Trump sez: Transgenders B gone!


Well-known member
It is not an effective deterrent for any crime.
It is a deterrent for some people, but not for all.
So the best we can say is that SOMETIMES it is a deterrent.
Like almost anything we talk about, there will be some times it holds true and sometimes that it doesn't hold true, so we cannot pound the gavel and declare it it one way or the other.

One can say it is a deterrent, and that statement would be true SOMETIMES.
One can say it is not a deterrent, and that statement would be true SOMETIMES.
But neither statement is true for all times for all crimes.

I does help to keep people from getting caught.
They just get sneakier of get rid of any witnesses.



strict rules, constantly and repetitively drilled into the "students" (who are expected to know them by heart, to be able to recite them accurately when woken in the middle of the night), applied strictly, swiftly and consistently

in the ordered environment of the military, expulsion is a very real threat which can and will be applied, swiftly and consistently - and it's known in the ranks - every recruit has it drilled into him that any failure to obey the rules can lead to expulsion - and so it acts as an effective deterrent to disobedient behavior

I do hope you realize from your experience as a teacher that not all students thrive in such an environment nor is it necessarily beneficial to society that they be required to do so.


i wasn't making the comparison to suggest that high school should be exactly like boot camp

i was making the comparison to point out the effectiveness and deterrence effect of good laws/rules

Just checking your mind-set here.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
i wasn't making the comparison to suggest that high school should be exactly like boot camp

i was making the comparison to point out the effectiveness and deterrence effect of good laws/rules
All sounds so innocent and useful on the surface.
But let's face it, laws are enforced with force.
The more laws government makes, the more reasons they have to use force on it's citizens for just about anything they want to cook up.


Well-known member
JR, there's no two ways to cut this. If you're going to promote the idea that our civil and criminal law should mirror the Mosaic law, you're seeking to put yourself (and everyone else) under the Law. That's what it amounts to.

Anyone who seeks to be under the Law is under a curse.