YES! AMEN!If there were more jobs, employers would have to compete for workers, rather than the other way around.
More regulations and more welfare won't get to the root of the problem.
YES! AMEN!If there were more jobs, employers would have to compete for workers, rather than the other way around.
More regulations and more welfare won't get to the root of the problem.
what is a sustainable wage?
then how do you know walmart isn't already offering one?
i don't think walmart hires people who can do math
It would force them to raise prices on their goods to cover the cost of the rising payroll.As such, Walmart should offer..or be forced to offer...a sustainable wage.
How about 30 bucks an hour?
How about 30 bucks an hour?
It would force them to raise prices on their goods to cover the cost of the rising payroll.
Should always think of the domino effect of what an action will be.
Hence, the system is not designed to accommodate the average joe.
any particular reason you lit on that?
Sure. That sounds like a livable wage. :idunno:
Nope. But Quip wasn't coming up with a number, so I thought I'd toss one out.
So every job is worth at least 30 bucks an hour?
it's designed to accommodate the average joe customer
and it's designed to provide a living wage to its employees
Put it on a bumper sticker.
made in china? :banana: