Top Pediatrician Says Pushing Transgender Ideology on Kids Is 'Child Abuse'


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Top Pediatrician Says Pushing Transgender Ideology on Kids Is 'Child Abuse'

A top American Pediatrician says transgender ideology has "infiltrated" her field, and is responsible for "large scale child abuse" for what it's teaching children and parents.

"Just a few short years ago, not many could have imagined a high-profile showdown over transgender men and women's access to single-sex bathrooms in North Carolina," Michelle Cretella, M.D., president of the American College of Pediatricians, wrote in a commentary for The Daily Signal on Monday.

"But transgender ideology is not just infecting our laws. It is intruding into the lives of the most innocent among us — children — and with the apparent growing support of the professional medical community," she added.

Cretella referred to her 2016 peer reviewed article, "Gender Dysphoria in Children and Suppression of Debate," which warned that professionals who speak out against gender transition therapy for children find themselves "maligned and out of a job."

The American College of Pediatricians president said that doctors once treated gender identity issues as a mental illness, but now many in the medical community promote transgenderism as "normal."

She criticized the transition-affirming view that holds children who "consistently and persistently insist" that they are not the gender they were born with are innately transgender.

Cretella said that such a view leads parents to put their children on puberty blockers, to give them cross-sex hormones, eventually leading to genital reassignment surgeries.

The pediatrician warned that despite the acceptance of this movement in the media, plenty of institutions and professionals in the field disagree with what she described as a "deeply flawed narrative."

Cretella then listed what she said were eight different factual statements that counter the transition-affirming view, which can be read in full in the The Daily Signal article.

Among them, she notes studies that prove that no one is born "trapped in the body of the wrong sex," and that puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones carry dangerous health risks.

"The crux of the matter is that while the transition-affirming movement purports to help children, it is inflicting a grave injustice on them and their nondysphoric peers," Cretella stressed.

"Today's institutions that promote transition affirmation are pushing children to impersonate the opposite sex, sending many of them down the path of puberty blockers, sterilization, the removal of healthy body parts, and untold psychological damage," she added, insisting that all this creates "institutionalized child abuse."

Earlier in June a sepearate report written by three well-respected medical experts and scholars also questioned decisions that place children under "radical" and "experimental" puberty-blocking hormone therapy.

"Psychologists do not understand what causes gender dysphoria in children and adolescents, or how to distinguish reliably between children who will only temporarily express feelings of being the opposite sex from children whose gender dysphoria will be more persistent," states the report, titled Growing Pains: Problems With Puberty Suppression in Treating Gender Dysphoria, published by quarterly journal The New Atlantis.

"Until much more is known about gender dysphoria, and until controlled clinical trials of puberty suppression are carried out, this intervention should be considered experimental," it adds.

The experts further warned that regardless of good intentions by physicians and parents, "to expose young people to such treatments is to endanger them."

Lord Jesus come quickly and protect the children, the perverts are after them.

Matthew 18:6 6 “Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to sin, it would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck, and he were drowned in the depth of the sea.


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It also harms them physically:

Children Endangered by Puberty Blockers, Medical Experts Warn

(Christian Institute) — Giving out hormone blockers to “pause” puberty “endangers” young children, medical experts have warned.

In an article published in the New Atlantis science journal, experts warned against using hormone-suppressing drugs to encourage gender-confused children to “transition.”

The authors concluded that there is little scientific evidence to support the use of hormone blockers and they should not be considered a prudent option.

Wrongly affirmed

The article was written by Dr Lawrence S. Mayer and Dr Paul R. McHugh from the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and Dr Paul W. Hruz of the Washington University School of Medicine.

They wrote that interventions that affirm children as members of the opposite sex “may drive some children to persist in identifying as transgender when they might otherwise have, as they grow older, found their gender to be aligned with their sex”.

The result of this is that “many children who would otherwise not need ongoing medical treatment would be exposed to hormonal and surgical interventions”.

They concluded: “Regardless of the good intentions of the physicians and parents, to expose young people to such treatments is to endanger them.”

Last year, a nine-year-old girl became one of the youngest children in the UK to be given hormone blockers to ‘pause’ puberty. After being allowed to dress as a boy since she was around five, the girl, who calls herself ‘Jason’, started taking hormone blockers privately.

The child appeared on the Victoria Derbyshire programme with her mother, who praised a CBBC documentary about a transsexual teenager.

The girl’s father had previously called his daughter’s feelings ‘a phase’. But after she watched this programme, her father and mother ‘explained’ transsexualism to her and allowed her to ‘live as a boy’.
BBC bias

The BBC were criticised at the time for pushing a pro-trans agenda.

Deputy Director of The Christian Institute Simon Calvert said: “This is proof that BBC children’s programming is being used to get parents to go along with the transgender movement. The BBC is meant to be impartial on controversial issues but all pretence of impartiality has gone out of the window.

“Telling people they can change their biological sex is just a fallacy. People who genuinely struggle with gender dysphoria need compassion and patient help to come to terms with reality. Instead, the BBC thinks we should try to change reality.”


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Michelle Cretella may be a lot of things but she isn't a "top pediatrician" She is the president of the American College of Pediatrics, which is not the American Acadamy of Pediatrics. It is however one of the tiny number of organizations that are hate groups. The ACP has less than two hundred members, most of which are not peditircans or even doctors at all. THey have been exposed dozens of time as producers of fake research.

A nice example of this faking of research comes up in the OP
"Cretella referred to her 2016 peer-reviewed article, "Gender Dysphoria in Children and Suppression of Debate,"
The article was printed in the Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons which is not a peer-reviewed journal. it claims to be but the "peers" that review the research are members of its own editorial staff.


Well-known member
Michelle Cretella may be a lot of things but she isn't a "top pediatrician" She is the president of the American College of Pediatrics, which is not the American Acadamy of Pediatrics. It is however one of the tiny number of organizations that are hate groups. The ACP has less than two hundred members, most of which are not peditircans or even doctors at all. THey have been exposed dozens of time as producers of fake research.

A nice example of this faking of research comes up in the OP
"Cretella referred to her 2016 peer-reviewed article, "Gender Dysphoria in Children and Suppression of Debate,"
The article was printed in the Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons which is not a peer-reviewed journal. it claims to be but the "peers" that review the research are members of its own editorial staff.

One doesn't need to be a doctor to know something as obvious as this. It's a no-brainer for anyone with even an ounce of common sense. What you're doing is attacking the messenger. This is far from being the only source for this same information.


New member
One doesn't need to be a doctor to know something as obvious as this. It's a no-brainer for anyone with even an ounce of common sense. What you're doing is attacking the messenger. This is far from being the only source for this same information.

No, I'm exposing a fraud that is bing used to promote falshoods for those who choose to hate and for those to stupid or lazy to fact check their claims.

If as you claim there are legitimate sources for such claims then we are left two wonder two things:
First, Why od conservatives repeatedly use well-known frauds to back them up?
Second, Why aren't you present these legitimate sources?


Well-known member
No, I'm exposing a fraud that is bing used to promote falshoods for those who choose to hate and for those to stupid or lazy to fact check their claims.

If as you claim there are legitimate sources for such claims then we are left two wonder two things:
First, Why od conservatives repeatedly use well-known frauds to back them up?
Second, Why aren't you present these legitimate sources?

Common sense is not something I can carry around and impart to you, MrDante.


Well-known member
If it's so obvious...why aren't there mountains of studies and research to support it?

There aren't mountains of studies for anything that just requires common sense. For instance, how many studies are there to prove a person reaps what they sow? Or how many studies are out there to prove honoring your father and your mother makes for a happier life?

Teaching children their sexual identity is all in their head is nonsense. You can study it til the cows come home and you'll find just a bunch of manure.


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Hall of Fame
Michelle Cretella may be a lot of things but she isn't a "top pediatrician" She is the president of the American College of Pediatrics, which is not the American Acadamy of Pediatrics. It is however one of the tiny number of organizations that are hate groups. The ACP has less than two hundred members, most of which are not peditircans or even doctors at all. THey have been exposed dozens of time as producers of fake research.

A nice example of this faking of research comes up in the OP
"Cretella referred to her 2016 peer-reviewed article, "Gender Dysphoria in Children and Suppression of Debate,"
The article was printed in the Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons which is not a peer-reviewed journal. it claims to be but the "peers" that review the research are members of its own editorial staff.

The studies are from John Hopkins, pervert.

The article was written by Dr Lawrence S. Mayer and Dr Paul R. McHugh from the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and Dr Paul W. Hruz of the Washington University School of Medicine.

The Horn

Nobody is trying to "pressure " kids into changing gender . There are some kids who feel the need to do this . It happens on its own . It's a fact of life that some people, of whatever age. feel trapped in the wrong gender . This is not a crime.
Bigotry against trans people is rampant in America, and there has been a steep rise in brutal murders of trans people in recent years . It's far worse to encourage intolerance of trans people
and foment hatred against them than to be a trans person .
They are not a threat to society . There has yet to be a single example of a man who has had a sex change entering a women's restroom with the intention of harassing or molesting women and girls .
They have been going to these restrooms for years and were not even noticed .


New member
Common sense is not something I can carry around and impart to you, MrDante.

So you don't want to respond to the question of why conservatives repeatedly use well-known frauds to back them up.

And you can't present any of the 'legitimate sources' you claim exist.


New member
There aren't mountains of studies for anything that just requires common sense. For instance, how many studies are there to prove a person reaps what they sow? Or how many studies are out there to prove honoring your father and your mother makes for a happier life?

Teaching children their sexual identity is all in their head is nonsense. You can study it til the cows come home and you'll find just a bunch of manure.

I'd ask you for evidence to back up your claim, but you've already admitted you have nothing


Well-known member
So you don't want to respond to the question of why conservatives repeatedly use well-known frauds to back them up.

And you can't present any of the 'legitimate sources' you claim exist.

I've always observed it to be the liberals who repeatedly use well-known frauds to back them up.

I've learned long ago to not waste time showing liberals anything that even hints at common sense.