Trump Fine With Same Sex Marriage

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Heck, only a politician who wanted to commit political suicide would try to overturn any ruling on gay rights and marriage. Considering Trump is all about himself then he ain't daft enough to do any of that.


New member
Hall of Fame
Heck, only a politician who wanted to commit political suicide would try to overturn any ruling on gay rights and marriage. Considering Trump is all about himself then he ain't daft enough to do any of that.

He supports it, why would he try to change it? He thinks its a states rights issue though, not federal, that is what idiot liberals and others who claim hes against them misunderstand.


New member
Are you going to be acting like aCultureWarrior from now on?

Face it..ya been had...ya been Trumped...ya been did not land on Trump Tower...Trump Tower landed on you :chuckle:

I'm still really curious though about what good he will do. He's not exactly stupid.

His so called "revised" promises just show ya been had.

Doesn't mean he won't still do some good.

Geez are you one-sided :chuckle:


New member
He supports it, why would he try to change it? He thinks its a states rights issue though, not federal, that is what idiot liberals and others who claim hes against them misunderstand.

The new Slick Willy is what he is turning out to be.

Thus, his about face, ur, left turn :chuckle:

He keeps it up; it'll be his supporters who will end up doing the picketing.

Nah; they've already concluded "he can do no wrong...he can do no wrong...he can do no wrong...he can do no wrong...he can do no wrong...he can do no wrong...he can do no wrong..."



New member
Hall of Fame
The new Slick Willy is what he is turning out to be.

Thus, his about face, ur, left turn :chuckle:

He keeps it up; it'll be his supporters who will end up doing the picketing.

Nah; they've already concluded "he can do no wrong...he can do no wrong...he can do no wrong...he can do no wrong...he can do no wrong...he can do no wrong...he can do no wrong..."


Hes always said its a states rights issue, i agree, and i didnt vote for him.

Do you support gay marriage? I don't.


New member
Hes always said its a states rights issue, i agree, and i didnt vote for him.

Do you support gay marriage? I don't.

As I said in my 2nd post on here - no.

And actually, he has often flip flopped on the issue.

I am still really curious though - and in a positive sense - about what good he might actually do.

We've never had an individual like him in office. He just might do some good in some areas.

We'll just have to wait and see...


Most right wingers simply use gay marriage and abortion as a means to make themselves appear more holy than they actually are. One notices that the majority of them have the most convenient theologies, have supportive or wealthy families, and are involved in absolutely zero charity or missionary work.

Same sex marriage is frankly irrelevant, first off- Trump hits the nail on the head with that. It is something rarely seen and has no real influence on society. If people want to damn themselves, then so be it, it's an earthly document and Separation of Church and State ensures it.

I see alcohol destroying people's lives, but there's a supreme shortage of these people being against alcohol because they are simply A LOT MORE WORLDLY than they report to be. Their desire for alcohol being legal trumps their so called convictions of righteousness :rolleyes:

Why don't people 'rightly divide' that nonsense :chuckle:

And as far as abortion, it cannot fully go away- to be honest you are a complete fool to consider that Roe v Wade can be overturned- the only way you are going to do that is to wage another civil war with the states, because this country just isn't going to let it happen.

The only thing one can do is to reform the institution.


Trump was never a perfect conservative on every any issue,...

Fixed that for ya Jeffrey.

If your boy can't get something as simple as human sexuality right (one man, one woman, united in matrimony) what makes you think that he'll get other issues right?

Most Trump supporters knew what they were getting when they backed Donald Trump from day #1:

"New York values".


New member
Most right wingers simply use gay marriage and abortion as a means to make themselves appear more holy than they actually are. One notices that the majority of them have the most convenient theologies, have supportive or wealthy families, and are involved in absolutely zero charity or missionary work.

Same sex marriage is frankly irrelevant, first off- Trump hits the nail on the head with that. It is something rarely seen and has no real influence on society. If people want to damn themselves, then so be it, it's an earthly document and Separation of Church and State ensures it.

I see alcohol destroying people's lives, but there's a supreme shortage of these people being against alcohol because they are simply A LOT MORE WORLDLY than they report to be. Their desire for alcohol being legal trumps their so called convictions of righteousness :rolleyes:

Why don't people 'rightly divide' that nonsense :chuckle:

And as far as abortion, it cannot fully go away- to be honest you are a complete fool to consider that Roe v Wade can be overturned- the only way you are going to do that is to wage another civil war with the states, because this country just isn't going to let it happen.

The only thing one can do is to reform the institution.

Thus far, just like you in your ever convenient rationalizations; a good dozen or so "right dividers" on TOL have had no problem at all with throwing out the window all they have for years fought with everyone on TOL against as to various immorality issues...

All for the sake of justifying their support of a man who's entire history has been one of one financial and political scandal after another; one about face after another on his word, sex scandals, you name it.

You can bet you were all huge fans of that 8 year farce of his The Apprentice :chuckle:

I have ALWAYS admired his great creativity and ability to survive his endless, self-enduced mishaps.

I still do.

He is going to make for one heck of a fascinating President.

Except that now, he The Swamp Thing himself, has come home to The Swamp.

Now, he will merely be just one more Swamp Thing among others even more ruthless, even more cunning, just as egomaniacal; and very determined to ensure their Swamp remains THEIR Swamp both during, and after, he has moved on...

Still, Trump is a survivor par excellence.

But then again, I have also always greatly admired Al Capon's amazing organizational genius, and have greatly read up on his equally fascinating history as well.

One thing I have learned from all that is that it is one thing to be amazed and impressed by such splendor.

It is another altogether, to allow oneself to be taken in by it.

I do strongly believe that my fellow right dividers should at least know better.

Mark 13:1 And as he went out of the temple, one of his disciples saith unto him, Master, see what manner of stones and what buildings are here! 13:2 And Jesus answering said unto him, Seest thou these great buildings? there shall not be left one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down. 13:3 And as he sat upon the mount of Olives over against the temple, Peter and James and John and Andrew asked him privately, 13:4 Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign when all these things shall be fulfilled? 13:5 And Jesus answering them began to say, Take heed lest any man deceive you:
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New member
Fixed that for ya Jeffrey.

If your boy can't get something as simple as human sexuality right (one man, one woman, united in matrimony) what makes you think that he'll get other issues right?

Most Trump supporters knew what they were getting when they backed Donald Trump from day #1:

"New York values".

I'd have to agree with Trump's response to the phoney, patronizing, Ted Cruz.

What a jerk - he was completely out of line with what he said about how New Yorkers responded to 911.

Though Organized Crime had a field day stealing metal from the site to sell off to various eager Real Estate Developers; many New Yorkers were all about what they might do to help out their fellow New Yorkers.

By the way, here is a really great interview with Trump on that day.

Marred, as usual by a report of an exchange between Trump and sleaze bag: Howard Stern, at the very end of its accompanying article.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Quit being delusional - we will have to wait and see how he turns out.

Sheesh are your kind willfully stupid on this issue.


ok, i'll lay it out again

we had two choices:

1. President Hillary Clinton, who would have governed with the automatic rubber-stamping of her policies and proposals by the democrats in congress


2. President Donald Trump, who will not be able to count on the automatic support from his party in Congress

Trump was a better choice than Clinton because he will be less effective at destroying this country