ECT Trollphobia: the L'Abri doctrine of being open to questions


TOL Subscriber
Point is, I brought those passages up only because you are off base on your assertion about their intended sense.
I have the scriptures that prove it impossible to be to us. You hate that just as you hate the fact that Gentiles were different. Acknowledging the truth would mean you would have to admit you are wrong and you will never do that.


Well-known member
Rubbish, Mr. Found a Home With the Baptists.

I haven't been there yet.

But if they have the Gospel right, which I believe they do, they're victims of false doctrine re: baptism. And on that...perhaps...probably not...but perhaps...I might be of service to some of them. Who knows. It's possible.

In any case, your problem with that is...?

Oh. Right. I know what your problem with it is.


TOL Subscriber
What did he do in these two cities of Lycaonia: Lystra and Derbe?

14:7 And there they preached the gospel.
Yes, as per Paul's manner: in the synagogue of the Jews. Why would we think him to do any differently in most cities he went to? If there was a synagogue in the city, that is where we would find Paul. Nowhere does it say Paul preached the gospel to pagan Gentiles after healing a man who had faith to be healed (allied). It shows you what he said to those set on worshiping him and Barnabus, even the priest of Jupiter, but you reject it.

"You are wrong.

Plain and simple."


TOL Subscriber
Have asked this before too: if an infiltrator was set on trying to disrupt MAD from the inside...someone who had learned just enough MAD doctrine to pass (for a while), would you expect it to look any different from what we're seeing?

Acts 20:30 Also of your own selves shall men arise, speaking perverse things, to draw away disciples after them.


TOL Subscriber
That is just dumb.

Fact is, you and your pals could post pictures all day long depicting your partaking of the Lord's Supper and you would still not be keeping it.

I know - just now, what I meant by that went right past your head.
The fact that something you say doesn't make sense (most of your ramblings) does not make it over my head.
And you call yourselves MADs "from the" what's his name - whom you were parroting - "get go."

It's verbatim and spot on. Jealous?

Seek professional help.


TOL Subscriber
Rubbish, Mr. Found a Home With the Baptists.

heir, your double-standard and that of your pals is showing.

Why haven't any of you gotten on Musti on this issue? You sure made a big stink about Enyart not asserting 1 Cor. 15 to your liking.

Why does this fool Musti, get a pass when he asserts he has found a home among the Baptists?

1 Timothy 1:3 As I besought thee to abide still at Ephesus, when I went into Macedonia, that thou mightest charge some that they teach no other doctrine, 1:4 Neither give heed to fables and endless genealogies, which minister questions, rather than godly edifying which is in faith: so do.
I don't know what you are talking about. I don't follow musterion around. I have never seen him preach anything contrary to the cross as the power of God, he acknowledges Pauline truth and preaches it. You, however, reject sound Pauline doctrine and seemingly in every thread that you are in, you attempt to turn others away from the faith, make slanderous reports about grace, speaketh lies, and soweth discord among brethren. I'm not interested in what you have to say about another nor do I believe your report.

PS. Bob does not preach 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 KJV as the power of God. How about you?
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New member
Yes, as per Paul's manner: in the synagogue of the Jews. Why would we think him to do any differently in most cities he went to? If there was a synagogue in the city, that is where we would find Paul. Nowhere does it say Paul preached the gospel to pagan Gentiles after healing a man who had faith to be healed (allied). It shows you what he said to those set on worshiping him and Barnabus, even the priest of Jupiter, but you reject it.

"You are wrong.

Plain and simple."

Yours is proven by your own hand once more, a clear case of your parroting your hybrid's many errors INTO the Scriptures.

There is no reasoning with your kind.

Once more you departed from the Scripture's overall line of thought on all that, and into your own.

Those from within your erroneous views who have finally begun to see these errors within your view for the errors they are, struggle for a time, for years even, to begin to allow the Scripture's own context to both mean what it says AND say what it means.

And that is them - people who were finally reached with the truth of these matters and have gone on from there.

You and your pals not only don't even have that much yet, but never may.

Not given your obvious belligerence whenever these things are pointed out to you...

All one can do is point your errors out to you, here and there...if God peradventure will give you repentance to the acknowledging of the truth; that you might recover yourselves...

For you do appear hopeless.

Thank God for Rom. 5: 6-8 - in each our stead.


New member
Whoa, he doesn't? I really don't know the man at all. What does he preach as the power of God unto salvation?

I told you you are clueless about what your hybrid pals actually hold to on many issues.

She claims the something about Justin Johnson.

Ask her.

But to answer your fool question, Bob preaches the same thing most Baptists preach - he/they preach Romans 10:9.

Get yourself a clue, already.

Here, try Acts 17: 11, 12.


TOL Subscriber
Yours is proven by your own hand once more, a clear case of your parroting your hybrid's many errors INTO the Scriptures.

There is no reasoning with your kind.

Once more you departed from the Scripture's overall line of thought on all that, and into your own.

Those from within your erroneous views who have finally begun to see these errors within your view for the errors they are, struggle for a time, for years even, to begin to allow the Scripture's own context to both mean what it says AND say what it means.

And that is them - people who were finally reached with the truth of these matters and have gone on from there.

You and your pals not only don't even have that much yet, but never may.

Not given your obvious belligerence whenever these things are pointed out to you...

All one can do is point your errors out to you, here and there...if God peradventure will give you repentance to the acknowledging of the truth; that you might recover yourselves...

For you do appear hopeless.

Thank God for Rom. 5: 6-8 - in each our stead.


TOL Subscriber
Whoa, he doesn't? I really don't know the man at all. What does he preach as the power of God unto salvation?
That would be a good question to ask Bob. I am not fielding questions about him. Danoh just brings him up to be the divisive little punk he is...Oh look, he dropped another name. His tactics are right our of the devices bag of Satan.


Well-known member
There is no reasoning with your kind.

First, notice how that makes the never-ending snide potshots literally insane. If he really believes that we can't be reasoned with, and were he actually concerned with truth, he long ago would have washed his hands of us all, written us off and walked away. But it's not truth that interests him, it's the controversy and attention it brings...and on this board, MADs won't back down from a fight (for good or ill). So he's here to stay because he can't give up that guaranteed attention.

Second, he's only interested in rebuke and ridicule, not offering sound correction. That also suggests no love of truth.

Third, "your kind." Three guesses what that really means.

Fourth, when is the last time you saw him argue at length with a devout enemy of the Cross? When is the last time you saw him get as invested and as truly heated with anyone else the way he CONSTANTLY gets with MADs over (relative) trifles? That, too, suggests no love of truth.

The evidence all adds up to one conclusion.


New member
First, notice how that makes the never-ending snide potshots literally insane. If he really believes that we can't be reasoned with, and were he actually concerned with truth, he long ago would have washed his hands of us all, written us off and walked away. But it's not truth that interests him, it's the controversy and attention it brings...and on this board, MADs won't back down from a fight (for good or ill). So he's here to stay because he can't give up that guaranteed attention.

Second, he's only interested in rebuke and ridicule, not offering sound correction. That also suggests no love of truth.

Third, "your kind." Three guesses what that really means.

Fourth, when is the last time you saw him argue at length with a devout enemy of the Cross? When is the last time you saw him get as invested and as truly heated with anyone else the way he CONSTANTLY gets with MADs over (relative) trifles? That, too, suggests no love of truth.

The evidence all adds up to one conclusion.

Yeah - the conclusion that you and your pals cannot but project your hypocrisy as coming from anyone you would silence.

You are hypocrites through and through.

The women went on forever against Bob Enyart - out of her fool incompetence in her equally fool insolence - and now skirts that fact.

She spit on Justin's ministry and now skirts that fact.

You ask about that; get an answer from me and turn it into just one more proof of the hypocrite you actually are.

Same old same old with your kind.

You fraud's and Scriptural incompetents really make the needed reality of Romans 5: 6-8 - in each our stead - very obvious.


TOL Subscriber
Yeah - the conclusion that you and your pals cannot but project your hypocrisy as coming from anyone you would silence.

You are hypocrites through and through.

The women went on forever against Bob Enyart - out of her fool incompetence in her equally fool insolence - and now skirts that fact.

She spit on Justin's ministry and now skirts that fact.

You ask about that; get an answer from me and turn it into just one more proof of the hypocrite you actually are.

Same old same old with your kind.

You fraud's and Scriptural incompetents really make the needed reality of Romans 5: 6-8 - in each our stead - very obvious.
:yawn: Your act is tired.


Well-known member
anyone you would silence.

Lie. No MAD has tried to silence him or suggested he should be silenced. Ignored, yes. Silenced, no.

A fair offer, backed by Sherman, to let him CLEARLY state his main disagreements with MADs was put on the table...and he rejected it. Why? Because there's no "there" there.

You are hypocrites through and through.

Projection. STP repeatedly asks for clarification. The request is not only ignored but ridiculed as already answered, when it wasn't.

Same old same old with your kind.

Once again, will not clarify exactly what "your kind" is.

Does it mean "hybrid"? No, that's a meaningless label. Even if it were accurate, he knows it's just an in-house doctrinal difference of opinion he borrowed from someone else, one that does not impact the saving Gospel.

And he has at times called MADs "bro."

Yet...avowed enemies of the Cross who reject Christ according to the revelation of the mystery...he has called them brothers, too.

How can enemies of the cross and defenders of the saving Gospel...people with contradictory gospels...ALL be his brethren?

And here again, he calls the Baptists I'm thinking about visiting this Sunday "enemies," even though I'm satisfied with their understanding of the saving Gospel.

So who exactly does he consider a brother, and who not? And on what basis?

Can't tell, because it's haphazard. None of it makes ANY sense.

It's as if he doesn't actually believe anything he says, because he hasn't kept track of his self-contradictions. When called on it, he LOLs and disappears from a day or two.

My point: all of this suggests to me that his recent shift to "your kind" must mean something very different. In the Body, there is only one kind: Christ's. That much he should know.

But "your kind" makes a very clear distinction between himself and us, one that would negate every "bro" he ever gave us.

Danoh is most definitely not as he wants to appear.