Trump Laments Memorial Day Drivers Facing High Gas Prices


Well-known member
Rich republicans will not give a dime to the poor but they think they please God by confiscating unfair amounts of funds from working Americans to augment trillions of un-backed printed dollars to throw at anything in hopes that will solve who knows what:

Anyone who robs innocent Americans of money to spend on pork and ungodly programs that benefit their crooked friends, supporters, and wicked rebels against God is not pleasing God.


Well-known member
Hydrogen, small modular nuclear reactors, fusion, solar, wind, advanced efficient battery's all on the table and will be here in increasing numbers in the years and decades to come. Sorry for your loss.
Dumbacraps: 'We fully intend to destroy cheap and efficient energy sources in order to make way for highly suspect alternative fuel sources being promoted and developed by our friends, family members, and supporters, no matter how much the economy is damaged in the process.'

User Name

Greatest poster ever
Anyone who robs innocent Americans of money to spend on pork and ungodly programs that benefit their crooked friends, supporters, and wicked rebels against God is not pleasing God.
Republicans rob innocent Americans of money to spend on pork and ungodly programs that benefit their crooked friends all the time. Reagan did it, Bush did it, Trump did it. The only time Republicans complain about the deficit/debt is when a Democrat is in the White House. But when a Republican is in the White House, it's spending time baby!


Well-known member
Republicans rob innocent Americans of money to spend on pork and ungodly programs that benefit their crooked friends all the time. Reagan did it, Bush did it, Trump did it. The only time Republicans complain about the deficit/debt is when a Democrat is in the White House. But when a Republican is in the White House, it's spending time baby!


Well-known member
I have opposed wasteful government spending for decades, whether it is pushed by republicans or democrats. What is wrong with politicians who do not understand that unsustainable indebtedness leads to economic crashes?


Well-known member
Gasoline pump prices clearly remained below $3.00/gal and even fell below $2.00/gal under Trump's first 2 years with full republican support in the House and Senate. Gasoline prices rose to over $3.80/gallon under Obama, and are again climbing back up over $3.00/gallon under 'Kill Oil and Gas" Biden and leftist socialist democrats.
And you, my dear friend, are grasping at straws. Gasoline is 8 cents higher now than in 2018. Gasoline prices are affected by market forces, the weather, cyber attacks on infrastructure, state taxes- yet you blame it on a president, because you are desperate for anything to blame him for.


Well-known member
And you, my dear friend, are grasping at straws. Gasoline is 8 cents higher now than in 2018. Gasoline prices are affected by market forces, the weather, cyber attacks on infrastructure, state taxes- yet you blame it on a president, because you are desperate for anything to blame him for.
Gasoline prices will remain higher under Obama's plan to crush fossil fuels, a plan Biden is continuing. - Electric rates will skyrocket


Well-known member
That very well may be. But Trump's claim that gas prices were lower during his administration is false.
Stupid leftist lying democrat narrative. 'Gas prices under Trump were never lower than under Biden or Obama.'

Right Divider

Body part
And you, my dear friend, are grasping at straws. Gasoline is 8 cents higher now than in 2018.
Is that adjusted for inflation?
Gasoline prices are affected by market forces, the weather, cyber attacks on infrastructure, state taxes- yet you blame it on a president, because you are desperate for anything to blame him for.
One of the "market forces" was Biden's shutdown of the Keystone XL pipeline.


Well-known member
Did that shut down an existing pipeline?
Biden shut down a pipeline in North America forcing thousands out of work and forcing gas prices to rise. He also opened up fossil fuel pipelines owned by Russia to please his communist pals connected to Putin.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Biden shut down a pipeline in North America forcing thousands out of work and forcing gas prices to rise. He also opened up fossil fuel pipelines owned by Russia to please his communist pals connected to Putin.
Shutting down Keystone had an effect in Canada unappreciated by most Americans. Keystone was designed to move crude from the Alberta tar sands project down to refineries on the Gulf coast. The Alberta tar sands project is the major driver of the Alberta economy, and because it hires so many transient Newfies, was a major economic supporter of the population living in Newfoundland.


Well-known member
Shutting down Keystone had an effect in Canada unappreciated by most Americans. Keystone was designed to move crude from the Alberta tar sands project down to refineries on the Gulf coast. The Alberta tar sands project is the major driver of the Alberta economy, and because it hires so many transient Newfies, was a major economic supporter of the population living in Newfoundland.
The Biden administration: 'Let's shut down American oil production and open up Russian oil production for the tremendous benefit of our anti-American neighbors in the near and far east at great expense to all Americans.'

User Name

Greatest poster ever
You claim but fail to prove that I have been duped by anyone. Whoever told you I was duped is an idiot.
Republicans don't actually care about anything you actually care about. The deficit / national debt is a prime example of that. Trump even made a campaign promise in 2016 to come up with a plan to reduce the deficit and pay off the national debt in 10 years. It was a laughably obvious lie, and in fact as president he did not even attempt to do such. Instead he did the opposite, adding trillions of dollars to the national debt. You've been conned.


Well-known member
Republicans don't actually care about anything you actually care about. The deficit / national debt is a prime example of that. Trump even made a campaign promise in 2016 to come up with a plan to reduce the deficit and pay off the national debt in 10 years. It was a laughably obvious lie, and in fact as president he did not even attempt to do such. Instead he did the opposite, adding trillions of dollars to the national debt. You've been conned.
Anyone who thinks the democrats are concerned about the national debt threat and republicans are not is very badly misinformed. Republicans are the only politicians who have large numbers of members who understand the threat the out-of-control is to our nation and who are trying to do something to stop it. Republicans (not democrats) introduced legislation in 2019 to recognize the national debt as a threat to national security. This report lists more than 2 dozen politicians who supported the resolution. As far as I know, no democrats supported the resolution. Those are the facts whether the lying leftist media and leftists are willing to admit it or not.

Resolution To Recognize the National Debt as a Threat to National Security
Feb 27 2019
Members of Congress Introduce Resolution To Recognize the National Debt as a Threat to National Security
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Congressman Andy Biggs (AZ-05) and Senator David Perdue (R-Georgia) introduced resolutions in the House and Senate to recognize America’s national debt as a threat to our national security. Earlier this month, the national debt reached $22 trillion. Congressman Biggs, Senator Perdue, and other cosponsors released the following statements:

User Name

Greatest poster ever
Republicans (not democrats) introduced legislation in 2019 to recognize the national debt as a threat to national security. This report lists more than 2 dozen politicians who supported the resolution.
Resolutions mean zilch. All that matters is spending. Under Trump, the federal budget deficit went up year after year. Bush increased spending. Reagan increased spending. They all condemned deficit spending to your face and then proceeded to increase deficit spending anyway. My proof? The Republicans' 2019 budget was over 1 trillion dollars. You choose to believe their lies to you while you pretend not to see their actions: