So on the day of the election they finally came close on the polls? Which "polls" are you citing and from what dates? What were the polls saying all through 2016? You can trust polls if you want but they burned you before. Polls are another form of Fake News.(Patrick forgets once more, and repeats his erroneous claim that polls were inaccurate)
Barbarian reminds him again:
And yet, they were able to call the vote in the presidential election within 3 percentage points. Pretty impressive, um?
Repetition is a good teaching technique for students who are slower at picking up new material. I'm pretty sure you won't forget it again.
Not necessarily. Trump shows a number of key deficits that suggest senility. Are you forgetting things like where you put your keys, or forgetting the words to songs you once knew?
Curl up by the fireplace and enjoy your polls. Take solace this cold winter from the polls you admire.