If a Marxist newspaper expressed support in a Leftist Democrat would that make that person a Marxist or would it be a sign that, given their GENERAL position they favor the Democrats? This is not mere thought experiment. The Revolutionary Communist Party, USA has openly and demonstrably expressed their support of the Leftward policy shift in the Democrat party.
By your reasoning, the support of the Communist Party (asked for or not) makes the Democrat Party a full-fledged communist party. This is simply the old fallacious "GUILT BY ASSOCIATION" argument:
A guilt by association fallacy occurs when someone connects an opponent to a demonized group of people or to a bad person in order to discredit his or her argument. The idea is that the person is “guilty” by simply being similar to this “bad” group and, therefore, should not be listened to about anything.
Logical fallacies do not constitute REASONED discourse. In fact, they bypass reason altogether and are mere groundless accusations designed to promote emotional prejudice. The fact that you offer up the same chant that "Trump is a racist" hows how well it works. "Four legs good. Two legs bad"