Town Quixote's

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
You've got three teams in the AFC East.
And you play them twice. Six games against a weak opponent.

You've got 28 other teams.
Out of which you play only 10 during the regular season in any year. And which of them are among the best? Do you play the best of those at home or on the road? What's the margin of victory relative to home field?

Against the three teams, the Brady Pats are about .750, and against the 28 other teams, the Brady Pats are about .750.
But that's the misleading part about an average as applied here. Bear with me.

They went 6-0 twice. Which would be the equivalent of going undefeated twice in that span. Doing it once was a statistical miracle. 100%
They went 5-1 eight of those years. That's winning 83% of your games for eight years.

So 10 of 18 years you're winning 83% or better of your games within your division. That's better than the average against the remaining field more than half the time we're considering.

The Pats went to the Super Bowl eight times.

Seven of those years came out of the eight years where they enjoyed that advantage, one that provided home field advantage against more than a few teams that were either dome and/or warm weather teams, increasing the leverage and likelihood of winning.

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
Civil protest is indeed as American as it comes. But protesting by disrespecting the Stars and the Stripes, which among other things is the symbol of civil protest, is about as un-American thing that a citizen of the USA can do. It is even worse when it is done by someone like Colin Kaepernick, who should know that he is a role model for thousands of young people.

Now we see others are defending Colin Kaepernick:

Maroon 5’s Adam Levine spoke with Entertainment Tonight in a segment that aired on Thursday to discuss his band’s decision to perform the Super Bowl LIII halftime show, which he described as “the biggest gig in the game.” Criticism has surrounded the Super Bowl and the NFL for its treatment of Colin Kaepernick. Artists, including Rihanna and Cardi B, declined to perform during the halftime set, in support of Kaepernick.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Jack saw an add for a black history comedy by Kevin Hart on Netflix and said that they had studied black history in school. I asked him for a sample.

Jack: I learned about Harriet Tubman.

Me: That's great Jack. What did you learn about her?

Jack: She used the underground railroad to help black people escape to the north.

Me: That's right. And do you know why those people were trying to get out of the south?

Jack: . . . Okay, why?

Me: Because they hated states rights with a passion, Jack. Why else?

Jack: Daaaad, that's crazy. (laughs)

Me: Yes, son. Yes it is.

Next week I'm thinking of buying Jack his first can of Shinola.
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Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
So I'm officially horrible...they had a news alert here with some Bubba on the run in a Silverado, worst bowl hair you could imagine. Shot a guy in Satsuma...and my first thought?

"The victim, a Super Cuts employee..."

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Today in Science

According to "Physics Today," Mercury, and not Venus, is our closest celestial neighbor, upending a common misperception among laymen and scientists alike.

"Although it feels intuitive that the average distance between every point on two concentric ellipses would be the difference in their radii," opined Sam Cordner of NASA, "in reality that difference determines only the average distance of the ellipses’ closest points."

Both issues of the magazine are set to hit newsstands later this week.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Legislators in Missouri have sponsored a bill that if passed would require citizens of age to own an AR 15 style assault rifle. least now we know what they've been trying to show us.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Only if your spelling is atrocious...or your dictionary is worse.
I had assumed that the bill would protect the right of pacifists to opt out. You're right to call me out on that.

Does the bill protect pacifists, do you know? I had simply assumed that it does.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
A friend of mine posted a new selfie on FB today.

I asked, "Which eye is the lazy one, so I'll know not to stare."

Still waiting...people can be rude sometimes. :plain:

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
The Mostly True News: :singer:

According to a new poll from HarrisX, as reported in The Hill, 11% of Americans would consider bribing a college to have their kids enrolled.

An additional 70% would simply consider paying someone to have their kids removed from home. The sampling error of the poll was plus or minus the number of kids in the room.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
And Another Thing... :think:

We were passing a barbecue restaurant the other day that had the neon outline of a cartoon pig on the outside of it. My wife said, "I can't eat in a place where they make me think about the animal like that. Could you?"

Normally the "could you?" would clue me to the appropriate response, but I was hungry and in a light hearted mood.

I said, "I would eat there if they tied tie three piglets outside under a sign that says, 'Where's my momma?'"

Which, as it turns out, wasn't the best answer.


Well-known member
And Another Thing... :think:

We were passing a barbecue restaurant the other day that had the neon outline of a cartoon pig on the outside of it. My wife said, "I can't eat in a place where they make me think about the animal like that. Could you?"

Normally the "could you?" would clue me to the appropriate response, but I was hungry and in a light hearted mood.

I said, "I would eat there if they tied tie three piglets outside under a sign that says, 'Where's my momma?'"

Which, as it turns out, wasn't the best answer.

I love eating pig. :)

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
The next time you feel discouraged by the difficulty of a challenge remember this:

"The wolf packs in Wood Buffalo National Park are the only wolves in the world that specialize in hunting bison ten times their size. They have grown to be the largest and most powerful wolves on earth." From, Frozen Planet, a BBC documentary

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
I'm watching ESPN this morning and one of the shows (Get Up) has the new WWE "champions" on to interview...WWE on ESPN. It's like seeing a celebration of Flat Earth theory hosted by the Science Channel.

Money really does change everything. :plain: