"He did it all, all we have to do is believe."
Classic Free Will Moronic Mantra
This is another classic example of the self-contradictory nature of the "free willers" false theology.
You are so blind you can't even see how utterly ABSURD it is to say something like "He did it ALL, ALL WE HAVE TO DO IS BELIEVE."
DUH! Only a cloud of deception could make a normally intelligent man say something so stupid and self contradictory.
You free willers don't really believe that God did it ALL and that Salvation is 100% of God and 0% of man.
You think that unless you choose of your own free will to believe, then ALL that God did at the cross is to no avail at all.
You don't REALLY believe that ANYBODY was in fact redeemed or reconciled to God at the cross. That "missing ingredient" is "your faith", or it means nothing.
And the fact is, it is God himself who gives to his people both the repentance and the faith to believe.
We believe because we are elected. It is not that we become elected because we believe. You have everything backwards and upside down.
If God gives repentance and faith to believe, then why didn't he give it to everyone?
If that were true, which it is not. Then there was really no need for Christ and his Gospel. This is why..."Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God (which is the Gospel) Romans 10:17.