Wellll, I would go with extremely racist. Central Park Five. Birtherism. Fine people on both sides. Leading and encouraging chants of “send them back” towards four congresswomen of color. ... three of whom were born in America. Kidnapping and jailing children of color.
Shame on all of his enablers in the GOP.
Given the choice between voting for the criminal Hillary Clinton and the "extreme racist", I'd vote for the racist any day
:darwinsm:I've heard worse excuses for being a racist.
But not many of them.
:mock: Barbarian
I'll never understand this narrative that opposing illegal immigration means you oppose all immigration and/or that you're racist/xenophobic.
Trump ... promotes ideas that discriminate on the basis of race and promotes policies that do the same.
It isn't a blanket opposition of illegal immigration. Most people simply overstay their visas, does Trump's ICE go after people from the UK that overstayed their visa? No, he goes after people crossing the southern border, who he called rapists and criminals.
You really have to be in denial to not see what is going on.
It isn't a blanket opposition of illegal immigration. Most people simply overstay their visas, does Trump's ICE go after people from the UK that overstayed their visa? No, he goes after people crossing the southern border, who he called rapists and criminals.
You really have to be in denial to not see what is going on.
The poorest of the refugees can't drive or fly across or even get a visa. Those are the targets.
Thanks, been busy with life, selling and buying a house. Thought I'd check in on y'all.Nice to see you, Alate_One.I hope you're doing well.
and this correlates to race because....
Figure it out genius.
So you don't know either?
You really need someone to hold your hand on this?