Trump: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

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New member
I'm just trying to figure what is so gleeful about here....

Vindication. The election was subverted whether it ever came out or not. It's satisfying to see it proven, and it brings hope that democracy and freedom might triumph over kleptocracy after all.

It's a dim hope, but it's there.


Well-known member
Viktor Yanukovych

...a Ukrainian politician who was elected as the fourth President of Ukraine on February 7, 2010. He served as President from February 2010 until his removal from power in February 2014 as a result of the 2014 Ukrainian revolution. He is currently in exile in Russia and wanted by Ukraine for high treason.

...Yanukovych rejected a pending EU association agreement, choosing instead to pursue a Russian loan bailout and closer ties with Russia.

...Viktor Yanukovych had been granted Russian citizenship by a "secret decree" of Vladimir Putin. foreign affairs, Yanukovych's cabinet was considered to be politically close to Russia, although declaring support for Ukrainian membership in the European Union

...In 2005 the Party of Regions signed a collaboration agreement with the Russian political party United Russia

etc etc

Now your scratching the surface on what this is all about...


Well-known member
Vindication. The election was subverted whether it ever came out or not. It's satisfying to see it proven, and it brings hope that democracy and freedom might triumph over kleptocracy after all.

It's a dim hope, but it's there.

Vindication? Your a sit here on your high horse saying it can't be done to us....yet we do it all over the globe and not a peep out of you.


New member
Who's law? Ceaser's?

What is the basis of your defense of Manafort and Gates? You likely don't think they should have to pay taxes on these payments. However, you don't think people lobbying on behalf of a foreign government should have to disclose such alliances?

Do you disagree with the Foreign Agents Registration Act?

Should people be able to lie in order to defraud banks?


New member
One persons word against another.

You get to confront them in court.

Ok, sure....but it's better to have a tape. Makes things a lot clearer for the court.

Unconstitutional intersection cameras only lasted long enough to be found just that.

They haven't been found unconstitutional in general. And you haven't shown a Constitutional privilege against being recorded surreptitiously by law enforcement, as I requested. You don't have a right just because you assert it.


New member
Vindication? Your a sit here on your high horse saying it can't be done to us....yet we do it all over the globe and not a peep out of you.

Well, I'd like it not to be done to anyone. Our laws are focused on it not being done to us, and of course we have a special interest in protecting our own elections from meddling. The best outcome, if it were up to me, is that we'd save our democracy and learn a new respect for the elections in other countries (Chile, Iran, ...).


Well-known member
Well, I'd like it not to be done to anyone. Our laws are focused on it not being done to us, and of course we have a special interest in protecting our own elections from meddling. The best outcome, if it were up to me, is that we'd save our democracy and learn a new respect for the elections in other countries (Chile, Iran, ...).

Then stop know....the golden rule.....


Literal lunatic
Viktor Yanukovych

...a Ukrainian politician who was elected as the fourth President of Ukraine on February 7, 2010. He served as President from February 2010 until his removal from power in February 2014 as a result of the 2014 Ukrainian revolution. He is currently in exile in Russia and wanted by Ukraine for high treason.

...Yanukovych rejected a pending EU association agreement, choosing instead to pursue a Russian loan bailout and closer ties with Russia.

...Viktor Yanukovych had been granted Russian citizenship by a "secret decree" of Vladimir Putin. foreign affairs, Yanukovych's cabinet was considered to be politically close to Russia, although declaring support for Ukrainian membership in the European Union

...In 2005 the Party of Regions signed a collaboration agreement with the Russian political party United Russia

etc etc

So, that would be like saying that a few of our Senators or Representatives constitutes the U.S. government.

Just aint so.


Literal lunatic
Ok, sure....but it's better to have a tape. Makes things a lot clearer for the court.

They haven't been found unconstitutional in general. And you haven't shown a Constitutional privilege against being recorded surreptitiously by law enforcement, as I requested. You don't have a right just because you assert it.

Because you are clueless doesn't mean I'm merely asserting.


Literal lunatic
You said "they sure wouldn't have been lobbying for pro Russians."

They were

Okay so I didn't add government to that.

Wizard was already implying it as well as the indictments.

I know you're not a deep thinker but I shouldn't have to reiterate points already made with every post.:crackup:


Literal lunatic
Project away, little man.

I answered your posts.
You just assumed I was to stupid to know what you said.

Them boys is innocent until proven guilty.

Not only that, I've given you reasonable doubt as to some of the charges.

I'd have to know more to mount a defense against tax evasion.
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Literal lunatic
Then remain silent/plead the fifth amendment.

That would be the smartest thing to do.

You cannot knowingly make false statements. :duh:

Did you honestly not know that?

Never heard of lying hunh? :kookoo:

Freedom of speech ring any bells?

Are Police Officers "officers of the court"?

Best Answer: No. Police in America fall under the executive branch. Officers of the court are solely part of the judicial branch of government.
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Literal lunatic
Now that we have that established, where does that leave these so called Legislative inquiries?

I agree with this guy.

Inquiries can only be initiated by the Executive or Judicial branch of our government.

Which is headed by the President.

He could use the FBI.

The Judicial branch has no authority to thwart an investigation.

They may only try the case presented it by the Executive branch.

The Legislative branch only has one power to act as a court and that is limited to impeachment.

So anytime a judge over steps his authority in stopping an executive inquiry they should use this power of impeachment.

However what we see happening is the Legislative branch working hand in hand with the Judicial branch, not checking the Executive power but usurping it.

Any citizen whether holding office or not may report a crime.
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