Trump Keeps Winning


The competition

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The Barbarian

And Trump takes another beating in Pennsylvania. Conor Lamb brings down Trump's chosen candidate in a district that Trump won by 20 percent last election.

Second major interim election in which Trump's intervention backfired.

Oh, and the Biden picture?


You guys got suckered again. You're way too easy.


And Trump takes another beating in Pennsylvania. Conor Lamb brings down Trump's chosen candidate in a district that Trump won by 20 percent last election.

Second major interim election in which Trump's intervention backfired.

Oh, and the Biden picture?


You guys got suckered again. You're way too easy.

No mine is the original yours was photo shop nice try tho

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

The Barbarian

Fresh from his humiliating defeat in Alabama, where he backed a pedophile for the Senate, Trump again crashes and burns in Pennsylvania:

The White House and Republican leaders are struggling to paper over the failure of their candidate for the special election in Pennsylvania's 18th congressional district, painting the strong showing of his Democratic challenger as a kind of victory for President Donald Trump's agenda.
House Speaker Paul Ryan called Democrat Conor Lamb a "pro-gun, anti-Nancy Pelosi conservative." And White House spokesman Raj Shah told reporters Lamb had "really embraced the President's policies and position, where he didn't embrace Nancy Pelosi and the Democratic leader."
What this leaves out is that the outcome in Pennsylvania was a verdict on Trump.
Saccone is trailing Lamb with 100% of Election Day and absentee votes counted. Lamb has claimed victory -- but Saccone has refused to concede.

Lamb's campaign strategy clearly worked, whether Ryan is correct of not about its details. And Trump's approach evidently did not.
Donald Trump had hoped to pull a "heads I win, tails you lose" trick with this election. But voters made certain that he couldn't pull it off. The President's old magic no longer works.
Trump had left no doubt about the game he was playing when he made candidate Rick Saccone's Saturday rally in Pennsylvania all about himself. "This is a very big race" he declared as he praised himself and urged his supporters to show the world they still backed the Trump agenda.
Clearly he was hoping he could prove the pundits wrong and propel his man to victory. But the very next day he distanced himself from Saccone -- a four-term state Representative -- and the impending result, privately complaining that his man was a weak candidate.

The Barbarian

Trump rationalizes his loss in Pennsylvania:

Special election rebuff builds Trump's losing streak
While some Republicans are in denial over the implications of Tuesday's special election in Pennsylvania's 18th Congressional District, others are concluding that relying on the President in reelection races may not be a sure bet.

"You better be ready and in the end you determine your own fate in these things," Rep. Tom Cole, an Oklahoma Republican, said Wednesday.
Other Republicans heaped blame on Saccone, blasting him as a poor candidate, even though he faced a tough political environment contoured by the President's low approval rating.
"You've got to control your own destiny, and he didn't," said Rep. John Shimkus, a Illinois Republican.


Well-known member

I try to live a good life where I don't have to ask God for forgiveness ...
Why do I have to repent?
Why do I have to ask for forgiveness if you're not making mistakes?
- Donald Trump 22/07?/2016
I think it tragic that this quote is never looked at by the left in context. I hate to say this, I've a few liberal extended family members, but this IS a hallmark of liberalism: Emote first, ask questions later. Me? I try to look up things that don't quite look right.

Jgarden: this DOESN'T look right. Read why. Look up your quotes.

Next, and I don't think it was by accident, because I've called you on this before: Your 'comic' is vitriol. It accuses born-again Christians of idolatry. I DO think that is a TOL reportable offense. We can't accuse willy-nilly.

"Donald J's" comments concerning his failure to grasp the need to ask for God's forgiveness from sin, a fundamental requirement for any Christian, were made just 20 months ago during the 2016 Presidential Campaign!
Do you know what ELSE he said, during this interview? I'd suggest it is very important for anyone in this kind of conversation, to read the entire interview as well as later back-up questions regarding it. What Donald Trump said was important. It isn't poor theology by any means. A partial quote, however IS poor theology. You HAVE to know what he said in entirety and why he said it in entirety. I don't think President Trump and I see theology eye to eye, but I do think he has scriptural support for his position. Read 'WHY' I think that? Just a thought. One WORTH investigating.

Once again "patrick jane" is resorting to a classic conservative tactic - make unsubstantiated assertions as a means of redirecting attention away from an issue on which you don't want to comment and then frustrate your opponent by engaging in DENIAL - DENIAL - DENIAL!
A liberal one, apparently too, or in replace of :think: Look at the cartoon again:

Now answer: Is it TRUE, that Trump doesn't want to feed the poor???

Is it TRUE, that he has no desire to shelter the homeless???

Is it TRUE that Donald Trump thinks Mary Magdalene's a ten???

Is it TRUE that conservatives think Donald Trump is the 'savior' they have been waiting for???

I truly believe you HAVE to say "NO" to every question. That means this cartoon can be considered an infraction on TOL:

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Notice in some ways, the 'cartoon' is an infraction upon almost every rule for what it wrongfully attempts to do:
It profanes our Savior. It profanes that which actually IS sacred. It marginalizes unfairly ("NO" was the answer to every question, accused in the cartoon). It might make you feel good to read the remarks of others in a cartoon and the left certainly ISN'T above lying, marginalizing, and misrepresenting, but YOU Jgarden, HAVE TO REFRAIN from doing it yourself on TOL. It isn't allowed.

My encouragement:

1) Don't suck up lies. Just believe what is true. You don't have to marginalize the opponent wrongfully. If you do, you MIGHT be on the wrong side! :noway:
2) Don't post something from an initial knee-jerk gut reaction. Post because YOU have verified that it is true else you CAN be held accountable for illegally marching in the street OR for posting against TOL rules
3) Try to be truthful. Marginalizing for the sake of marginalizing is imho, MORE wicked than that which is accused. IOW, it is MORE wicked to be wrongfully accused of adultery imho, than it is to be guilty of said crime. Don't get me wrong, the crime is bad enough. We are talking about two things that make accusation worse: 1) It makes the claim wrongly and 2) hurts the person worse than 'adultery' would have in the first place.

Advice wrapped up: It all has to deal with lying and producing false witness. These are both listed as wrong in the Ten Commandments: Thou shalt not lie. Thou shalt not give false testimony. Don't think that we will get off lightly for going against our Lord and God. NO president or political alignment is worth getting in serious trouble with the Lord Jesus Christ for. NONE! You might also chalk up NOT honoring your mother and father amongst lying and maligning as well :noway:

Just say "No." -Lon



Trump Keeps Winning

"Trump" and the faithful are desperately trying to find a positive "spin" to save face concerning the Republican's 18th Congressional District loss in Pennsylvania!

If a "robust" economy, high employment, tax reform, gerrymandered boundaries and more than $10 million in outside Republican money couldn't guarantee a win in a district that "Donald J" won by 20 points in the 2016 Election, the reality is that no Congressional district is now "off limits" for the Democrats!

We should expect another upward surge of Republican resignations in Congress, conservative politicians who have decided it prudent to sit out the 2018 Interims!

The Barbarian

House Republicans are retiring in droves. What's pushing them out?
WASHINGTON – Forget running for re-election. House Republicans are running for the exits instead.

On Wednesday, South Carolina Rep. Trey Gowdy — chairman of the powerful House Oversight Committee — became the third GOP lawmaker in just the past week to announce plans to leave Congress at the end of this term.

All told, 41 Republican House members have said they will either retire or seek another office, compared to 16 Democrats, according to the House Press Gallery. Some of those lawmakers have been forced out amid sexual-harassment allegations, while others are running for governor or the Senate.

But at least nine are influential committee chairmen who, like Gowdy, are leaving with no scandal afoot. So what’s pushing these gavel-wielding lawmakers out the House door?


Could it be...




..... Notice in some ways, the 'cartoon' is an infraction upon almost every rule for what it wrongfully attempts to do:
It profanes our Savior. It profanes that which actually IS sacred. It marginalizes unfairly ("NO" was the answer to every question, accused in the cartoon). It might make you feel good to read the remarks of others in a cartoon and the left certainly ISN'T above lying, marginalizing, and misrepresenting, but YOU Jgarden, HAVE TO REFRAIN from doing it yourself on TOL. It isn't allowed.

My encouragement:

1) Don't suck up lies. Just believe what is true. You don't have to marginalize the opponent wrongfully. If you do, you MIGHT be on the wrong side! :noway:
2) Don't post something from an initial knee-jerk gut reaction. Post because YOU have verified that it is true else you CAN be held accountable for illegally marching in the street OR for posting against TOL rules
3) Try to be truthful. Marginalizing for the sake of marginalizing is imho, MORE wicked than that which is accused. IOW, it is MORE wicked to be wrongfully accused of adultery imho, than it is to be guilty of said crime. Don't get me wrong, the crime is bad enough. We are talking about two things that make accusation worse: 1) It makes the claim wrongly and 2) hurts the person worse than 'adultery' would have in the first place.

1. Trump Keeps Winning - This whole thread is based upon a gross misrepresentation of reality but due to the right-wing bias of TOL, Trump critics are held to a different standard than their conservative counterparts! I only post material that I believe to be true, usually research my comments and often provide references!

2. History will not be kind to those American evangelical Christians who have extended their unquestioning support to a President whose professional and personal life appears to be the antithesis of everything they supposedly believe!

3. Some conservatives, like "Grosnick Marowbe," have been given the freedom to openly question the Christian faith of those individuals who don't share their political support of this President - where is "Lon's" sense of moral outrage?

4. I'm not the only one making extensive use of cartoons and images - there are also those conservatives who have stated openly that they're not prepared to read more than a few lines!

5. Those cartoons with a religious overtone reflect American society questioning of the "unholy alliance" that currently exists between Trump and evangelical Christians. If this group is unhappy as to how they, and their relationship with God, is being portrayed to the public, they have nobody to blame but themselves!
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Well-known member
So Trump has an idea about being Evangelical and 'lying...' I like that, whether either is right, at least it shows familiarity with evangelical Christianity. Like other quotes, however, I want context. :up:

1. Trump Keeps Winning - This whole thread is based upon a gross misrepresentation of reality but due to the right-wing bias of TOL, Trump critics are held to a different standard than their conservative counterparts! I only post material that I believe to be true, usually research my comments and often provide references!
Sometimes. I'm very pleased, for instance, to see you making commentary rather than just the political comics. They often are worse than exaggerations. I 'get' that people think evangelicals love Trump. A good many do. I'm not that enamored by him, BUT I like him a LOT more after he came to office than before. I did appreciate him asking people to pray for him, mentioning asking his wife for forgiveness, and saying he needed to do some things right for God. The good thing? He said all of that. Nobody reported him saying such. He just said them and I remember him saying them. It gave me a bit of hope as he edged past the other candidates. I ALMOST wanted Hilary in there instead of him :noway: I've been pleasantly surprised and do pray for him.

2. History will not be kind to those American evangelical Christians who have extended their unquestioning support to a President whose professional and personal life appears to be the antithesis of everything they supposedly believe!
Well, no, not if they believe 'fake' news. The liberal spin is NOT the historical spin. The historical matter CANNOT be wholly liberal or wholly conservative or it would be a disservice to history. Thus, history will be neither kind nor unkind IF it is actually history.

[3. Some conservatives, like "Grosnick Marowbe," have been given the freedom to openly question the Christian faith of those individuals who don't share their political support of this President - where is "Lon's" sense of moral outrage?
I'd have to read it a bit more. Do you sense 'moral outrage' at you? I'm not even that out-of-sorts over what is poorly portrayed by political cartoons. It wouldn't be a 'cartoon' if someone was serious BUT if a liberal gets a hold of it, like you and thinks "This is GOSPEL!" then it is worth taking a moment to post to you over it on TOL. These are caricatures, Jgarden. Be careful! If anybody takes them seriously, they've gone WAY too far. In this case, you are lately choosing cartoons that BREAK some of the Ten Commandments (and TOL commandments as well).

4. I'm not the only one making extensive use of cartoons and images - there are also those conservatives who have stated openly that they're not prepared to read more than a few lines!
Don't go too far with my post. I simply said before to give commentary. Realize too, I'm not giving you too much correction over your words, BUT your cartoon choices. They are supposed to be funny. Honestly, to me? It looks like THESE cartoonists don't know what that means. They aren't meant to be much but 'mean' and 'offended' and 'offensive.'

[5. Those cartoons with a religious overtone reflect American society questioning of the "unholy alliance" that currently exists between Trump and evangelical Christians. If this group is unhappy as to how they, and their relationship with God, is being portrayed to the public, they have nobody to blame but themselves!
OR a lying cartoonist! Go ahead, call me an adulterer if I voted for JFK :noway: See? "Guilty-by-association."

Guilty by Association - Steven Taylor

So you need a new car? let your fingers take a walk
through the business guide for the "born again" flock

you'll be keeping all your money in the kingdom now
and you'll only drink milk from a Christian cow

don't you go casting your bread to keep the heathen well-fed
line Christian pockets instead--avoid temptation
guilty by association

Turn the radio on to a down-home drawl
hear a Brylcreem prophet with a message for y'all:
"I have found a new utensil in the devil's toolbox
and the heads are gonna roll if Jesus rocks
it's a worldly design! God's music should be divine!
try buying records like mine--avoid temptation
guilty by association"

So you say it's of the devil and we've got no choice
because you heard a revelation from the "still small voice?"
if the Bible doesn't back it then it seems quite clear
perhaps it was the devil who whispered in your ear

It's a Telethon Tuesday for "The Gospel Club"
"send your money in now or they're gonna pull the plug!"
just remember this fact when they plead and beg
When The Chicken Squawks Loudest, it's Gonna Lay A Big Egg

you could be smelling a crook
you should be checking The Book
but if you'd rather listen than look?--the implication:
guilty by association

The Barbarian

Barbarian asks:
Your Mom was a dealer?

Prostitute. Crack head.

Sorry to hear that. But it's really no excuse for your behavior here:

At the time there were all manner of pronouncements about how children who were exposed to crack in utero were destined to a life of physical and mental disability. John Silber, the former president of Boston University went so far as to say that "crack babies won't ever achieve the intellectual development to have consciousness of God," unquote.

Two decades later, we're still learning about how drug and alcohol exposure by pregnant affects their children. But it turns out that children who are exposed to crack cocaine before birth are proving these worst case scenarios were all wrong. And we're joined now by several people who know about this. Joining us are Mary Barr and her daughter Nisa Beceriklisoy. Mary is an activist who discusses her past crack cocaine use while pregnant with Nisa. Nisa is about to go off to college.

And the mother of bill Clinton illegitimate negro child.

Your mom was playing you, I'm afraid.

Using the Starr Report’s FBI analysis of Clinton’s DNA as its reference, Star paid former prostitute Bobbie Ann Williams, the source for the Globe article, and her 13-year-old son for their story and blood samples. And the result: “There was no match. Not even close,” says a Star source. (The Starr Report contains sufficient data to make a valid DNA comparison to rule out paternity.) But if the tabloid was disappointed by the results, it’s putting up a good, Brill’s Content-ready front. Says editor in chief Phil Bunton: “We investigate dozens of stories every week, and if they don’t prove to be true, we don’t run them.”

Ironically, given how enthusiastically they participated in resurrecting the story in 2016, it was the Drudge Report that hammered the final nail in its coffin:

“The Starr Report contains sufficient data to make a valid DNA comparison to rule out paternity,” TIME magazine reported.

And Drudge has an obsession with hating Clinton that borders on the pathological.

The Barbarian

More "winning": (warning; obscenity at the link location)

“The G.O.P. Is Full of Morons”: Even the Pro-Trump World Gave Up on Rick Saccone
To many Trump supporters across the country, Saccone’s travails, much like the recent spate of prickly Republican experiences in post-2016 special elections, appeared to have come out of nowhere. Polling right before election day put Saccone neck and neck with Lamb, a moderate Democrat, in a district that Trump won by 20 points in 2016. (One Monmouth poll released Monday showed Lamb six points ahead.) Part of the problem was Saccone’s own lack of chutzpah—even his fellow Republicans described him as a poor fund-raiser (Lamb has personally out-raised him by 500 percent) who ignored outside advice, and internal polling showed him to be wildly unpopular in the district he hoped to represent. Reports of his vulnerability prompted the G.O.P. to drop over $10 million into the race and to send in the big guns: Mike Pence, Ivanka Trump, Kellyanne Conway, Donald Trump Jr., and the president himself, who appeared there twice—once over the weekend, at a rally where the right embraced his newly minted campaign slogan.
Tuesday’s election, then, carries little threat to Trump in the sense that it could swing the balance of power in the House, opening a path to his impeachment. Instead, the race has been widely interpreted as a bellwether for midterm elections. A loss, the talking point went, would be seen as a tangible sign of disillusionment with the White House—an indication that the president has turned the party toxic. The MAGA disciples I spoke to pushed back on this narrative, however. If anything, Cernovich said, after I’d filled him in on the broad contours of the race, it represented an indictment of the G.O.P.’s failure to connect with the Trump base, while expecting them to remain loyal. The “G.O.P. is full of morons,” he said. The party “believes they are above Trump, and that Trump’s voters are theirs. That couldn’t be further from the truth.”

(Obscene comment about republicans) he added. “I’ll enjoy watching them lose in 2018.”



Paul Manafort

Rick Gates

General Michael Flynn

George Papadopoulos

Rob Porter

Judge Roy Moore

Stormy Daniels

Jared Kushner

Steve Bannon

Anthony Scarmucci

Stephen Miller

Roger Stone

Corey Lewandowski

Carter Page

Sam Nunberg

Sebastian Gorka

Carl Higbie

Omarasa Manogult

This President has a strange habit of surrounding himself with criminals, wife abusers, racists, compulsive gamblers, unstable personalities and those with questionable moral character - his supporters euphemistically refer to this as "winning!"
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