We are on equal footing, you claim the popular vote system is equal without a standard to validate whether all voters are legally entitled to vote
I don't know of anyplace where there's no standard for voters. You can't reasonably tout the success of a system for 200 years or so then tell me it's essentially corrupt. And ultimately the error in your position is a bit like this: rumors do not stand equally with fact. The fact is process and result. The rest is speculation absent a legitimacy provided by proof.
Party mandate or personal mandate, it is still a mandate given the dems can't even capture one house of the legislature or the presidency.
Congress is little different than it was and the difference is away from your point, not toward it. But the point of anyone touting a mandate is to legitimize/recognize a popular support for a particular stance or action. That doesn't exist here in relation to the American public. So you could as easily say the Democrats and Hillary were given a mandate by most or more and the term becomes little more than a way to note some segment of the public is galvanized, depending on how you carve it up...and no one uses mandate to say that.
I disagree, people in heavily populated cities especially when those cities only represent a few of the states not all, and they should not hold all the cards to govern an entire nation
States are land outside of people. I think people should determine the course of the nation and the notion that geographic concentration should be a limit on power is as odd as suggesting the minority should rule the majority, provided you can spread that minority out. I understand that there are regional interests, thin as those have become, but that's what Congress represents.
Of course, I also would like to see anyone voting pass a civics exam on the order immigrants must, that right and privilege are our birthright, but that empowered citizenship should reflect more than presence.
I omit further EC answers because we've kicked that can solidly enough, I think, for anyone to see and understand our differences where they exist.
I disagree, the demographic is changing but, it is far from diminishing,
What data are you looking at? The last I saw young people are disproportionately more liberal and you haven't made serious inroads into minority groups that are becoming more and more of the electorate. You can't expect the EC to save your bacon indefinitely.
According to Pew research from 2015: "
Democrats hold advantages in party identification among blacks, Asians, Hispanics, well-educated adults and Millennials. Republicans have leads among whites – particularly white men, those with less education and evangelical Protestants – as well as members of the Silent Generation."
I think you saw some of that in this election, where a hugely divisive figure from the left still managed millions more of the electorate, if while losing the EC. Absent alteration that's going to wash over your party at some point. You can't be the party of a shrinking, aging, white population unless you mean to lose power. It's a good moment, in terms of power, to be from the right, but if you believe in the principles of conservatism you're going to have to find a way to translate that or it's, again, an Indian Summer.