Town Quixote's

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
I admire the people who are loudly, even angrily speaking out against the spending of money on the cathedral at Notre Dame while so much human suffering goes on, unabated.

I admire them for their own sacrifices, which must be considerable--for eschewing take-out, movies, cell phones, cigarettes, alcohol, and God alone knows what else, in order to see that their funds go where the human need is greater. They're remarkable human beings who deserve our respect, even if we aren't quite up to emulating them.

For the rest of us though, who would be hypocritical posting from our personal devices instead of the public library, who have a drink from time to time, vacation, or do any number of needless if selfishly satisfying things, maybe, instead, it's a perfect opportunity to realize that there are issues requiring our consideration and concern that may have gone without it. Maybe, instead of playing one part against the other, we should consider how actively involved we are in the whole and galvanize our own moral conscience, let the one dramatically presented need spur us to a larger consideration and course of action.

If we do that, then the tragedy of that fire will be transformed into something noble, worthwhile, even beautiful...much like the cathedral of Notre Dame itself.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
I admire the people who are loudly, even angrily speaking out against the spending of money on the cathedral at Notre Dame while so much human suffering goes on, unabated.
I think wealthy donors in question here are following the Lord's counsel in Matthew 13:44 KJV. They believe that Notre Dame cathedral is crucial wrt the Kingdom of God, and they've 'put their money where their mouth is.'
I admire them for their own sacrifices, which must be considerable--for eschewing take-out, movies, cell phones, cigarettes, alcohol, and God alone knows what else, in order to see that their funds go where the human need is greater. They're remarkable human beings who deserve our respect, even if we aren't quite up to emulating them.
"Is it not lawful for me to do what I will with mine own?" Matthew 20:15 KJV
For the rest of us though, who would be hypocritical posting from our personal devices instead of the public library, who have a drink from time to time, vacation, or do any number of needless if selfishly satisfying things, maybe, instead, it's a perfect opportunity to realize that there are issues requiring our consideration and concern that may have gone without it. Maybe, instead of playing one part against the other, we should consider how actively involved we are in the whole and galvanize our own moral conscience, let the one dramatically presented need spur us to a larger consideration and course of action.
I completely agree that if we feel led to give more, that we should give more to the Catholic Church in some way, as these wealthy donors in question here have done.
If we do that, then the tragedy of that fire will be transformed into something noble, worthwhile, even beautiful...much like the cathedral of Notre Dame itself.
Completely agreed. Supra. :)

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Getting's like this, you take a step in a different direction one day, hear/feel something in your knee pop and think, "I hope that means I just won a free game."

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
I'm considering a barbecue/weapons franchise, combining two great southern traditions under one roof.

The working name? We're leaning toward Andy's Arms Pit.

Our slogan: "It's trigger finger lickin good."

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Yes, the "Greatest Generation" did a lot of amazing things, without question...but did anyone else noticed that they also produced most of the things they then had to fight off?

I mean, we can laugh at the millenials, but so far the worst they've done is promote narcissistic use of social media and bad music. :plain:


like marbles on glass
Apparently, the president wanted to keep the USS John McCain hidden from view during his visit to Japan.

Well, you know what they say, "Out of sight, out of your mind."

Something like that.

Or his aides who are scared spitless of his temper tantrums...

Here’s the fabled email instructing the Navy to keep the USS McCain out of sight during President Trump’s visit to Japan:


Also from the link:
President Trump says he knew nothing about this. The secretary of defense says he knew nothing about it either. I believe them. This was cooked up by Trump aides in the White House who were worried that Trump might have a meltdown if saw the McCain in port.

Just think about that. Trump’s staff lives in such terror of their man-child that they were afraid he might explode during a military review if he happened to catch sight of the words “USS John McCain” on the side of a naval vessel. Ladies and gentlemen, this is your commander-in-chief.​

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
From a friend of mine elsewhere on the topic of PC speech and whether, as another friend suggested, it was a call for censorship:

"It's not the words that are politically incorrect [that is the problem] it's the implied meaning they are given when used in a certain context. For example, if someone says, "Black lives matter," and another person responds with, "All lives matter," they are using that phrase to diminish the first statement [and not to uplift the larger group]. It's not calling for censorship, it's calling for decency." John Michael Daw

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
I have a confession...sometimes, when I read through forum or FB posts I find myself wishing more people were illiterate...and when it gets really bad I include myself in that number. :plain:


Well-known member
From a friend of mine elsewhere on the topic of PC speech and whether, as another friend suggested, it was a call for censorship:

"It's not the words that are politically incorrect [that is the problem] it's the implied meaning they are given when used in a certain context. For example, if someone says, "Black lives matter," and another person responds with, "All lives matter," they are using that phrase to diminish the first statement [and not to uplift the larger group]. It's not calling for censorship, it's calling for decency." John Michael Daw
Replied to this in another thread (this thread is more of snippets like a blog). Our experiences make a difference too as to how we respond to these. I'm convinced if more were like you and I, these concerns would have better resolve in our nation. :e4e: -Lon

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Thinking of my old friend today and one of his favorite this is for Patrick. :cheers:

The Wrap
on Nostalgia

Was momentarily, if pleasantly surprised in a new guy thread...
I am interested in discussing religion, politics, science, history, and any other sensible subject.
Man, for a second I read that last part as "any sensual subject" and it was one of the funnier things I'd read around here for a aboard. :cheers:

Tried my hand at a few more one sentence movie reviews...
Captain Marvel: a heartwarming tale of illegal immigrants.

Glass: paneful.

Which led to fisticuffs...okay, conversation, but with a real edge...okay, vocabulary then...

Why does Universal block here but not in the UK?
It's all Big Pharma. Somehow. They just ruin everything.

Good to see a few familiar faces about. :cheers: I mean on separate people.

And there's AB too...which is...well, you know. :plain:

Happened upon chrys being chrys and...
I get three times the views when you [anna] reply.
I know town loves that sort of thing
You seem pretty fond of it too. :eek:

Then there was politics and religion in the mix...literally...
Then you obviously know nothing at all about Christianity.
That's what the 7th Day Adventist said to the Baptist.

God forgives those who repent of their sins.
To be sure.

Homosexual activity is a grievous sin
As opposed to a what sort of alternative sin?

Democrats = The party of infanticide, sexual perversion...
...As for the party of perversion title, I think there are enough practical examples of immoral behavior and blind eyed living to embarrass either party. I mean, look who leads the right these days and consider his sexual congress (either, though you'd have to capitalize).

So anna said...
With all due respect and affection to my friends, I've got maybe a bit more Hatfield and McCoy blood in my veins than you do. :eek: There's a fine line between sparring and aggressive or passive aggressive - and between observation of a poster's behavior and ripping them to shreds. I'd like to hope I walk on the civil side more often than not, but there are times when I'm more than willing to give as good as I get.
Reported. :plain: :eek:

Which took a dark and ugly turn, as you'd expect when we tie up...

I really feel like we're getting somewhere with this conversation. And that can only mean one thing.

Back Alley, here we come!

Answered Jacob on the death penalty...
If you have determined no death penalty, either in general for all cases or a specific case (either a situation or a command/commandment/instruction/law), what is your position and/or reasoning?
I'm against it because we know that we've executed the innocent. We have the capacity to incarcerate people for life. During that incarceration some of those innocent may be freed and some remedy applied. But once we take a man's life we cannot offer any remedy and cannot in any sense undo the injustice.

While elsewhere, JR noted...
Congratulations, your post is number 666.
Man...that's going to leave a mark.

Then there was the forlorn look on Trump's youngest at the inaugural, captured by photo...
I never see him smiling. I've often wondered what life for him is like.
When you're his age your father is the smartest, strongest guy in the world.

Think about how depressing that assumption must be for the little guy. :plain:

Noted in anna's circus thread...
This Just In: :singer:

According to NY Magazine, the White House has taken the position that cutting Meals on Wheels funding is actually compassionate.

I mean, think of all the exercise those people will get foraging for food.

And on the problematic nature of partisanship...
So, you're the one that made the argument that Muler is a good guy because of his having a purple heart
It demonstrates courage and devotion to duty outside of the rhetorical.

and I demonstrate how foolish that reasoning is
A declaration isn't a demonstration. It's a stump speech.

Mueller was involved in a case in New York where 3 guys were railroaded into jail because the FBI wanted to protect Whitey Bulger, a mass murderer. Mueller wrote letters saying those guys needed to stay in jail because they were guilty, and he knew they weren't.
At least your proffering something to consider now.

An allegation by Alan Dershowitz? And what action was taken and sustained against Muller in a court of law?

That's just more allegation on the same story about Whitey. This time we have accusations from Louie Gohmert.

Louie Gohmert, who is essentially a wind sock for the far right with a propensity to believe and speak some curious notions. Here are a few nuggets by former birther believing Representative Gohmert:

On the Court.
"The Supreme Court said…‘We are your God. Forget what God, Moses, Jesus ever said, we are your God now, the five of us in the majority, you do as we tell you.’ We have two of them [Ginsburg and Kagan] who had done same-sex marriages before they participated, they were disqualified, but they illegally participated, it’s an illegal decision, and it’s time to start impeaching judges and remove them from the Supreme Court.”

On homosexuals in the military.
“I’ve had people say, ‘Hey, you know, there’s nothing wrong with gays in the military. Look at the Greeks.’ Well, you know, they did have people come along who they loved that was the same sex and would give them massages before they went into battle. But you know what, it’s a different kind of fighting, it’s a different kind of war and if you’re sitting around getting massages all day ready to go into a big, planned battle, then you’re not going to last very long.”

So, he has a history of saying all sorts of things.

Then someone brought up the EC...
So what. That's not how you win elections. That's like a football team saying, "Well you got more touchdowns but we ran more yards."
Actually, you have that backwards, since the EC has largely given geography more power than the people.

LOL. Who gives a crap.
A little over half the electorate, for starters.

Wake up and learn how elections work.
And how they sometimes don't.

So chrys said...
who do you want to protect?
...An immigrant who won't stay and fight for his country?

And anna wondered...
What do you mean by this?
A ban on pacifist immigration? :think:

An end to Amish anchor babies? :plain:

Before AB ruined everything...
And some people think Catholicism is heretical, plenty on here in fact. Not interested in "organised religion" thanks.
Another vote for "disorganized religion" then...we just keep losing folks to the Methodists. :plain:

Tomorrow? :think: I'm not promising anything.

And goodnight sweet prince. May flights of angels sing thee, and never route you through Atlanta. :rip:

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
So I'm on this thread in FB where a guy who is identified as an IHOP cook is answering the question, "Are you an atheist?"

And he says, "I"m not an atheist per se, but I don't believe in the God everyone else believes in."

I asked, "Is it because you work in an IHOP?"

I can tell you, there's no fun in making an IHOP cook cry. :nono:

Okay, he appreciated the jibe (a very young guy, summer job) but still...there are jobs that make you wonder. That has to be one of them.

Like proctologists. You know they have to be nihilists. :plain: