Trump support among blacks doubles

Gary K

New member
Trump's support among blacks, according to polls done by the Atlantic and CBS, has doubled while unemployement in the black community has dropped drastically. Just more evidence of Trump's racism. Watch the accusations roll here that this is all insprired by racism and that because the article is from Breitbart it has to be false even though it is quoting results from the Atlantic and CBS.... No way to verify any of it, is there?

The Barbarian

Trump's support among blacks, according to polls done by the Atlantic and CBS, has doubled

Did they give his name? :)

Actually, the poll has Trump now at 17 percent approval rate with black people:

Breitbart also boasted of a second poll that showed 14 percent black support for Trump, which is an improvement also.

This may help to make up for his drop in support among FOX News viewers:
People who say Fox News is their most-trusted news network have been losing confidence in President Trump, according to new data from Suffolk University.

Trump’s favorability rating has dropped 32 points between June and December among respondents who said they trust Fox over any other news network. In June, the number was 90 percent, and in December, just 58 percent, according to the data first reported by The Washington Post.

In June, 40 percent of all voters said they view Trump favorably compared to just 34 percent in December.

Trump, who frequently criticizes the “fake news” media, has been kinder to Fox News than other networks. Fox’s coverage of Trump is often favorable, and he has praised the network and individual hosts for their “great ratings.”

It's not just FOX fans:
As the one year marker for Donald Trump’s presidency approaches, a new poll shows he holds an anemic 26% approval rating among Jews.

Support for Trump by Jews dipped by 1 percentage point, part of an across-the-board decline in support.

It indicates that Trump has lost backers in all electoral blocs - from liberals to Republicans, evangelicals to atheists - since his inauguration a year ago.

The poll registered a decline in support by Jews for Trump, but it’s less significant that that among many other population groups.

The most significant drop was a 12 percentage point drop among Democratic men and a 10 percentage point fall among Hispanics. For Democratic women, another group that strongly opposed Trump in 2017, the president registered a 2 percentage point drop in approval.

The Barbarian

Nobody cares.

Trump cares. A lot. He was bragging about these polls. Now, he's not so happy about them.


Forty-one percent of Americans say they are strongly opposed to President Donald Trump, a 6 percent increase over the last year, a new poll from CBS News said.

The poll, released Sunday, labeled the 41 percent as "resisters," referencing the broad protest movement against Trump known as "the resistance."

Trump supporters, or “believers,” fell from 22 percent to 18 percent over the last year, according to the poll.

The numbers opposing Trump nearly match the 43 percent who said the country is now worse off than when Trump took office, and the 44 percent who said they are "embarrassed" to have Trump as their president. Sixty-seven percent said they felt Trump was "working against me."

patrick jane

Trump's support among blacks, according to polls done by the Atlantic and CBS, has doubled while unemployement in the black community has dropped drastically. Just more evidence of Trump's racism. Watch the accusations roll here that this is all insprired by racism and that because the article is from Breitbart it has to be false even though it is quoting results from the Atlantic and CBS.... No way to verify any of it, is there?
It's true, blacks and other minorities are seeing right through the scripted media and lack of results from the liberal democratic party. 18 and 20 will be great again for the GOP.

The Barbarian

Yeah, and they only missed the electoral college vote count by how much?

Not at all. Those polls were for popular vote. And as you see, they were rather accurate. The polls showing Trump's rather marked decline in support are also popular vote, not electoral vote. So yes, they very likely are quite accurate as well.

This is why there are so many republicans in Congress, who have decided to retire; they recognize that unless Trump can turn things around, and stop shooting himself in the foot, 2018 is not going to be a great year for the GOP.

The Barbarian

Forty-one percent of Americans say they are strongly opposed to President Donald Trump, a 6 percent increase over the last year, a new poll from CBS News said.

The poll, released Sunday, labeled the 41 percent as "resisters," referencing the broad protest movement against Trump known as "the resistance."

Trump supporters, or “believers,” fell from 22 percent to 18 percent over the last year, according to the poll.

The numbers opposing Trump nearly match the 43 percent who said the country is now worse off than when Trump took office, and the 44 percent who said they are "embarrassed" to have Trump as their president. Sixty-seven percent said they felt Trump was "working against me."

While a majority were concerned about the direction of the country in the CBS poll, race issues were particularly alarming to respondents. Fifty-nine percent said that racial divisions had worsened since Trump took office.

Thirty-nine percent of those who answered the poll questions described themselves as Democrats, while 33 percent identified as Republicans.

Gary K

New member
Not at all. Those polls were for popular vote. And as you see, they were rather accurate. The polls showing Trump's rather marked decline in support are also popular vote, not electoral vote. So yes, they very likely are quite accurate as well.

This is why there are so many republicans in Congress, who have decided to retire; they recognize that unless Trump can turn things around, and stop shooting himself in the foot, 2018 is not going to be a great year for the GOP.

Wow. Quite the deflection and misdirection, barb. You're really good at. Not.

The Barbarian

(Barbarian observes that polls called the vote very closely)

Quote Originally Posted by ffreeloader View Post
Yeah, and they only missed the electoral college vote count by how much?

Barbarian observes:
Not at all. Those polls were for popular vote. And as you see, they were rather accurate. The polls showing Trump's rather marked decline in support are also popular vote, not electoral vote. So yes, they very likely are quite accurate as well.

Wow. Quite the deflection and misdirection, barb. You're really good at. Not.

If you didn't want to know, you shouldn't have asked. Notice the polls for the elections since have also been quite accurate, in Virginia and in Alabama.

This is why there are so many republicans in Congress, who have decided to retire; they recognize that unless Trump can turn things around, and stop shooting himself in the foot, 2018 is not going to be a great year for the GOP.

It's precisely because the polls have been so accurate that so many republican congressmen are bailing out. No electoral votes in Congressional elections you know. And Gerrymandering only goes so far.