Tambora, @
i believe that you both agree that we need to have civil law - correct me if i'm wrong
I don't need any law to live by faith.
what do you think its purpose is?
Law condemns the guilty.
And law never cleans up society, it just makes more guilty people.
Each law made will make more people guilty that were not guilty before the law was made.
Eventually you could make enough laws to condemn every single person on the planet.
At the core, law kills.
As Paul said, he was alive without the law, but when the law came he died.
The same premise can be shown with Adam & Eve before the two trees; one with restrictions (law) and one without restrictions (no law).
They had no shame of their nakedness until they partook of the tree with restrictions (law).
That tree of restrictions (law) killed them.
Without law they were alive.
When the law came they died.
and how do you think it should be constructed/modified?
what guiding principles should apply when modifying civil law?
Makes no difference, as I can live by faith no matter what laws you want to implement.
What law is it that you need implemented to live by faith?
If you would like to talk more about this in more detail, I will return the favor.
But if you just want to belittle again, and name call again, and accuse again, then I will return that favor too.
Makes no difference to me which way you want to go with it.