinks Trump is wrong. The government prime task above all other s to provide for the defense and security of the people. Congress has pee'd that duty down the toilet and Trump is trying to save us.
My question is, why do you want rapists and murderers and drug traffickers crossing the border? You are okay with rapists and murderers and drug traffickers, but you are mad at Trump for trying to block them. That speaks volumes abut you.
In 2012, Obama declared a national emergency entitled, "Blocking Property of Persons Threatening the Peace, Security, or Stability of Yemen" in order to freeze the assets of anyone perceived to be negatively impacting a political transition in Yemen. In 2014 he issued a national emergency referred to as "Blocking Property of Certain Persons Contributing to the Situation in Ukraine," which similarly locked the assets of those thought to be undermining democratic processes in Ukraine. So its okay to defend foreigners but not us?.
Trump has declared three national emergencies so far. One centers on creating penalties for individuals around the world who are involved in human rights abuses. Another penalizes individuals involved in perpetuating violence in Nicaragua. And another imposes sanctions on foreign entities who seek to interfere in American elections.
No peep from you.
Now you are screaming. Why? Because you are a lemming dancing to the fake news media's tune.