What if he's actually innocent?
In recent weeks, a new consensus has emerged among many legal analysts and observers: Special counsel Robert Mueller is finally closing in on President Trump. This could be correct, but at present, it is still mostly conjecture. There remains a real possibility that Mueller will come up empty, at least in connection with President Donald Trump, his family, and high-level advisers.
Neither liberals nor conservatives have adequately considered this prospect. They should.
For liberals, it is an article of faith that Mueller will produce a damning report if only he is allowed to complete his investigation. Conservatives dispute this, but their incessant attacks on Mueller suggest a far more pessimistic outlook. Why try to destroy the man who is about to exonerate you?
This view is broadly shared for a reason. By historical standards, Mueller has run an extraordinarily effective and efficient investigation. He has already indicted dozens of Russian nationals for meddling in the 2016 election. More important, he has negotiated plea agreements with senior officials from Trump's campaign, including Paul Manafort's protégé, Rick Gates, and retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn. Experienced prosecutors enter such agreements only when a witness can offer significant ammunition against higher-value targets.
If it does, liberals are sure to be despondent. Many of them have been counting on Robert Mueller to rescue them from the waking nightmare of Trump's presidency. As long as he is on the case, they have had at least one reason for hope. Conservatives, by contrast, will feel gleefully vindicated. It is easy to imagine Trump gloating for weeks, even years, at his rallies and on Twitter.
Both sides would be wrong.
If there was no collusion and no obstruction, the irony is that Trump could have avoided all of this -- the damage to the rule of law and to his presidency -- by cooperating fully and letting Mueller's probe run its course. If future presidents take any lesson away from Trump, let us hope it is this one.
Should be interesting what comes out of those major charges of corruption against Burke over in Chicago.
For decades now, Burke has been known as a crooked fixer ever in on every major pay for play scam in the Windy City.
He helped Trump secure a major tax abatement for that building in Chicago that bears Trump's name.
Already, several very powerful people in Chicago politics presently gearing up to run for office in hopes of replacing outgoing Mayor, the ever cunning Rahm Emanuel, have had to reconsider their run, due to their connection with Burke - the man was a major player within every shady aspect of Chicago's long infamous political machine of graft.
Power Players within every aspect of Chicago Politics are in for one long train ride of endlessly sleepless nights.
The man is that well connected to them all, and vice-versa.
Then again, that crook Pritzger (family did that Grand Hyatt project with Trump, back in the day) is now Governor, and he too was in bed with Burke.
Not that such a seeming ace in his pocket kept Governor Bladgoivich from prison.