Trump finally fires James Comey


New member
Said Hoekstra on Trump firing Comey, Democrats “are now in a very awkward position.

There's really nothing awkward about it for Democrats. Even if they wanted to see Comey gone, that wasn't done in a way that was appropriate, and it's a no-brainer for them to complain about that. This isn't nearly as awkward for Democrats as it is for Trump.

It is interesting also to see the editors of Dimbart so completely in lock-step with the administration on the whole situation, right down to their misreading of how it would be received.


Hall of Fame
Well, I can't help you much there. You need to understand what I said in order to understand what's going on. But the bottom line is this:

If the article from Breitbart is right about Trump's motivation, and it seems likely that they are given that they're almost a mouthpiece for Trump, then it's a problem for Trump. If he fired Comey in an attempt to shut down the FBI's lawful investigation, then it's probably obstruction of justice. Even if the investigation had no merit and was unreasonable, that doesn't mean you can interfere with it. But the fact that at least one of the investigations has just yielded its first subpoenas the very same day suggests that there is merit to it.

So, to recap, if the obvious is true, and Trump fired Comey to try to stop their investigation into his Russia connections, that is probably a fresh, new crime, committed yesterday by Trump, regardless of the merits of the FBI investigation.

Exactly ...

Oh what a tangled web Trump weaves ................


like marbles on glass
I'd bet that whatever conspiracy has occurred, Sessions is probably on the inside of it. He seems to break the rules at just the right moment. The IG should look into his involvement.

Speaking of which, there was apparently an open IG investigation on Comey's behavior. If this was really about that, why not wait for the IG's report?

Because Trump is a disturbingly loose cannon. Apparently he finally blew - he's been enraged because the Russia investigation wouldn't go away, and according to reports, is screaming at the TV coverage.


Hall of Fame
Because Trump is a disturbingly loose cannon. Apparently he finally blew - he's been enraged because the Russia investigation wouldn't go away, and according to reports, is screaming at the TV coverage.

Pfffftttt .... that's what happens when a nominee for President and his campaign colludes with a hostile, foreign nation. Something about reaping what he sows comes to mind ... :)


like marbles on glass
Amazingly, the WH sent out a round of spinmeisters, one of the more memorable lines being from Sarah Huckabee Sanders: "It's time to move on."

Meanwhile, Roger Stone, one of the names under investigation who encouraged Trump to fire Comey was "enjoying a fine cigar."

You can't make this stuff up, and it just keeps coming.


New member
Also, Comey's firing has obscured two other stories:

The feds have issued subpoenas to associates of Michael Flynn, which means the inquiry is chugging along regardless.

The Financial Crimes Enforcement Network out of the Treasury Department is now involved in the Russia probe.

That's the bottom line, and it's probably a reflection of Trump's impulsivity that he doesn't realize that this isn't an effective way to shut down the inquiry.


New member
Hall of Fame
It's called The Federal Bureau of Investigation.
There's always an Investigation going on.
I meant an investigation involving the person doing the firing.

Which ones? the one where he said there were hundreds of thousands of e-mails on Weiner's laptop but there was only tens of thousands that she had forwarded to his e-mail but the rest were backups of her devices?
I'm not sure what that's all about.
Yes, those statements. And I did end up hearing that the administration referenced that situation.

It's there for a reason, it was a very short letter so there must be some huge significance to it.
Maybe we wouldn't agree on what it is though.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
I meant an investigation involving the person doing the firing.
Well then the FBI Director could stay forever by always having an investigation open on everybody.

Yes, those statements. And I did end up hearing that the administration referenced that situation.
I'm not sure what the substantive difference is between the two.
Seems like quibbling over terms.

Maybe we wouldn't agree on what it is though.
What do you think it is?


Well-known member
Leftists who have spent the last 6 months blaming the evil Comey as responsible for Hillary losing the White House are now trumpeting him as a martyr victim of the evil Trump. Very strange. Makes one wonder if they really believe anything they say.


like marbles on glass
Leftists who have spent the last 6 months blaming the evil Comey as responsible for Hillary losing the White House are now trumpeting him as a martyr victim of the evil Trump. Very strange. Makes one wonder if they really believe anything they say.

Rightists who've spent the last year and a half willfully looking away from Trump's negatives don't seem to understand this is about the very real possibility that the president of the United States engaged in obstruction of justice.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Rightists who've spent the last year and a half willfully looking away from Trump's negatives don't seem to understand this is about the very real possibility that the president of the United States engaged in obstruction of justice.

so impeach him :idunno:

and let's get on with the inevitable Pence presidency and starting rolling back homo legislation