Trump: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

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patrick jane

Barbarian observes:
But you were willing to believe when some nitwit told you that Microsoft and Apple weren't global technology leaders until Trump was president.

Well, let's take a look...

He wrote, according to your post:
Also, during this presidency, 5 American companies have emerged as global technology leaders. You know their names: Apple, Amazon, Alphabet, Microsoft and Facebook. It’s a technology world, and American companies have seized the future.

And there you are. What an idiot, um?

We've got some yokel who thinks that Apple and Microsoft emerged as global technology leaders after Trump was elected. What kind of idiot would write something like that?
Maybe the writer was copying your style, jackwagon. :idunno:

The Barbarian

From that site:
Between January 2 and January 13, we examined 97 unique articles that were among the top URLs shared by Kremlin-oriented accounts on Twitter. As with past weeks, attacks on liberals/Democrats were prominent (featured in 27% of all URLs). The most common targets were the Clintons (11 articles), Oprah Winfrey (4 articles), and Barack Obama (4 articles). However, Republicans John McCain (2 articles) and Marco Rubio (1 article) were also targets. Other prominent themes were discrediting Fusion GPS and the Steele dossier (14% of examined URLs) and pushing "deep state" narratives/conspiracies (13%) -- (note: there was a significant amount of overlap between those two themes). Anti-immigration was another key theme (8% of all URLs), with promoted articles bashing both DACA and Europe’s migration policies. The focus on immigration and migrant crimes made the EU (7% of all URLs) the most prominent geopolitical topic (6 of the 7 articles focused on migration issues; the other one discussed crypto-currency in Estonia). Iran (6%) and Ukraine (5%) were the two other main areas of focus. Articles on Iran had two main themes: blaming the Obama administration for the Iran nuclear deal and suggesting the U.S. was engaging in "regime change."

It speaks well for the people who put it up that they recognize the difference between the Kremlin-directed agents seeking to damage America, and the "useful fools" who merely retweet Russian content:

Just because the Russia-aligned network monitored here tweets something, that doesn’t mean everyone who tweets the same content is aligned with Russia.


New member
From that site:
Between January 2 and January 13, we examined 97 unique articles that were among the top URLs shared by Kremlin-oriented accounts on Twitter. As with past weeks, attacks on liberals/Democrats were prominent (featured in 27% of all URLs). The most common targets were the Clintons (11 articles), Oprah Winfrey (4 articles), and Barack Obama (4 articles). However, Republicans John McCain (2 articles) and Marco Rubio (1 article) were also targets. Other prominent themes were discrediting Fusion GPS and the Steele dossier (14% of examined URLs) and pushing "deep state" narratives/conspiracies (13%) -- (note: there was a significant amount of overlap between those two themes). Anti-immigration was another key theme (8% of all URLs), with promoted articles bashing both DACA and Europe’s migration policies. The focus on immigration and migrant crimes made the EU (7% of all URLs) the most prominent geopolitical topic (6 of the 7 articles focused on migration issues; the other one discussed crypto-currency in Estonia). Iran (6%) and Ukraine (5%) were the two other main areas of focus. Articles on Iran had two main themes: blaming the Obama administration for the Iran nuclear deal and suggesting the U.S. was engaging in "regime change."

It speaks well for the people who put it up that they recognize the difference between the Kremlin-directed agents seeking to damage America, and the "useful fools" who merely retweet Russian content:

Just because the Russia-aligned network monitored here tweets something, that doesn’t mean everyone who tweets the same content is aligned with Russia.

It is definitely worth taking any source like this with a grain of salt. They seem to have a decent idea what they're doing, but a healthy skepticism is needed. I don't know much about the source, I just ran across it, but they seem to be a fairly long-standing legitimate advocacy organization.

I found it interesting that the bots are clearly on both sides of the issues trying to heighten division rather than follow a set ideology. They were apparently both pushing deep state conspiracies and also supporting the #nodacanodeal hashtag.


Trump did win a little respect at Davos when he apologised for re-tweeting far right hate propaganda; Of which he was reprimanded by Prime Minister Teresa May.

Then he almost dropped himself in it again. "I did not know what these guys do which is so bad in the UK..." explained Trump. Why re-tweet stuff from people you do not know about, was the big un-asked quetion.

Still, a little respect is better than none.


New member
This was from 6 months ago - It's gone up since then and I've heard the number 8 trillion tossed around, I don't make things up like many Trump haters do.

Stuart Varney: Trump has already made America $4 trillion richer (with ...

It’s Thursday, July 20th. As of today, Donald Trump has been president for 6 months. The media coverage of the president is overwhelmingly negative: the press remains contemptuous, and they're pushing to get him out before he completes his first term.
Investors might think differently. The great success of the Trump presidency thus far, is not what he's done, but what he promises to do, namely, get the economy going again. Evidently, investors believe he might yet get it done.
Look at this: since his election win, the Trump rally has added $4.1 trillion to the nation's wealth. Anyone with a 401k, an IRA, college savings, retirement savings, mutual funds. Anyone with a dime in the market has taken a piece of that $4 trillion.
Also, during this presidency, 5 American companies have emerged as global technology leaders. You know their names: Apple, Amazon, Alphabet, Microsoft and Facebook. It’s a technology world, and American companies have seized the future.
I find it astonishing that the world of money is so exuberant, while the political world is so contemptuous of this president and his policy of growth.

It's utterly implausible that he's added $4 trillion to the economy. GDP, which measures actually generation of wealth, increases in the ballpark of hundreds of billions of dollars. If anything, he's built up a speculative bubble in the stock market, because he just transferred a huge amount of money from the future to Wall Street, borrowing money to give the already fairly affluent even more. There will be winners in the middle class, but the poor are the losers.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Trump did win a little respect at Davos when he apologised for re-tweeting far right hate propaganda; Of which he was reprimanded by Prime Minister Teresa May.

Then he almost dropped himself in it again. "I did not know what these guys do which is so bad in the UK..." explained Trump. Why re-tweet stuff from people you do not know about, was the big un-asked quetion.

Still, a little respect is better than none.

Well, he didn't almost drop himself in it again, he did drop himself in it again. He's a supposed, like, genius who is that dumb he tweets rubbish from sources he self admittedly knew nothing about. His "apology" was just as much of a joke.


New member
Trump - the ugly




Well, he didn't almost drop himself in it again, he did drop himself in it again. He's a supposed, like, genius who is that dumb he tweets rubbish from sources he self admittedly knew nothing about. His "apology" was just as much of a joke.

Yes, you are quite correct. I was just being charitable to Humpty Trumpty.

The UK is out on a limb over leaving Europe/Brexit so the big boys and Teresa pretended not to notice. At least he did not need to hold Teresa's hand again to help him down some nasty steps.

Also the news networks changed from talking about cricket down under.



Look at this: since his election win, the Trump rally has added $4.1 trillion to the nation's wealth. Anyone with a 401k, an IRA, college savings, retirement savings, mutual funds. Anyone with a dime in the market has taken a piece of that $4 trillion.

Actually, making the stock market go up doesn't add wealth to the nation. We have the same stuff we did before; the price just got inflated. Good for those holding it, but not so good for the rest of the nation.

Exactly right. Look back in history to see how economic trickery looks good to start with but when the ... hits the fan e,g German hyperinflation of 1922-3


Shon gesehen? Er ist eine Arschgeige.

Hmmm. I would go that far about Trump.

8 – The number of prototypes built as part of Mr Trump’s drive to put a border wall up between the US and Mexico, a flagship element of his immigration plan.

The Communist East German authorities built a wall that totally encircled West Berlin. It was completed overnight, on 13 August 1961.


In his first 9 months alone;
Taxpayer dollars spend on vacations, golf and personal security while not at the White house for Donald, Melania and Barron
$147,000,000.00 over 9 months or $16,333,333.33 per month

Taxpayer dollars spend on vacations, golf and personal security while not at the White house for Barack, Michelle, Malia and Sasha
$98,000,000.00 over 8 years or $1,020,833.33 per month


Can Donald Trump grow up in office?

Some commentators have pushed back on the toddler analogy. In 2015, however, Trump himself told a biographer that he feels that his emotional temperament has been unchanged since he was 6 years old.


Kelly and Mattis seem to feel that the president of the United States needs adult supervision.

This raises an interesting question: Can Kelly structure the White House to make Donald Trump grow up a little bit? In the words of “Bull Durham,” can Kelly “mature” the kid?

PJ, what do you think?


Since starting this week, Kelly has told aides that anyone briefing the president needs to show him the information first.

The Trump West Wing tradition of aides dropping off articles on the president’s desk — then waiting for him to react, with a screaming phone call or a hastily scheduled staff meeting, must stop.

He will not accept aides walking into the Oval Office and telling the president information without permission — or without the information being vetted.
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