The Barbarian

Nope. They were too careful to get caught in that lie. They merely say that they don't remember.

Sens. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., and David Perdue, R-Ga., defended President Trump Friday after reports that he referred to Haiti and various African nations as ******** countries" during a meeting at the White House.

That's not an honest representation of what they said. They didn't deny he said it; they claim that they "don't remember." Quite a different thing, considering that others heard it.

I wonder if the "Pope" has ever used a "Naughty Word?"

Considering that as a young man, he was a bouncer for a club in a very tough area of Buenos Aries, I'd say there was a pretty good chance that he did. I doubt if he every referred to groups of people as being *********, though.

In 2013, the current Pope, born Jorge Mario Bergoglio revealed that he had worked as a bar bouncer in Buenos Aires when he was younger, in addition to sweeping floors as a janitor. He also worked the morning shift as a technician in a chemical lab, controlling the raw substances. He kept in contact with his former co-workers and “celebrated their marriages,” a former co-worker said.

The unfortunate thing was not that Trump made a vicious slur on people of various countries. It was that he blurted it out in a public meeting embarrassing America once again with his crude and uncontrolled bigotry.

And yes, he's a little confused, these days. But this isn't a matter of declining mental processing, it's his nature to be that way. Ten years ago, he'd still have said it; he'd just have enough awareness to avoid saying it publicly.


Hall of Fame
The unfortunate thing was not that Trump made a vicious slur on people of various countries. It was that he blurted it out in a public meeting embarrassing America once again with his crude and uncontrolled bigotry.

And yes, he's a little confused, these days. But this isn't a matter of declining mental processing, it's his nature to be that way. Ten years ago, he'd still have said it; he'd just have enough awareness to avoid saying it publicly.

Yes, he would have (said it ten years ago) because that is who he is and what he is about. BTW, it's interesting that the spin on this thread is about *naughty words* rather than what is behind those *naughty words*. I can only speak for myself in saying I couldn't care less if a president's or politician's every other word is laced with profanity as long as they love our nation and wished to protect EVERYONE in our nation equally. That just isn't the case. Trump wishes to hurt people of color and THAT is why his *naughty word* was so offensive.

Gary K

New member
That's not an honest representation of what they said. They didn't deny he said it; they claim that they "don't remember." Quite a different thing, considering that others heard it.

Considering that as a young man, he was a bouncer for a club in a very tough area of Buenos Aries, I'd say there was a pretty good chance that he did. I doubt if he every referred to groups of people as being *********, though.

In 2013, the current Pope, born Jorge Mario Bergoglio revealed that he had worked as a bar bouncer in Buenos Aires when he was younger, in addition to sweeping floors as a janitor. He also worked the morning shift as a technician in a chemical lab, controlling the raw substances. He kept in contact with his former co-workers and “celebrated their marriages,” a former co-worker said.

The unfortunate thing was not that Trump made a vicious slur on people of various countries. It was that he blurted it out in a public meeting embarrassing America once again with his crude and uncontrolled bigotry.

And yes, he's a little confused, these days. But this isn't a matter of declining mental processing, it's his nature to be that way. Ten years ago, he'd still have said it; he'd just have enough awareness to avoid saying it publicly.

Just what was the "vicious slur" that Trump made? I don't see one in anything he has said. And where is the bigotry? Are you telling me you would want to live in Somalia, Haiti, any of the west African countries run by Marxist warlords, Cuba, North Korea, Syria, etc... rather than in the US? If so why? And how is it a "vicious slur" to point out the obvious? How is that racist? What does the color of the skin of the people who live in those nations have to do with the conditions that exist in their country? From your post it is obvious you think there is a close relationship between skin color and national conditions. Otherwise you would not have made the "vicious slur" comment and made it all about race.

patrick jane

I took it personal.


The Barbarian

Just what was the "vicious slur" that Trump made?

As you know, if I said it outright here, I'd be in trouble. Everyone knows what he said, and the fact that even his defenders who were there, would only say that they "don't remember" is telling that he did say it.

From his comment it is obvious that he thinks there is a close relationship between skin color and national conditions.

Why is it always about race for you guys?

The Barbarian

Fact Check: Have more mass shootings occurred under Obama than his predecessors?

Times-Union readers want to know:

I received an email that says that since the end of 2015 under President Barack Obama, there have been 162 mass shootings, compared to 11 under President Ronald Reagan, 20 under President George W. Bush and 23 under President Bill Clinton. Is this true?

This claim was first posted by the website on Dec. 2, 2015, according to That website included a copy of its data and links to the sources used to compile the information, including Mother Jones and Wikipedia.

Those sources, however, did not back up’s claim that 162 mass shootings had occurred during Obama’s presidential tenure through 2015.

Mother Jones recorded 25 mass shootings during that time, while Wikipedia’s list of “Mass Shootings in the United States by Year” recorded 47 such shootings between 2009 and 2015.

Much of the discrepancies in the data can be attributed to each source’s different definitions of “mass shootings” and the criteria used for inclusion. notes that loosened its definition of “mass shootings” to include domestic murders in its total for Obama, but excluding similar instances in the data for his predecessors.

For example, found, one entry under Obama lists “Ervin Lupoe,” who killed his wife and five children in 2009, but this crime was not listed by either Wikipedia or Mother Jones because it is not classified as a “mass shooting” by their definitions:

Mother Jones stated of its criteria, “Our focus is on public mass shootings in which the motive appeared to be indiscriminate killing.”

Mother Jones’ criteria were that the shootings had to occur in a public place — except in the case of a party on private property in Crandon, Wis., and another in Seattle, where crowds of strangers had gathered — and that crimes primarily related to gang activity, armed robbery, or domestic violence in homes were not included.

While Lupoe was included in Obama’s numbers, found that similar cases, such as Christian Longo’s murder of his wife and three children in 2002, were excluded from the records of Obama’s predecessors.

Did anyone really think this wasn't another fake news story from the right?

Gary K

New member
As you know, if I said it outright here, I'd be in trouble. Everyone knows what he said, and the fact that even his defenders who were there, would only say that they "don't remember" is telling that he did say it.

From his comment it is obvious that he thinks there is a close relationship between skin color and national conditions.

Why is it always about race for you guys?

LOL.... So conservatives are the ones always crying racism.... That's one of the funniest things I've ever heard. You keep on digging holes that you can't climb out of. The more you try the more you descend into fantasy.

Trump never mentioned race. He pointed to obvious conditions existing in a bunch of countries. You and your fellow leftists are the ones who cry racism. Ism's of all kinds are your political agenda. Without those accusations the left simply would cease to exist. I simply pointed out that skin color has nothing to do with the conditions existing in those countries for those same conditions have existed in nations regardless of the skin color of the inhabitants. Skin color is completely irrelevant. Those conditions exist because of corruption, lack of cohesiveness between the people who live there because those people don't work together, don't cooperate, to improve their own lots in life. Instead they fight with each other and kill each other.

I've lived in real poverty. I know what it's like. I also know it's no excuse for a lack of cleanliness, cooperation, and honesty. And the existing corruption in those nations testifies to the dishonesty that is rife there. Corruption does not exist where dishonesty is not a way of life. And dishonesty is not relegated to those who have a skin color other than white. It's a problem of human nature at large. There is no culture, nation, race, or ethnicity in which dishonesty does not exist.

Now come back and repeat my words to me. It's the only comeback you have. That in itself shows how inane it is. And you claim you're all about the facts.

The Barbarian

LOL.... So conservatives are the ones always crying racism....

You just did it again. I wrote:
"The unfortunate thing was not that Trump made a vicious slur on people of various countries. It was that he blurted it out in a public meeting embarrassing America once again with his crude and uncontrolled bigotry.

And yes, he's a little confused, these days. But this isn't a matter of declining mental processing, it's his nature to be that way. Ten years ago, he'd still have said it; he'd just have enough awareness to avoid saying it publicly."

Nothing about race. It's about nationality. But because for you, it's all about race, you keep on playing the race card. Why is it always about race for you guys?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
You just did it again. I wrote:
"The unfortunate thing was not that Trump made a vicious slur on people of various countries. It was that he blurted it out in a public meeting embarrassing America once again with his crude and uncontrolled bigotry.

And yes, he's a little confused, these days. But this isn't a matter of declining mental processing, it's his nature to be that way. Ten years ago, he'd still have said it; he'd just have enough awareness to avoid saying it publicly."

Nothing about race. It's about nationality. But because for you, it's all about race, you keep on playing the race card. Why is it always about race for you guys?

Barb, You seem to know a lot about the hearts and minds of 'particular people,' especially politicians like Donald J. Trump? Are we to assume you are in possession of a very specialized "Gift of Supernatural Insight?" Could it be, "The Arch-Diocese of Rome" itself, has granted you this most unusual, superhuman ability? I marvel at the extent of your "Powers of Discernment and Uncanny Vision," concerning the nature of, mankind in general. You, Sir, are a man to be envied. With all due respect, I commend you, Sir. It, no doubt helps that you are an extremely handsome and dignified Gentleman with innate Charisma, to match.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
As you know, if I said it outright here, I'd be in trouble. Everyone knows what he said, and the fact that even his defenders who were there, would only say that they "don't remember" is telling that he did say it.

From his comment it is obvious that he thinks there is a close relationship between skin color and national conditions.

Why is it always about race for you guys?

Barb, may I first commend you for being born such a handsome and intuitive "Man of Valor." You, Sir, are a credit to all of those who walk "Planet Earth." I have no doubt within my very being, that you, would NEVER utter a foul and disparaging word against another fellow human being. Might I add, your ability to refrain from Judging anyone is to be admired and respected, beyond merit. My appreciation for you is only 'Dwarfed' by my admiration of you as a human being. If I could be in your presence for a mere infinitesimal period of time, I would walk away, a far better example of a human being. I feel grateful that you've decided to post in my esteemed thread. I'm not a Catholic, such as yourself, however, if I were I would compose a rather lengthy formal letter to the Vatican, praising you as one of the GREATEST Catholics to ever have occupied a seat in any Catholic Church on this planet. I'm at a loss for words now, due to the copious amounts of tears flowing down my cheeks like a mighty river of no return.

The Barbarian

Barb, may I first commend you for being born such a handsome and intuitive "Man of Valor." You, Sir, are a credit to all of those who walk "Planet Earth." I have no doubt within my very being, that you, would NEVER utter a foul and disparaging word against another fellow human being.

I wouldn't refer to entire nations of people as ********s, as Trump did. Would you? How degrading. What an embarrassment he's become to the United States.