Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Tools of the 'far-left;

1) The Media.
2) Hollywood.
3) Sore loser, Obstructionist Politicians.
4) Antifa/Black Lives Matter.
5) Democratic Voters who suffer from "Soreloseritis."
6) The uninformed/uneducated among us.
7) Phony, contrived accusations that go nowhere.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Well, this was bound to happen; Democratic Senator Dick Durbin insists Trump used vulgarity to describe African countries. It didn't take them but a day to come to that "False accusation."

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
I wonder how long it will take before the "Black Lives Matter" thugs will be at it again? Rioting, blocking streets and Highways, asking for the deaths of Cops, etc, is their usual M.O.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
The 'far-left' derive pleasure in 'triggering' Black Lives Matter and Antifa. After all, those two particular groups are the modern day, Brown Shirts. They're the militant side of the 'far-left.'

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Truth has a way of keeping the "Far-Left Liberals" away from this type of Thread. I love it. At least they'll read it and get a real education about themselves.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
No doubt the media, etc, sift through everything Trump does/says on a daily basis, just to find a morsel of a "Gotcha moment." I honestly didn't see that happening during the Obama Administration? I wonder why? Oh, that's right, Conservatives weren't born with that shortcoming.

Um, it's not like they'd need to sift through stuff as Trump provides it all on a plate. Regardless of what you think about Obama he acted like a statesman while in office, professional and diplomatic. If he tweeted away like the present clown in office and made comments such as 'tic-tac' gate etc he'd have gotten well deserved flak all over the place. Oh, and lets not forget all the snowflake comments on here from far right dopes regarding his birth certificate...

Trump is an embarrassment on the world stage.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Truth has a way of keeping the "Far-Left Liberals" away from this type of Thread. I love it. At least they'll read it and get a real education about themselves.

Says the guy who treats TOL as his own personal twitter feed...

Ya kinda resemble Trump in that respect, a lot of self satisfied bluster ultimately signifying nothing or less.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
It was the "Will of God" that placed Donald J. Trump into office. And, until God is finished with His purpose, nobody or anything will triumph over our President. If you're willing to be "Intellectually Honest" you will have to admit that, no matter how many lying accusations are heaped on Trump, he still remains in office? That's a "Miracle" in and of itself. That MUST put a "Burr in every far-left Dems saddle."

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
It was the "Will of God" that placed Donald J. Trump into office. And, until God is finished with His purpose, nobody or anything will triumph over our President. If you're willing to be "Intellectually Honest" you will have to admit that, no matter how many lying accusations are heaped on Trump, he still remains in office? That's a "Miracle" in and of itself. That MUST put a "Burr in every far-left Dems saddle."

By that logic it was the same Will of God that placed Obama in office, for two terms.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
By that logic it was the same Will of God that placed Obama in office, for two terms.

I'm glad you brought that up, because, I agree with you in one respect. The Bible states in Romans 13:1 "Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God. God even placed "Pharoah of Eygpt" into power. And, the Pharoah was in no way, a "Good Man." However, God placed Pharoah in that position in order to bring Glory to Himself. (Glory to God)

I'll even go one step further and admit that God placed Hitler in charge of Germany. That might surprise you, but, if we truly believe what the Bible has to say in Romans 13:1, we must accept Hitler's rise to power as the "Will of God." As humans, we're not privy to the entire "Will and purpose of God." Therefore, we MUST accept that God knows in advance, why He chooses the leadership that He ordains. Be it a "Good man or a bad man." God's Will is being accomplished."

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
If by the "World stage" you mean a bunch of angry, sore loser, and immature far-left Dems, then, I would have to agree with you. Otherwise...

Um, well no. I meant that he's seen as an embarrassment globally, which he is. That you may wish to still venerate the man and utter irrelevancies is beside the point.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Um, well no. I meant that he's seen as an embarrassment globally, which he is. That you may wish to still venerate the man and utter irrelevancies is beside the point.

I totally accept that Trump is "God's Chosen Leader" at this particular time in history. It must be grating on you to realize, there's nothing you (An Englishman) nor anyone else, can THWART the "Will of God."

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I'm glad you brought that up, because, I agree with you in one respect. The Bible states in Romans 13:1 "Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God. God even placed "Pharoah of Eygpt" into power. And, the Pharoah was in no way, a "Good Man." However, God placed Pharoah in that position in order to bring Glory to Himself. (Glory to God)

I'll even go one step further and admit that God placed Hitler in charge of Germany. That might surprise you, but, if we truly believe what the Bible has to say in Romans 13:1, we must accept Hitler's rise to power as the "Will of God." As humans, we're not privy to the entire "Will and purpose of God." Therefore, we MUST accept that God knows in advance, why He chooses the leadership that He ordains. Be it a "Good man or a bad man." God's Will is being accomplished."

In that case Trump may be far from someone to applaud even if you believe he's been chosen by God to serve then, right?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Well, I suppose AB must feel a wee bit frustrated about choosing to post on this thread? Wheather he does or not is of no consequence. I just enjoy sharing the truth with the uninformed and the forever, naysayers.