toldailytopic: What is the appropriate way to help the poor?

Lazy afternoon

The third step is to shut down all welfare programs which exist solely to give resources to the poor, and which often give nothing to the needy. Such agencies only provide job security for their own workers while generating tons of worthless paperwork and false statistics. Such agencies contribute to the national debt while producing nothing of value.


Yes but that would increase unemployment and the number of poor.:shut:


TOL Subscriber
Lets give them the rich folk's money. And by rich I mean anyone who has more than a bum should have to give it all to bums.


Short term financial assistance with provisions that they actually look for work/get work, and pass mandatory drug screens while receiving such assistance.
"A Christ denier attempting to instruct a Christian on Christian behavior"
Hmmm so since you are not an accountant , you are not allowed to criticize cooking the books? Since you are not a Hindu you cannot point out the contradiction of a Hindu eating a cow? Or a Muslim that despises the Koran. Or a Jew that eats pork. You really should take a basic logic course.
As usual since you have absolutely no arguments or facts, just name calling. very childish.
Haven't you all been reading the news? We are in a financial crisis. Many people that want a job cannot find one. Just look at the lines for jobs.
But of course it is easier to call them bums and act superior. I suggest that you all read your Bible, or at least try to understand it.
Your interpretation is almost Satanic.
"Don't be partial to the poor. "
Nick M
Ahh so we should ignore
Luke 12;33
"What is the appropriate way to help the poor? "
OP question
"Kick 'em."
Nick M
"It doesn't help your argument when you have to mangle and misrepresent God's word."
Actually, you are misunderstanding the Bible.It is obvious that Jesus is saying sell all you have and give that to the poor. That by being charitable and giving away your material possessions, you will have greater gain in heaven. So you are actually claiming that Jesus never advocated giving to the poor? WOW!
" 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me."
—Matthew 25:45

SOD I know that you are a troll. You have been suspended for that behavior. But really, do you really like humiliating yourself, by proving me right? I offer scripture and arguments. All you offer is name calling.
Are you saying that alms given to the poor are not really alms? Or are you saying that once you give to the church, the church should not feed the poor with that money? Are you saying that giving to
is not a Christian thing to do?


New member
toldailytopic: What is the appropriate way to help the poor?
Some poor need to be helped through handouts because they lack the ability to help themselves. The lame and blind without families to support them are prime examples of this. The historical method of helping them was to allow them to beg outside of public buildings. People that passed by would give them food or coin.

Some poor need to be helped through a fresh start because they lack the means to help themselves but not the ability. The people that became poor through debt are a prime example of this. The historical method of helping them was to allow them to enter voluntary slavery for a set period of time in exchange for payment of their debt and the equipment and tools needed for the fresh start at the end of that time.

There is more, but I am out of time.
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New member
SOD I know that you are a troll. You have been suspended for that behavior. But really, do you really like humiliating yourself, by proving me right? I offer scripture and arguments. All you offer is name calling.

That is all that pink dinosaurs CAN offer. :sigh:
Ah ( actually yawn) yes, more superfluous name calling by the troll that wants to ingratiate himself with the powers that be.
I have nothing against Knight. But the constant boot licking by SOD must even get on his nerves. I hate it when someone on my side is immature.