Trump For Sale


New member
How much have you read up on the shady Clinton Foundation? There's a lot there. I don't recall you ever posting on it.

You are so predictable.

You actually think I am the one up to your one-sided stupidity.

I don't need to post on the Clinton's - we all know their vast corruption.

Because theirs has been a public elected office and that their equally corrupt rivals in public elected office are not only privy to but stand to gain by making such things public to the mass of sheep like you.

Just as your idol talked about jailing Hillary but now sings her praises.

You conclude such whistle blowers are on your side due to your fool party bias.

The Corporate world does not work like that.

Theirs is a different shadiness.

But now that Trump is in government; he is subject to very specific public scrutiny - by objective watch dogs as well as by self-serving enemies.

Just as your kind are viewing me as some sort of an enemy for posting what is public record - due to your double-standard.

As history records, your kind supported Nixon's lies even when they were proven.

Ya'll never learn.

You merely go on attempting to make look bad the next person who comes along and tries to warn you to "be wise as a serpent, and gentle as a lamb."

Your way is that odd.

"...there when Jesus Christ had his moment of doubt and pain..."


New member
Warns of what Trump could or might do as President but stands to profit from the Trump presidency.

Deeply weird.

That's just your duplicity - he himself said that is smart.

He will now profit from the best parts of Obama's health plan.

"Weird" or your double-standard?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Not even in office yet and the american dollar is doing better than it has in 12 months. Dang.

it's all part of the wicked evil sneaky donald trump plan to....

Make America Great Again! :banana:

somebody should stop him!



Well-known member
That's just your duplicity - he himself said that is smart.

He will now profit from the best parts of Obama's health plan.

"Weird" or your double-standard?

You miss the point. Deliberately.

People like myself were afraid of what Obama could do to the country, based on his past associations. We were right. Ditto Clinton.

You seem to have not shared in any of what we feared. We were just bitter clinging bigots to people like you.

But now you're here, thread after thread, ACW-like, with the shrieking vapors over what leftists say Trump might, may or could do WITH NO BASIS BUT PARTISAN SPECULATION. As if your warnings will do the slightest bit of good in any event, putting them now fully into the realm of irrational obsession.


lamp on


lamp off


lamp on

etc ad nauseum

You were always difficult to take seriously because you were always so inconsistent. Now it's impossible to take you seriously. You, Town and ACW are in the same cliff-jumping flaming clown car, reputationally speaking. But you keep boiling the bunny.


New member
How do you know he is a Billionaire - good chance he's leveraged out.

He's pulled that same stunt in the past - only to be exposed by Fortune Magazine each time.

But they always had access to his taxes - because how all that is played in the Corporate world where it is much more out in the open, in contrast to how it is played in Government; where it's easier to hide.

If you own 3.5 Billion in property but owe 3.25 Billion, you are actually only worth $250 Million - before major expenses.

we don't need to take his word for it, forbes has been tracking Donald's wealth for 35 years.
A lot of Trump critics have argued that he’s afraid that his tax returns will show he’s not a billionaire. Highly doubtful. First, Trump’s income will not directly correlate with the value of his assets, the debt on them or his stake in each. Second, FORBES has been scouring Trump’s fortune for 35 years. Sometimes he’s up, sometimes he down–and for much of the 1990s he was out of the three-comma club.

FORBES’ new investigation into Trump’s wealth pegs his fortune at $3.7 billion, down $800 million from a year ago. A softening of New York City’s real estate market, particularly in retail and office, where valuations are trending down, has diminished his estimated net worth.

that's his net worth that means they already took out all of his debt from his gross wealth. they also break down some of his bigger assets in the same article.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Kill all the Teddy Bears. :sozo2:

start with this one! :sozo2:



we don't need to take his word for it, forbes has been tracking Donald's wealth for 35 years...

I've never owned The Plaza. Have you ever owned The Plaza? :idunno: I'd live there, myself. If you want to jog in the park it's just a hop, skip and a jump away. Why didn't he buy FAO Schwarz? :sigh:


New member
we don't need to take his word for it, forbes has been tracking Donald's wealth for 35 years.

that's his net worth that means they already took out all of his debt from his gross wealth. they also break down some of his bigger assets in the same article.

That's more like it.

It's still more a guesstimate on their part - as it has always had to be where he is concerned; due to secrecy due to his need to over blow what he is actually worth.

And too bad you are just looking to prop up your continued self-delusion.

Time will prove who was right to have counted on such an uncertain individual.

Hopefully, I will have turned out wrong.

I highly doubt it.