Trump support among blacks doubles

Gary K

New member
(Barbarian observes that polls called the vote very closely)

Barbarian observes:
Not at all. Those polls were for popular vote. And as you see, they were rather accurate. The polls showing Trump's rather marked decline in support are also popular vote, not electoral vote. So yes, they very likely are quite accurate as well.

If you didn't want to know, you shouldn't have asked. Notice the polls for the elections since have also been quite accurate, in Virginia and in Alabama.

This is why there are so many republicans in Congress, who have decided to retire; they recognize that unless Trump can turn things around, and stop shooting himself in the foot, 2018 is not going to be a great year for the GOP.

It's precisely because the polls have been so accurate that so many republican congressmen are bailing out. No electoral votes in Congressional elections you know. And Gerrymandering only goes so far.

Sure, barb, sure. Whatever you say, barb. I'll wait to see what happens in the future, especially with the events that are set to unfold in the near future.

patrick jane

Sure, barb, sure. Whatever you say, barb. I'll wait to see what happens in the future, especially with the events that are set to unfold in the near future.

Gary K

New member

It's a good thing to see Sihks supporting Trump. Sihks are some of the most astute, most honorable people in the world. Their bravery is unquestioned and they were involved in one of the most famous battles in history when 21 of them faced an estimated 10,000 Punjabs. They held them off for hours but all 21 Sikh's perished. It's said there were 600 bodies of Punjap soldiers around the fort those 21 Sihks held. They lost because they finally ran out of ammunition and had to fight against those numbers in hand-to-hand fighting.

I take my hat off to the Sikhs. They have an amazing history.



Trump tweeted his black approval rating has doubled. It hasn't.

President Donald Trump bragged on Twitter that his approval rating with black Americans has doubled. It hasn't.

Only 15% of black Americans said they approved of Trump's job performance in the days following his inauguration last January — and it's only gone downhill from there. In the most recent Gallup weekly numbers, only 6% of black Americans said they approved of the President's job performance.

The most recent CNN polling,from December, shows that only 3% of black Americans said they approved of how Trump is handling his job nearly a year into his White House tenure . A whopping 91% said they disapproved.

But that didn't stop Trump from tweeting on Tuesday morning that his approval among black Americans had doubled .....

- 15% of black Americans said they approved of Trump's job performance in the days following his inauguration last January

- most recent Gallup weekly numbers, only 6% of black Americans said they approved of the President's job performance

- December (2017), shows that only 3% of black Americans said they approved of how Trump is handling his job nearly a year into his White House tenure

- 91% (of black Americans) said they disapproved

"FAKE NEWS" is alive and well at the White House!
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Trump's support among blacks, according to polls done by the Atlantic and CBS, has doubled while unemployement in the black community has dropped drastically. Just more evidence of Trump's racism. Watch the accusations roll here that this is all insprired by racism and that because the article is from Breitbart it has to be false even though it is quoting results from the Atlantic and CBS.... No way to verify any of it, is there?


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
I have never been polled about whether I am satisfied or dissatisfied with Trump.
Could be millions more just like me.

Polls are even more unreliable today, especially if using social media results.

The Barbarian

I have never been polled about whether I am satisfied or dissatisfied with Trump.
Could be millions more just like me.

And yet, they were able to call the vote in the presidential election within 3 percentage points. Pretty impressive, um?

Polls are even more unreliable today

The got similar accuracy on recent elections as well. As Real Clear Politics shows, the most reliable thing is to get an average of poll results. And that's been remarkably good.

especially if using social media results.

What major poll uses social media for their data?

patrick jane

I have never been polled about whether I am satisfied or dissatisfied with Trump.
Could be millions more just like me.

Polls are even more unreliable today, especially if using social media results.
Funny thing is, I've never been in a "poll" and I don't know anybody that has.

Gary K

New member

LOL. It's great to see just who you think it is has the "wisdom" you think socieity should follow. Such a great and wonderful guy Stalin was. He only murdered millions upon millions of his own people. Are you going to post the "wisdom" of Chairman Mao next? Or maybe Fidel Castro? Or maybe even Kim Jung Un? They're all "great leaders", right? How about Idi Amin? Maybe the Ayotollah Khomeni? Or maybe someone a little more obscure like Maximilien Robespierre?

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
The Donald recently told Jesse Jackson that he planned to improve relations with Red China, and asked Jesse for his view on Red China. Jesse responded:

I think it looks good on a white table cloth. Keep hope alive!


Maybe he meant Hope, AR?


LOL. It's great to see just who you think it is has the "wisdom" you think socieity should follow. Such a great and wonderful guy Stalin was. He only murdered millions upon millions of his own people. Are you going to post the "wisdom" of Chairman Mao next? Or maybe Fidel Castro? Or maybe even Kim Jung Un? They're all "great leaders", right? How about Idi Amin? Maybe the Ayotollah Khomeni? Or maybe someone a little more obscure like Maximilien Robespierre?


Gary K

New member

Oh. You came up with an actress. Now there is an authority on everything. She knows how to make lies look completely believable. All actors/actresses do. That's what they do for a living. They make fiction look real, to get people to suspend reality. Good one, jgarden. Really believable.


Oh. You came up with an actress. Now there is an authority on everything. She knows how to make lies look completely believable. All actors/actresses do. That's what they do for a living. They make fiction look real, to get people to suspend reality. Good one, jgarden. Really believable.

And what was President Potty Mouth before we all got to pay for his golf trips? An actor and marketer.

The Barbarian

(Patrick forgets once more, and repeats his erroneous claim that polls were inaccurate)

Barbarian reminds him again:
And yet, they were able to call the vote in the presidential election within 3 percentage points. Pretty impressive, um?

You're repeating yourself now like Trump.

Repetition is a good teaching technique for students who are slower at picking up new material. I'm pretty sure you won't forget it again.

Not necessarily. Trump shows a number of key deficits that suggest senility. Are you forgetting things like where you put your keys, or forgetting the words to songs you once knew?