Trump Has A Mandate

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Grosnick Marowbe

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Hall of Fame
I love how people use the term "independent" to sound smart, then support a specific political party.

As an "Independent Conservative" I MUST vote for the most conservative party in the midst. That happens to be The Republican Party. What's so difficult for you to figure out? If there was a more conservative party, that, had a chance of winning, I'd vote for them. Basically, we only have a two party system. I would never vote for a liberal cause/person. I'm of the opinion that all true believers (Christians) ought to cleave to the most conservative causes/leadership. Liberal causes/leadership is for those who don't stand for godly ideals.

Grosnick Marowbe

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Hall of Fame
One would think liberals would stand up for citizens who have fallen through the cracks, financially, etc. The Democratic party has become corrupted over the years. The Democratic party was different (In my own opinion) forty to fifty years ago. It would almost appear as if JFK were alive today, he would have leaned more to the right. The same goes for RFK. My own Dad grew up in the "Great Generation" and was a Democrat his entire life. Having served in the Marine Corp in WW2, he extremely patriotic and conservative, although, always voted Democrat. If he were alive today, I speculate he would have been a Conservative Republican. In the 1950s he took a guy by the seat of the pants and nape of the neck and literally threw him out of our house for spewing communist propaganda. My Sister has always told people: "My Dad was like John Wayne"


New member
As an "Independent Conservative" I MUST vote for the most conservative party in the midst. That happens to be The Republican Party. What's so difficult for you to figure out? If there was a more conservative party, that, had a chance of winning, I'd vote for them. Basically, we only have a two party system. I would never vote for a liberal cause/person. I'm of the opinion that all true believers (Christians) ought to cleave to the most conservative causes/leadership. Liberal causes/leadership is for those who don't stand for godly ideals.

I'm of the opinion that any real Christian would have not voted. You voted for a smut peddler that owns casinos and strip clubs, that's an adulterer, on his third or fourth wife. There's nothing Christian about lending your support to that. Donald Trump living openly and unrepentant in this filth and makes money from it would not have been permitted to be in the Church if Paul was still on the earth. But he's good to run the country? Give me a break.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
I'm of the opinion that any real Christian would have not voted. You voted for a smut peddler that owns casinos and strip clubs, that's an adulterer, on his third or fourth wife. There's nothing Christian about lending your support to that. Donald Trump living openly and unrepentant in this filth and makes money from it would not have been permitted to be in the Church if Paul was still on the earth. But he's good to run the country? Give me a break.

I think I'll respect your comment: "Give me a break" and ignore you from now on. How's that for a BREAK?


New member
I think I'll respect your comment: "Give me a break" and ignore you from now on. How's that for a BREAK?

You said it was your opinion that "real" Christians should support a strip club and casino owner. Please do ignore me. Sorry I offended your religion. I'll be more careful about criticizing Republicanianity.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
With 306 Electoral votes it is obvious that Donald J. Trump has a mandate.
With Putin? :eek:

The people have spoken and overwhelmingly chose Trump and Republicans to change what's wrong in America.
You mean people in the Republican party. Which is different.

Donald seriously trounced Hitlery
:think: So if she won the popular vote by three million plus would it be a bigger or smaller trouncing? I'm trying to get a sense of how Trump math works...and what it will mean to the Common Core.

forget about the tainted popular vote.
And concentrate on the unpopular vote?

Over 3 million illegal aliens voted for Clinton
:plain: What's the weather like in your mind?

, giving Trump the real victory in the popular vote.
More seriously, there's literally no objective support for I'm looking for a Trump tweet in support of it any ol day now. :)

Make America Great Again!!
At gerrymandering?

Mandate. Trump won 30 states and 306 electoral votes. He won the popular vote too, since 3 million illegals voted for Clinton. That is Magical
A triumph of land over hands. :D


New member
With 306 Electoral votes it is obvious that Donald J. Trump has a mandate. The people have spoken and overwhelmingly chose Trump and Republicans to change what's wrong in America. Donald seriously trounced Hitlery and forget about the tainted popular vote. Over 3 million illegal aliens voted for Clinton, giving Trump the real victory in the popular vote. Make America Great Again!!

more accurately the republican party has a mandate for change with Trump being the much needed final piece to push forward on the conservative agenda.


New member
Trump doesn't have a mandate, Hillary Clinton has a mandate.

As mail-in and absentee voter ballots continue to trickle in and the country braces for President-elect Donald Trump to step into power, Hillary Clinton quietly marked a milestone.
The latest election totals showed that Mrs Clinton, who lost to outsider Mr Trump last month, has received more votes than Mr Obama did in his 2012 victory, according to data from the National Archives and a running total by the nonpartisan Cook Political Report.

She has overtaken Mr Trump by nearly 2.8 million votes (48% to Mr Trump's 46%).

Mrs Clinton's lead is the largest of the five times when a US presidential candidate won the popular vote but failed to win the election.

In fact, aside from Mr Obama's 2008 win, Mrs Clinton has received more votes than any other US presidential candidate in history.

pot head Californian voters gave Hillary the poplar vote. Republicans simply don't have an answer to very liberal and populous state, even Texas doesn't have the same level of Republican support as liberals have in California, assuming illegals didn't vote.

patrick jane

I have watched the full election night coverage from every network possible. Twice. I can't get enough of it, it was the most exciting night of my life !!!


New member
Anna, I really think you should look at the issues in Detroit that Nick linked to, this is real.

If there were good evidence of cheating or over-counting in favor of Democrats in a state that Republicans won, why do you suppose Republicans and the Trump campaign sued to stop the recount? Shouldn't we go ahead with a recount if it has the potential to uncover fraud? For that matter, what makes you so sure the discrepancy was due to pro-Clinton cheating?


New member
pot head Californian voters gave Hillary the poplar vote. Republicans simply don't have an answer to very liberal and populous state, even Texas doesn't have the same level of Republican support as liberals have in California, assuming illegals didn't vote.

Almost as many Californians voted for Trump as Texans, going by the absolute headcount. It's just that California has a lot more people who aren't deplorable, too.

Bottom line, you can't claim a mandate while losing the popular vote, especially with a lackluster electoral college advantage. Trump's only mandate is to try not to break anything too badly, but I suspect he's going to fail at that.


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It is just as easily said that that 3 million did vote illegally but, since liberals are unwilling to have any meaningful form of voter identification we will never know now will we? It is irrelevant what the national popular vote is because that is not the standard and has never been the standard since the constitution was ratified. Popular vote was rejected by a super majority vote at the constitutional convention 3 times in fact there were states that would not ratify if it was a popular vote scenario so, the whine about the popular vote is just that...a whine because the standard is to win popular vote in states,and win their electors not national popular vote i.e.. mob rule. You have to sell your wares outside of the urban populated areas to win.
The popular vote is irrelevant for deciding the election but it can be relevant to the question about who has a mandate. When the winning candidate won with less votes than his opponent it seems hard for that person to claim he has a mandate.


New member
Can you explain this? How was Trump the final piece?

Trump is the final piece in the sense that rebulicans have majorities in both state and federal legislative bodies and now will no longer have to fear a presidential veto or out of control executive actions that curtail the conservative agenda at all levels. All of this counts as a Republican mandate since a mere 8 years ago democrats were in full control of everything.


New member
Almost as many Californians voted for Trump as Texans, going by the absolute headcount. It's just that California has a lot more people who aren't deplorable, too.

Bottom line, you can't claim a mandate while losing the popular vote, especially with a lackluster electoral college advantage. Trump's only mandate is to try not to break anything too badly, but I suspect he's going to fail at that.

i'll pay for your ticket to Cananda since the "deplorables" run this country now.:banana:


New member
As we noted in this space earlier, while Clinton's overall margin looks large and impressive, it is due to Clinton's huge margin of victory in one state — California — where she got a whopping 4.3 million more votes than Trump.

California is the only state, in fact, where Clinton's margin of victory was bigger than President Obama's in 2012 — 61.5% vs. Obama's 60%.

But California is the exception that proves the true genius of the Electoral College — which was designed to prevent regional candidates from dominating national elections.

In recent years, California has been turning into what amounts to a one-party state. Between 2008 and 2016, the number of Californian's who registered as Democrats climbed by 1.1 million, while the number of registered Republicans dropped by almost 400,000.

What's more, many Republicans in the state had nobody to vote for in November.

There were two Democrats — and zero Republicans — running to replace Sen. Barbara Boxer. There were no Republicans on the ballot for House seats in nine of California's congressional districts.

At the state level, six districts had no Republicans running for the state senate, and 16 districts had no Republicans running for state assembly seats.

Plus, since Republicans knew Clinton was going to win the state — and its entire 55 electoral votes — casting a ballot for Trump was virtually meaningless, since no matter what her margin of victory, Clinton was getting all 55 votes.

Is it any wonder then, that Trump got 11% fewer California votes than John McCain did in 2008? (Clinton got 6% more votes than Obama did eight years ago, but the number of registered Democrats in the state climbed by 13% over those years.)

If you take California out of the popular vote equation, then Trump wins the rest of the country by 1.4 million votes. And if California voted like every other Democratic state — where Clinton averaged 53.5% wins — Clinton and Trump end up in a virtual popular vote tie. (This was not the case in 2012. Obama beat Romney by 2 million votes that year, not counting California.)

Meanwhile, if you look at every other measure, Trump was the clear and decisive winner in this election.


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Hall of Fame
Trump is the final piece in the sense that rebulicans have majorities in both state and federal legislative bodies and now will no longer have to fear a presidential veto or out of control executive actions that curtail the conservative agenda at all levels. All of this counts as a Republican mandate since a mere 8 years ago democrats were in full control of everything.
ok, so it wasn't Trump per se, it was that a Republican won the White House.
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