Trump sez: Transgenders B gone!


Well-known member
Look . Some humans have been having sex with members of the same gender from the the very beginning of the human race abut 200,000 years ago . And they always will .
Trying to legislate homosexuality out of existence is both stupid and destructive .
Homosexuality is found in hundreds of animal species . But humans are the only species which hates others for engaging in homosexual sex . Every day, children are born who will grow up to be gay .
Get over it and please mind your own business !

People rape babies....don't let it bother you, right? People lie, cheat and steal. Just mind your own business. To each his own. I don't care, do you?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
That really is the only question that matters and is the root of everything.
"How do we treat each other?"

in a way that doesn't make the other feel uncomfortable?

in a way that recognizes normalcy as desirable and that those who are abnormal shouldn't insist that society recognize them as "variants of normal"?

They need to be viewed as human beings....

those who don't insist that society accept them as "normal" don't have any problem

if you look like the second human being (from my example above), you use the men's restroom

if you look like the first human being, you use the women's restroom

...who didn't want or ask for any of this.

i didn't ask to be born with a genetic disorder that makes me grossly obese

but if i were, it would be folly to insist that society accommodate me, all 750 pounds of me, and call me "normal"

Because of abnormalities.

we all have abnormalities of some sort or another - I, for example, am legally blind without corrective lenses

again, it would be folly for me to insist that society accept my blindness as "normal" and allow me to drive, etc without glasses

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
[MENTION=10712]The Horn[/MENTION] lobs a familiar softball:

Look . Some humans have been having sex with members of the same gender from the the very beginning of the human race abut 200,000 years ago .

i know you believe this is true, but there's no scientific evidence to support it

so this one falls into the "unsupportable claim" bucket

And they always will .

again, impossible to prove

another for the "unsupportable claim" bucket

Trying to legislate homosexuality out of existence is both stupid and destructive .

clearly not a logical consequence of your two prior unsupportable claims

thus, another for the "unsupportable claim" bucket

Homosexuality is found in hundreds of animal species .

same sex mating occurs in other animal species, yes

from beetles to beagles

But humans are the only species which hates others for engaging in homosexual sex .

I know from personal experience that my female beagle, who often liked "attention" from male dogs, decidedly shunned female dogs who gave her the same "attention", pushing them away and snapping at them

so this statement of yours falls into the "that's a lie" bucket

sorry :idunno:

Every day, children are born who will grow up to be gay .

this statement appears to be true, at least for the foreseeable future

Get over it and please mind your own business !

get over what?

so, to summarize, your diatribe consisted of three unsupportable claims, two true statements, one outright falsehood and a cryptic command

not very impressive horn :yawn:

care to explain exactly what you meant by "it" in your "get over it"?


Well-known member
care to explain exactly what you meant by "it" in your "get over it"?

I'll take a stab at it.

I think he's saying that because many people engage in homosexual activity, you should accept it (and maybe even approve of it).

But that's a weird rationale, isn't it? Simply because behavior X exists, I should accept behavior X? Nah. There are plenty of unacceptable human behaviors that have "always" existed.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
well, that's what i suspected, but i always like to let the other guy explain his position clearly

and in many case, that means getting an agreement on language


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
As far as I can tell, no one has said otherwise.

What about those who simply "self-identify" as transgender, but are genetically "normal?" Pretty sure they did ask for this.

Which brings us back to this question from Glass.

In addition to that, then what about all the people who claim to be "transgender" but genetically are XX (female) or XY (male)?
Well, under this methodology;

fool said:
Let's make it crystal clear to everyone what the expectation is with the rest room.

We put an XX on one door and an XY on the other door.

Simple enough yes?

Here comes the XXY, looks to me like they can use either rest room.

XX present? (checks chromosomes) YES. Enters rest room.

XY present? (checks chromosomes) YES. Enters rest room.

There's the point, and it's not even a point it's an observation of reality.

Objections? Anyone?

If you're an XX or an XY then the signs are crystal clear.


New member
This is nothing but an excuse to try to deny rights to transgendered people , obviously with the approval of the right-wing extremist members of the religious right in the Trump administration, especially V.P. Mike Pence . Trump is cynically appealing to the bigotry of the religious right in order to gain more power for himself . Despicable !

Queer rights do not Trump ( pun intended ) the military's ability to carry out their mission.If anyone is not deployable ,and the majority of transgenders are not, they are of no use to the military's mission.

The Horn

Homosexual sex has only been illegal in some countries at some times in world history . It has been tolerated in many countries around the world though . For example, thought Chinese and Japanese history , people there did not care about what consenting adults did in private .
It was not at all illegal in ancient Greece and Rome . Only the rise of Christianity brought intolerance of homosexuality in Europe .
Nor should anyone .

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Homosexual sex has only been illegal in some countries at some times in world history . It has been tolerated in many countries around the world though . For example, thought Chinese and Japanese history , people there did not care about what consenting adults did in private .
It was not at all illegal in ancient Greece and Rome . Only the rise of Christianity brought intolerance of homosexuality in Europe .
Nor should anyone .


"nor should anyone"

that is so right


New member
Homosexual sex has only been illegal in some countries at some times in world history . It has been tolerated in many countries around the world though . For example, thought Chinese and Japanese history , people there did not care about what consenting adults did in private .
It was not at all illegal in ancient Greece and Rome . Only the rise of Christianity brought intolerance of homosexuality in Europe .
Nor should anyone .

what good are soldiers and Marines who are on hormone therapy and awaiting an operation ? They cannot deploy so they are of zero use to the mission. All Otraitor did by pushing the transgender issue into the military is provide tax payer funding to pay for their depravity while hurting the capability of the military.

The Horn

what good are soldiers and Marines who are on hormone therapy and awaiting an operation ? They cannot deploy so they are of zero use to the mission. All Otraitor did by pushing the transgender issue into the military is provide tax payer funding to pay for their depravity while hurting the capability of the military.

There are only small number of trans people in the military , and they're not being sent into combat yet . Trans people are no threat to the military and they've proved they are able to do as good a job as others in the military . People in the military are needed for many other things beside combat .

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
What I meant is "No one should care about what consenting adults do in private ".

then you'll agree that these people should be stopped?
