toldailytopic: Will you eat at Chick-fil-A knowing they support traditional marriage?


New member
Colbert calls out Chick-fil-A’s Facebook ‘sock puppet’

On Thursday night’s edition of “The Colbert Report,” host Stephen Colbert delved into the controversy over Chick-fil-A’s anti-LGBT politics and their poorly-thought-out defense strategy of creating a phony teenage defender on Facebook.

Since Chick-fil-A founder Dan Cathy announced that he was “guilty as charged” of pledging millions of dollars to anti-LGBT groups and averred that his company is run on “Biblical principles,” LGBT activists and others have taken action against the fast food chain. Jim Henson’s Muppets have ended a business relationship with the restaurants and the mayors of Boston and Chicago have announced their intentions to fight the company’s efforts to expand in their cities.

“Thankfully,” said Colbert, “People are stepping up to defend Chick-fil-A. For example, innocent teenager Abby Farle.”

Farle is a teenage girl who took to Facebook to stick up for the embattled restaurant chain. She also happens to be completely fake.

Apparently, Chick-fil-A decided it needed to take some emergency PR action, and allegedly created a fake Facebook account for the teen. The company denies the charge, but as Colbert noted, Abby Farle’s Facebook account was only one day old when she went on her cyber crusade to defend the company. Also, and most damningly, Farle’s profile photo was a stock photo from Shutterstock, the popular online image archive.

In Internet parlance, a fake persona created by someone to defend themselves is called a “sock puppet.” There have been a few notorious instances of sock puppetry over the years, including the sad tale of Lee Siegel, who created the identity “Sprezzatura” to attack his detractors and insist that Siegel was “brave, brilliant and wittier than Stewart will ever be.” Siegel’s career has never recovered from the incident. - link here


Good to see a corporation with such high moral standards.

Colbert is a gasbag! Methane should stink so high!


Farle is a teenage girl who took to Facebook to stick up for the embattled restaurant chain. She also happens to be completely fake.

Good to see a corporation with such high moral standards.

The Cathy's know how "tolerant" homosexualists like Stephen Colbert and the rest of his band of moral degenerates are; why allow another young girl to get HATE MAIL and DEATH THREATS by drag queens, bull dykes and fairies?


That's a great show, but Stephen Colbert doesn't star in it. I don't think he's even made a guest appearance.

Yet another homosexualist laughing it up over death threats on a 14 year old girl.

"If I ever see this girl, I will kill her. That’s a promise.”

Wake up America. The voices that preach tolerance are turning violent. This time the target is an innocent young girl, Sarah Crank, who testified before the Maryland Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee in support of traditional marriage.

The calm, truthful testimony of a 14-year-old minor – without profanity or harsh language – generated vulgar attacks, threats of violence and even death wishes divulged on numerous pro-homosexual websites, blogs, and comment entries. In fact, pro-homosexual activists unleashed a campaign of harassment against the Maryland family, including a call to have the mother’s parental rights revoked for simply encouraging her daughter to defend the reality of marriage between one man and one woman.

Violent Reactions

“And now everyone knows her name, so hopefully she will feel what its like to be harassed and bullied…” reads a comment posted on

From YouTube: “My god I hate people like this. Most (not all) Americans are [expletive] retards. If I ever see this girl, I will kill her. That’s a promise.”

Other entries: “Her parents should be exterminated.”

“The [sic] is why abortion must stay legal – to prevent little bigots like this from being Born…”

“Kill this child and his [sic] parent, for my 11 birthday would be a wonderful gift, thanks.”

“Her belief is hurting other people. I will attack her as much as I please.”

“Parents like hers should be sterilized…”

“I’m gonna kill ‘er!”

That is only a small sample. The vitriolic tone of over 2,600 comments posted on The Huffington Post alone, reveal how the “tolerance” promoted by the homosexual movement is anything but tolerant, nothing more than an empty slogan to silence most Americans."

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Yet another homosexualist laughing it up over death threats on a 14 year old girl.
As with your argument and rationality, there's no such thing.

Regarding your laundry list of comments: people say profoundly ignorant and hateful things when protected by the mask of internet anonymity.

But all we needed was your average post to demonstrate that, so why the overkill? :plain:
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"On Wednesday, Fox & Friends host Steve Doocy interviewed a 16-year-old conservative teen on her political beliefs, as well as the backlash she’s received for them. “She’s conservative, she’s christian and she’s only 16 years old,” said Doocy, introducing Madeleine McAulay...

Doocy then turned to the reaction the teen received after posting a video about same-sex marriage in her home state on her website,

“Within, I think, two days,” she said, “I had over 1,000 views. And, you know, the hatred and the vile, vulgar, disgusting comments started coming in and over the past few days, they have gotten totally extreme and completely inappropriate.”

“Well, they are inappropriate,” Doocy agreed, “and I was looking at your website last night and, well, there were some death threats there.”

“Yes. That was the first time yesterday that I had ever received, you know, kind of death wishes and that was quite interesting, to get that feeling,” she told him."

I think people of decency are getting my point here.


Active member
Hey tolerance and diversity crowd.... isn't there room for just one disenting view in this world? Or will you not be satisfied until you beat every single human on earth into submission?

Is your world view so weak that it cannot handle a differing opinion???

So Chick-fil-A supports traditional marriage and now you want the government to block them from operating in your town?

What happened to your tolerance??

i think if Spousal welfare is going to be handed out then it is given equally to all or equally to none. the idea that only a certain group should have these rights is completely immoral and unethical imo and ultimately undermines religious freedom by propping up one religion above all others....

the personal opinion of a CEO isn't likely to alter my willingness to buy the product.

but your quite right that many who claim tolerance are in fact just as bigoted as those they claim are bigots.


Well-known member
The Cathy's know how "tolerant" homosexualists like Stephen Colbert and the rest of his band of moral degenerates are; why allow another young girl to get HATE MAIL and DEATH THREATS by drag queens, bull dykes and fairies?
There was no young girl. The FB account was a phony, set up to promote and defend the corporation.


There was no young girl. The FB account was a phony, set up to promote and defend the corporation.

So you told us in your first post attempting to belittle a great organization that stands for God's Word.

As I mentioned, with the history of "tolerance" (hate mail, death threats) by the movement that you obviously defend PureX, what responsible parent or organization would use the name of a real child so that she can receive death threats?

Children love going to Chick Fil A; creating a Facebook page with a fictional character (who would be safe from harm) is a way of connecting with those children.

Edit: Show me any adverstising agency that uses a child's real name.


Well-known member
... but your quite right that many who claim tolerance are in fact just as bigoted as those they claim are bigots.
Ah, the old, "Nuh-huh, YOU did!" critique. That one just never seems to go away. Too bad it's such pointless retort.

1. It is not illogical or irrational to be intolerant of intolerance.

2. Accusing the accuser doesn't negate the original accusation in any way, even if the counter accusation were true.

3. It's consistently used as a ploy to "turn the tables" when there is no other reasonable rebuttal for the original accusation.


New member
There was no young girl. The FB account was a phony, set up to promote and defend the corporation.

I was all over reddit when this broke and have yet to see a shred of evidence linking this to CFA's PR or the actual company in any way besides everyone in r/athiest claiming it. Can you point me in the right direction? This could just as easily be someone from reddit or 4chan same-ing and blaming it on CFA.
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