Trump Keeps Winning

The Barbarian


Paul Manafort

Rick Gates

General Michael Flynn

George Papadopoulos


Judge Roy Moore

Stormy Daniels

Jared Kushner

You missed Trump's pedophile buddy, Jeffrey Epstein:

“I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy,” Trump said of Epstein during a 2002 interview with New York magazine. “He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side.”

Attorney Spencer Kuvin, one of dozens of lawyers who successfully sued Epstein on behalf of roughly 30 women who claimed he lured them to his Palm Beach mansion for sexually-charged massages when they were as young as 14, said he always found the comment curious.

“How would he know that?” he said of Trump’s acknowledgement of Epstein’s penchant for young women. The interview came nearly six years before Epstein’s secret sex life exploded into public view when the money manager pleaded guilty to Florida charges of procuring and soliciting a minor for prostitution. “Why would he make a joke like that?” the West Palm Beach attorney asked.

Further, Kuvin and others say they can’t believe it is purely coincidental that former South Florida U.S. Attorney Alex Acosta, who signed off on a non-prosecution agreement that kept Epstein from spending years behind bars, was tapped by Trump to be U.S. Labor Secretary.

This President has a strange habit of surrounding himself with criminals, wife beaters and others with questionable moral character - his supporters euphemistically refer to this as "winning!"

Epstein did indeed win. He should have been put away for life, but he got a slap on the wrist, and the prosecutor who saved him then got a nice job in Trump's administration.

Loyalty? Or fear of what Epstein would tell?



McCabe McByebye McPeached
Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall.
Proverbs 16:18

There is nobody with more false "pride" and a "haughty spirit" than President "David Dennison" and his supporters!

This President and his "deplorables" have been acting as if they have the support of the American public being them - the results from Pennsylvania's 18th District, that Trump won by over 20 points in 2016, would suggest otherwise!

The rebuttal statement by former FBI Deputy Director McCabe doesn't strike me as someone who will allow this President to trash him without putting up a fight and as a private citizen he is no longer under any constraints!

Combined with "Stormy Daniels" and the other women with similar nondisclosure agreements waiting in the wings, the Mueller Investigation may no longer be this President's greatest worry!
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Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall.
Proverbs 16:18

There is nobody with more false "pride" and a "haughty spirit" than President "David Dennison" and his supporters!

This President and his "deplorables" have been acting as if they have the support of the American public being them - the results from Pennsylvania's 18th District, that Trump won by over 20 points in 2016, would suggest otherwise!

The rebuttal statement by former FBI Deputy Director McCabe doesn't strike me as someone who will allow this President to trash him without putting up a fight and as a private citizen he is no longer under any constraints!

Combined with "Stormy Daniels" and the other women with similar nondisclosure agreements waiting in the wings, the Mueller Investigation may no longer be this President's greatest worry!


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Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall.
Proverbs 16:18

There is nobody with more false "pride" and a "haughty spirit" than President "David Dennison" and his supporters!

This President and his "deplorables" have been acting as if they have the support of the American public being them - the results from Pennsylvania's 18th District, that Trump won by over 20 points in 2016, would suggest otherwise!

The rebuttal statement by former FBI Deputy Director McCabe doesn't strike me as someone who will allow this President to trash him without putting up a fight and as a private citizen he is no longer under any constraints!

Combined with "Stormy Daniels" and the other women with similar nondisclosure agreements waiting in the wings, the Mueller Investigation may no longer be this President's greatest worry!

Glad you quote scripture Obama’s transgender policies and gay marriages are an abomination to the God of the Bible.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

The Barbarian

Latest from the Trump conspiracy factory: Bill Clinton’s black son
Filmmaker Joel Gilbert, the conspiracy theorist who believes President Obama has a secret Muslim prayer inscribed on his wedding ring, made a splash in 2012 when he said Obama had plastic surgery to conceal that his real father was labor activist Frank Marshall Davis, who raised his son to lead a communist revolution.

Four years later, and just in time for Election Day, Gilbert is back with a new film alleging that Bill Clinton has a 30-year-old son he sired with a black prostitute. And on Tuesday, Gilbert hauled the young man to Washington and gave him a speech to read to the TV cameras at the National Press Club.

“As you can see I’m the black son of former president Bill Clinton and the stepson of Hillary Clinton,” the young man, Danney Williams, read as Gilbert, off to the side, mouthed many of the words.

Actually, you could only see him as Clinton’s son if you imagined Clinton six inches shorter, with a different build and different facial features. But no matter.

In fact, Williams’s DNA was tested, 17 years ago, when his mother sold it and her story to a tabloid, which compared the boy’s genetic material to Clinton’s DNA markers and concluded Clinton wasn’t his father.

There's more of that out there...

Trump Conspiracy Hits White House Hard, Could He Have An Illegitimate Child?

The National and International news stations are in an uproar Thursday after new reports and information about a potential link between current United States President Donald Trump in a shocking revelation that has Trump on a maniacal Twitter rampage.

Recent reports cite undocumented payments being distributed from Trump campagin headquarters from 2007 and up to a few months before the election. Upon investigation the Washington Post determined that the money was being deposited into a checking account for a woman by the name of Elina Branson of Chicago, Illinois for purpose of "child support".

On questioning the woman, the Washington Post reports Elina stated that the money was made for child support for her adopted daughter from the patriarch, but was unable to confirm or deny if the parent was indeed the President of the United States. In a prepared statement Thursday morning Elina states, "The monies were received from an unknown source for purpose of child support," she further states, "the adoption agency arranges payments" and she, "is not made aware of the nature of the money other than it being paid out by one or both of the child's legal birth parents."

When asked if the money could potentially be sourced from the Trump campaign, Elina stated, "For all I know, it very well could be". Elina has refused further questioning, but the President has taken up arms against the Washington Post, deeming it a "fake news trash shoot" and a "conspiracy theory warehouse".

Fox News this morning uncovered a shocking new twist to this story, locating a legitimate birth certificate in old New York City hospital birth certificate records for one "Amethyst Trump" born on December 16th, 2004 born to "Donald J. Trump" and "Melania Trump". Donald Trump has refused to comment on the story directly, only to chastice it as "fake news".

The Barbarian

He's the spittin' image of Billary !!!

Except for the eyes, eyebrows, nose, chin, ears, hairline, etc. And the failed DNA test, of course. Momma suckered the Drudge report into paying for his DNA, only to find that Clinton wasn't the daddy after all.

Not that there aren't plenty of people obsessed enough about Clinton to believe all of it, anyway.

patrick jane


  • March 13, 2018 6:30 AM

In a textbook example of denial and projection, Trump foes in and out of government wove a sinister yarn meant to take him down.
Barack Obama keeps a close watch on his emotions. “I loved Spock,” he wrote in February 2015 in a presidential statement eulogizing Leonard Nimoy. Growing up in Hawaii, the young man who would later be called “No-Drama Obama” felt a special affinity for the Vulcan first officer of the U.S.S. Enterprise. “Long before being nerdy was cool, there was Leonard Nimoy,” the eulogy continued.

“Leonard was Spock. Cool, logical, big-eared and level-headed.”

It is the rare occasion when Obama lets his Spock mask slip. But November 2, 2016, was just such a moment. Six days before the presidential election, when addressing the Congressional Black Caucus, he stressed that the Republican candidate, Donald Trump, threatened hard-won achievements of blacks: tolerance, justice, good schools, ending mass incarceration — even democracy itself. “There is one candidate who will advance those things,” he said, his voice swelling with emotion. “And there’s another candidate whose defining principle, the central theme of his candidacy, is opposition to all that we’ve done.”

The open display of emotion was new, but the theme of safeguarding his legacy was not. Two months earlier, on July 5, in Charlotte, N.C., Obama delivered his first stump speech for Hillary Clinton. He described his presidency as a leg in a relay race. Hillary Clinton had tried hard to pass affordable health care during Bill Clinton’s administration, but she failed — and the relay baton fell to the ground. When Obama entered the White House, he picked it up. Now, his leg of the race was coming to an end. “I’m ready to pass the baton,” he said. “And I know that Hillary Clinton is going to take it.”But he was less certain than he was letting on. Hillary Clinton was up in the polls, to be sure, but she was vulnerable.

Three weeks earlier, on June 15, a cyberattacker fashioning himself as Guccifer 2.0 had published a cache of emails stolen from the Democratic National Committee (DNC). They proved, as supporters of Vermont senator Bernie Sanders had long alleged, that the DNC had conspired with the Clinton campaign to undermine their candidate. Sanders was still withholding his endorsement of Clinton for president, even though her nomination as the Democratic candidate was now a foregone conclusion.

At the very moment when Clinton had expected the Democratic party to unite behind her, its deepest chasm seemed to be growing wider. In contrast to Clinton, Obama held some sway over the Sanders insurgents. He came to Charlotte to urge them to support Clinton against their shared enemy, the presumptive Republican nominee for president, Donald Trump.


The Barbarian

Trump still losing:

The TV-viewing figures for President Donald Trump’s first State of the Union address are in, and he’s not winning.

Trump averaged around 45.6 million viewers during his 80-minute speech to Congress and a TV audience on Tuesday night, according to media research company Nielsen, which collated data from 12 broadcast and cable networks.

That’s a 2.1 million dip from the 47.7 million people who watched Trump’s inaugural address to a joint session of Congress in 2017, and was lower than the number of people who watched former President Barack Obama’s speeches on similar occasions.

Obama scored 52.3 million for his inaugural address to a joint session of Congress in 2009, and just over 48 million for his first State of the Union speech in 2010.

Viewing figures for the State of the Union speech usually decline during a president’s time in office. Obama’s final speech in 2016 was only seen by 31.3 million people.

Trump has not fared well in comparison to Obama in other areas in recent months.

At the end of the 2017, three of Obama’s tweets made Twitter’s “most retweeted” list, and two appeared in the “most liked” category. Trump failed to feature on either list.

Obama also edged out Trump as America’s “Most Admired Man,” according to a Gallup poll in December.

The Barbarian

Since the chair of the committee "investigating" Trump was caught conspiring with Trump on a secret visit to the WH, his "report" only confirms to Americans that he is involved in the cover-up:

Devin Nunes May Accomplish the Difficult Task of Making Himself Vulnerable Back Home
At first glance you’d figure Nunes to be pretty safe. His Central Valley district (rated as eight points more Republican than the national average by the Cook Political Report) gave Donald Trump a nine-point winning margin in 2016. Nunes himself won 68 percent. Republicans have a 43/33 registration advantage in the 22nd District, centered in the Republican-trending parts of Fresno and Tulare Counties.

But Nunes’s increasingly bizarre behavior is giving unlikely oxygen to his most prominent Democratic challenger, local prosecutor Andrew Janz, who created something of a buzz in December by erecting billboards showing the incumbent on a child leash (along with the president) held by Vladimir Putin.

More tellingly, Janz commissioned a poll from Public Policy Polling earlier this month that showed a generic Democrat within five points of Nunes (who led 50/45). The survey also suggested independents were breaking pretty heavily against the incumbent, which is exactly what a Democrat would need in this district.

This district is still a tough sell for any Democrat. But if Democrats regain the kind of big national lead that generic congressional ballot tests were showing for much of 2017, then an upset is not out of the question — particularly if Nunes continues to make himself the most exceptional of Republican members of Congress, willing to tear down Washington and tear up federal law enforcement to protect his beloved leader.

Trump, as you know is also an embarrassment for Americans:

A majority of US voters are "embarrassed" that Donald Trump is the president, according to a new poll released Wednesday.

The Quinnipiac poll, which surveyed 1,412 voters across the country, found that 51 percent of Americans are feeling shame about President Trump. A majority of voters also said Trump was not level-headed (67 percent), not honest (59 percent), and not fit to be president (56 percent)—and a whopping 69 percent said they just want him to stop tweeting.

The poll numbers split strongly between gender and race lines. While men are tied 49 to 49 percent over whether Trump is fit to lead, 63 percent of women say he's not.

The Barbarian

Barbarian chuckles:
Trump still losing:

The TV-viewing figures for President Donald Trump’s first State of the Union address are in, and he’s not winning.

Comparison may actually be where the rub gets a bit raw for Trump, especially in terms of his immediate predecessors. Barack Obama had just more than 48 million total viewers for his first SOTU in 2010 on 11 outlets, and nearly 52 million watched George W. Bush’s post-9/11 first SOTU in 2002 on eight outlets. Adding to the con column, Trump did not beat the 45.8 million who tuned in for Bill Clinton’s first SOTU on ABC, NBC, CBS and CNN in 1994.

Which means Trump’s initial SOTU, the third longest in history, is now also the least watched address in nearly a quarter of a century.

So much losing, we're getting bored with him losing.