Trump Fine With Same Sex Marriage


New member

ok, i'll lay it out again

we had two choices:

1. President Hillary Clinton, who would have governed with the automatic rubber-stamping of her policies and proposals by the democrats in congress


2. President Donald Trump, who will not be able to count on the automatic support from his party in Congress

Actually, between two individuals - each with a very long, unsavory past.

You and yours remain in denial.

I think I'll remain optimistic for now, but with my eyes as wide open as I had them before the potential train wreck both Clinton and Trump supporters wanted in office.

You were each taken in by each your own even now continuing self-delusion.
The American people were electing a President, not a religious pontiff of some sort. Sure, it would be nice if Trump had fundamentalist convictions, straight down the line, and, as stated before, I fully sympathize with those of Christian conviction who could not vote for him. On the other hand, you had a choice between a man with some pimples, versus a woman covered in syphilis lesions and a brain about there.

Somebody who contributed about as much that is great about the United States as anybody could was Thomas Jefferson, and he was not a good Christian, but he was a good President. Sometimes, if you're going to the store to get a cabbage, and the cabbage doesn't look that big and fresh, you pick out a smaller one, without big black patches or goo, anyway, because nothing, at all, is a poor, even senseless, choice.

Look to heaven, to Jesus Christ, for perfection, and not to other men, and not to ourselves, as the Lord hates the smug and self righteous, as much as liars.


Honestly I am indifferent on the gay thing as our country has bigger problems to worry about

The "bigger problems" is you Libertarians who were largely responsible for getting ultra liberal Donald Trump nominated to represent a conservative political party.

Why can't you people just stick with the doper Gary Johnson and leave the conservative Republican Party alone?


The American people were electing a President, not a religious pontiff of some sort. Sure, it would be nice if Trump had fundamentalist convictions, straight down the line, and, as stated before, I fully sympathize with those of Christian conviction who could not vote for him. On the other hand, you had a choice between a man with some pimples, versus a woman covered in syphilis lesions and a brain about there.

Somebody who contributed about as much that is great about the United States as anybody could was Thomas Jefferson, and he was not a good Christian, but he was a good President. Sometimes, if you're going to the store to get a cabbage, and the cabbage doesn't look that big and fresh, you pick out a smaller one, without big black patches or goo, anyway, because nothing, at all, is a poor, even senseless, choice.

Look to heaven, to Jesus Christ, for perfection, and not to other men, and not to ourselves, as the Lord hates the smug and self righteous, as much as liars.

That was quite the speech WLJ, aka... Since you brought up my Lord and Savior, let's look to one of His apostles and see what was said about the role of civil leaders and government:

For the one in authority is God's servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for rulers do not bear the sword for no reason. They are God's servants, agents of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer
Romans 13:4


Well-known member

Corporations have control over the stock/persons they own so choice in these matters is an illusion like voting, stock have no say in the board room on how they sold or traded, the living once born again never register anything with the Corporation/state again because that gives away you're unalienable rights you came into this world with, once Mom in ignorance registered you with the corporation, you, the living became a legally dead persona/fiction, Any off spring the registered certified stock/american citizens produces belongs to the Corporation.


Originally Posted by WonderfulLordJesus had a choice between a man with some pimples, versus a woman covered in syphilis lesions ...

acw finds pimples icky, so he was rooting for the syphilitic whore

Donald Trump has been with his fair share of whores during his time. Has he ever contracted syphilis? Only he, his doctor and God knows that.


New member

ok, i'll lay it out again

we had two choices:

1. President Hillary Clinton, who would have governed with the automatic rubber-stamping of her policies and proposals by the democrats in congress


2. President Donald Trump, who will not be able to count on the automatic support from his party in Congress

Trump was a better choice than Clinton because he will be less effective at destroying this country



New member
As far as I am concerned, "homosexuality" is a personality disorder and not some unseen genetic factor. Homosexuals are found to be involved with a more general personality disorder. The result of rewards, frustrations, problems in the socio - cultural environment and on the standards, restraints, evaluatins made by the person about himself are factors that set the stage.

Also based on the pleasure/pain principle what ever feels good, human beings move in that direction.

If homosexuality was a normal relationship, along with its sexual pleasures nature would have provided man/woman with another sexual bodily function and not the risky sexual behavior (sodomy)of today.

In the 1980s many healthy young gay men were dying of a mysterious disease, later became STD, AIDS…, wasn't a wake up, tapered a little and now back again————-well we have AZT now.

Most homosexuals have over 100 different male partners—-some have had 100-250 sex partners.

Today—-there has been an increase in gay men and sexual partners———-seems AIDS no longer is a deterrent in promiscuous gay sex. Also the use of condoms has dropped off——related to "Queer THeory".

It does appear to be a disorder at the level of one's sense of identity.

And in this, it, as with any sense of identity disorder, is the result of a complex of variables that together result in a decision made about sense of identity at an unconscious level.

I knew somene who as a child, manifested its various traits.

Later in life, he "turned out gay."

I found his "coming out" fascinating.

In that, having known him all the way back to when he'd been a child, I was able to look back through his recurrent patterns over the years that I might apply how I look at things to it all towards an understanding of some sort about such individuals.

In many respects, yours is a not a bad breakdown of the real issue.

The field of NLP appears to have found "a cure."

But they are all Liberals to the extreme, so, so much for their help :chuckle:


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Trump on 60 Minutes: Same-Sex Marriage ‘Settled’ and ‘I’m Fine With That’

President-elect Donald Trump told CBS’ “60 Minutes” this past week that he believes the issue of same-sex “marriage” has been “settled” by the U.S. Supreme Court and that he is “fine with that.”

The interview, which aired Sunday night, included a variety of topics, such as immigration, abortion and the protests following the election.

“One of the groups that’s expressing fear are (sic) the LGBTQ group,” interviewer Leslie Stahl stated, referring to concerns from homosexual groups that Trump might null and void their nuptials.

“And yet I mentioned them at the Republican National Convention,” Trump interjected.

“You did,” Stahl agreed.

“Everybody said, ‘That was so great.’ I have been, you know, I’ve been a supporter,” Trump said.

Stahl then asked Trump about his personal views on same-sex “marriage,” but he declined to divulge.

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“I guess the issue for them is marriage equality. Do you support marriage equality?” she inquired.

“It’s irrelevant because it was already settled,” Trump replied. “It’s law. It was settled in the Supreme Court. I mean it’s done.”

“So even if you appoint a judge that—,” Stahl interjected, alluding to the possibility of overturning Obergefell.

“It’s done,” Trump stated. “These cases have gone to the Supreme Court. They’ve been settled. And I’m fine with that.”

As previously reported, last month, Trump held up a rainbow “LGBT’s for Trump” flag at the start of a campaign rally in Colorado after being handed the banner by a homosexual supporter. His campaign website also made available for purchase “LGBTQ for Trump” t-shirts and pins.

Trump had additionally declared at a fundraiser in June that he is the best candidate for the “gay community,” and in February, he replied in the affirmative when asked by a lesbian reporter if the nation can expect “more forward motion” on homosexual issues if elected president.

In regard to abortion, Trump advised that he still plans on appointing pro-life justices, but said it was too soon to say what the result might be.

f it (Roe v. Wade) ever were overturned, it would go back to the states,” he said.

“Yeah, but then some women won’t be able to get an abortion?” Stahl asked.

“No, it’ll go back to the states,” Trump replied.

He said that if abortion then becomes illegal in one state, that “they’ll perhaps have to go to another state.”

“And that’s okay?” Stahl asked.

“Well, we’ll see what happens,” Trump stated. “It’s got a long way to go, just so you understand. That has a long, long way to go.”

Trump had outlined before the election that he intends on appointing a Supreme Court justice like the late Antonin Scalia.

“I will strike down Roe v. Wade, but I will also strike down a law that is the opposite of Roe v. Wade,” Scalia outlined in a 2002 Pew Forum. “You know, both sides in that debate want the Supreme Court to decide the matter for them. One [side] wants no state to be able to prohibit abortion and the other one wants every state to have to prohibit abortion, and they’re both wrong.”

“And indeed, there are anti-abortion people who think that the Constitution requires a state to prohibit abortion. They say that the equal protection clause requires that you treat a helpless human being that’s still in the womb the way you treat other human beings. I think that’s wrong,” Scalia further explained in a 2008 60 Minutes interview. “I think when the Constitution says that persons are entitled to equal protection of the laws, I think it clearly means walking-around persons.”


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Trump says gay marriage is settled law but apparently Roe v Wade isn't.
I watched the 60 minute show.

From his speech, it could be interpreted that he had no desire to ever change gay marriage.
But he didn't ever say that he would never consider overturning it.
He seemed to try and skirt the issue.
So it's hard to tell what his intentions are, or if it's high on his priority list at this time.

But yeah, it was an obvious contradiction about "I'll accept it because it's law", because he doesn't want to accept Roe vs. Wade that is also law.

I hope both get repealed.
So I hope his comment about gay marriage was just a "not right now" thing.


Well-known member
I watched the 60 minute show.

From his speech, it could be interpreted that he had no desire to ever change gay marriage.
But he didn't ever say that he would never consider overturning it.
He seemed to try and skirt the issue.
So it's hard to tell what his intentions are, or if it's high on his priority list at this time.

But yeah, it was an obvious contradiction about "I'll accept it because it's law", because he doesn't want to accept Roe vs. Wade that is also law.

I hope both get repealed.
So I hope his comment about gay marriage was just a "not right now" thing.

I think the difference is one of degrees. Someone is either married or not, but abortion can be made legal clear up until birth instead of it being a matter of viability outside the womb.