Trump For Sale


New member
lets say Trump tries to sell of everything to put into a blind trust. Realistically this could never be done in 7 weeks as it would likely take years to complete. secondly selling off his properties will create conflicts of interest to who he sold the properties off to anyways. so why should Trump placate a bunch of cry baby democrats who would attack him no matter what he does with his assets?


New member
are we gonna have to lissen to this kind of whining from you losers for the next eight years? :doh:

you lost

get over it

No; YOU lost.

Where we differ is in the fact that you need and propogate your delusion; the other side needs and propogates theirs.

And then there is simply being objective.

Which none of you have shown you were/are.

As a result, you take offense when warned of the above.

Thus far, I've only found one thing to post about Trump that was positive - that Trump at His Best post - which some you fools ignored, while others of you misinterpreted.

You Trumpers are that self-deluded.

Not a one of you looked into his past and you know it.


How President Trump could use the White House to enrich himself and his family...

He could do a lot of things. Your point?
Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10


Well-known member
Why would someone who didn't even vote expect anyone to care about their opinion? XD

I wasn't going to but I changed my mind the night before and did vote. That very morning, actually. What's my opinion worth? No more than my one vote was worth. What's the opinion worth of someone who chose not to vote? Nothing.


New member
lets say Trump tries to sell of everything to put into a blind trust. Realistically this could never be done in 7 weeks as it would likely take years to complete. secondly selling off his properties will create conflicts of interest to who he sold the properties off to anyways. so why should Trump placate a bunch of cry baby democrats who would attack him no matter what he does with his assets?

You're missing the point - did you even read those articles?

There is far more there than just that.

And it is all over the internet - it is not just the Left reporting these things.

By the way, I will profit from some of the laws he will help pass - towards enriching himself - I doubt most of you will...


Well-known member
The self-deluded illogic of the Trumper/Clintonite sure boggles the mind :chuckle:

The point is perfectly sound. Someone who did not vote (if in fact you did not) has no ground on which to judge anyone who did. They exercised a right you chose not to exercise.