Trump impeachment


New member
The FBI is supposed to only be concerned with federal matters, but in almost it's entire existence it has spent most of it's time involved with state issues.
Because Hoover made crimes a federal matter after they cross state lines, which has completely screwed up the separation of state and gov't power since.
The Civil War screwed up the separation of State and Federal power.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
anybody with machine shop tools can make a working gun, or modify a semi-auto to full-auto

Wait for it...In the right hands, they'll be commercial grade in no time.

It's so much worse than that.
In the US the Lower receiver is the part that is regulated and has a serial number which is tracked.
You can buy an unnumbered untraceable lower that is 80% machined and finish it yourself, just cut a slot and drill some holes;

Then, the rest of the gun is just parts, not regulated or tracked, you can buy them on the internet;

But wait! There's more!
All the parts that actually leave a mark on the casing or bullet are the unregulated parts, so all the forensics in the world can't link the regulated part to any thing fired from it.

We don't have gun control we have gun control theater.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
pretty sure i'll violate nys law if i open those links

(just kidding - they ship them with the machining jigs included?)

The Barbarian

When Trump was elected, it was a well known fact that he had a checkered past. His paying off a stripper was not against the law, nor was it a campaign expense. Nice try, though.

Turns out, both Cohen and Pecker admitted that it was a campaign expense. It was done, they admitted to keep from damaging Trump's election as president.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
pretty sure i'll violate nys law if i open those links

(just kidding - they ship them with the machining jigs included?)

I think the machining jig is extra. But in the event you're going to machine your own lower you're probably using a CNC machine and the program is the jig.
Three D printing, three D printing a whole gun is stupid and dangerous because resin makes a lousy barrel or chamber but as far as lowers go the entry level AR-15s have a plastic lower so printing that part is already being done.

Wanna hear how mixed up California is? If you had finished one of these prior to July of 2018 you were ok but you had to give it a serial number because if you finished it you had built a gun.
You. Gave. It. A. Serial. Number.
You didn't have to tell them you had it.
And since you didn't have to tell them you had it you didn't have to tell them the serial number.
But you did have to scratch some kind of number of your own choosing into the lower.
After July 2018 you can still finish a lower but you need to get a serial number from the gov for a small fee.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Turns out, both Cohen and Pecker admitted that it was a campaign expense.
That's their opinion.
It was done, they admitted to keep from damaging Trump's election as president.
Again, their opinion.
Trump can simply claim that he paid them off so his wife wouldn't find out about it. And that he paid them off close to the election because as his chances of winning rose so rose the chances that his ex mistresses would come forward for their chance at another 15 minutes of fame. But in the end it was always to keep his wife from finding out.
So, say you don't agree and charge him and convict him he can just adjust the books to show it as a campaign donation and pay a small fine for omitting it.
Obama's campaign was fined $375,000 for not notifying about $1.8 million in contributions.

$1.8 million. Trump would have to pay off a lot more Porn Stars and Playboy bunnies to even approach that.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
That's their opinion.

Again, their opinion.
Trump can simply claim that he paid them off so his wife wouldn't find out about it. And that he paid them off close to the election because as his chances of winning rose so rose the chances that his ex mistresses would come forward for their chance at another 15 minutes of fame. But in the end it was always to keep his wife from finding out.
So, say you don't agree and charge him and convict him he can just adjust the books to show it as a campaign donation and pay a small fine for omitting it.
Obama's campaign was fined $375,000 for not notifying about $1.8 million in contributions.

$1.8 million. Trump would have to pay off a lot more Porn Stars and Playboy bunnies to even approach that.

how many porn stars do you spose bammy was paying off?

The Barbarian

That's their opinion.

Given that they each paid up to protect Trump's campaign, it's a fact. All that is necessary now, is to confirm that Trump knew about it.

Trump can simply claim that he paid them off so his wife wouldn't find out about it.

Presently,he's still lying about doing it at all. And we still aren't sure what Cohen has on tape about that.

Moreover, Pecker's associates apparently also knew it was to protect his campaign. Trump was a frequent adulterer,and seems to have not cared if his wife knew about it, in the past. What was different in 2016?

Right. Do you think a jury would be able to figure that out?

And that he paid them off close to the election because as his chances of winning rose so rose the chances that his ex mistresses would come forward for their chance at another 15 minutes of fame. But in the end it was always to keep his wife from finding out.

In the end, it might depend on who the jury thinks is a bigger liar. Which is really bad news, if you're Donald Trump.

So, say you don't agree and charge him and convict him he can just adjust the books to show it as a campaign donation and pay a small fine for omitting it.

If it was just that simple, he'd have merely admitted it and paid up a long time ago, um?

[quote[Obama's campaign was fined $375,000 for not notifying about $1.8 million in contributions. [/quote]

So why didn't Obama try to hide it? Because it wasn't a crime. It wasn't a pay-off to hide his behavior from the voters. It was a civil matter, and there's no evidence that Obama even knew about it:

In late 2012, President Barack Obama’s 2008 campaign was fined $375,000 by the FEC for reporting violations. The major issue concerned the timely documentation of donations made in the 20 days prior to the election, a window of time during which the FEC requires official notice of contributions exceeding $1,000 to be submitted no more than 48 hours after receipt of those donations:

The major sticking point for the FEC appeared to be a series of missing 48-hour notices for nearly 1,300 contributions totaling more than $1.8 million — an issue that lawyers familiar with the commission’s work say the FEC takes seriously. The notices must be filed on contributions of $1,000 or more that are received within the 20-day window of Election Day …

The document outlined other violations, such as erroneous contribution dates on some campaign reports. The Obama campaign was also late returning some contributions that exceeded the legal limit.

So it's the difference between a civil fine and a criminal conviction.

$1.8 million. Trump would have to pay off a lot more Porn Stars and Playboy bunnies to even approach that.

The fact that the money wasn't used for criminal purposes, does make a difference, yes.

The Barbarian

Barbarian suggests:
Be honest with yourself. If you had to bet your life on who was lying, who would you pick?

You be honest.

Sure. No question. They all might be liars, but Trump has such a record that it's not really much of a choice, is it?

Why wasn't John Edwards found guilty of the same "offense"?

I don't think a diversion will do you much good, considering that both Pecker and Cohen admitted, the payoff was to protect Trump's campaign.

Because it's splitting hairs

It's a felony. And the judge is unlikely to be swayed by "yabut, what about...?"


Well-known member
Barbarian suggests:
Be honest with yourself. If you had to bet your life on who was lying, who would you pick?

Sure. No question. They all might be liars, but Trump has such a record that it's not really much of a choice, is it?

I don't think a diversion will do you much good, considering that both Pecker and Cohen admitted, the payoff was to protect Trump's campaign.

It's a felony. And the judge is unlikely to be swayed by "yabut, what about...?"

You're still grasping at straws on this one. Call it what you will.