toldailytopic: What is the appropriate way to help the poor?

some other dude

New member
"Sell your possessions, and give to the needy. "
Luke 12:33
Of course we are all sinners. We would never do that! Imagine a starving child in your living room as you eat a ham sandwich. Would you be evil if you did not offer him a bite? Of course! Unfortunately, we rationalize the fact that starving children exist now!! And geographical distance is not an excuse!
I am a sinner. It is only by the grace of God ( perhaps) that he will save me.
I hate this nonsense about how the poor deserve their fate. That is VERY unchristian( and Social Darwinism!) There by the grace of God go I. I have been very lucky and it has nothing to do with my intrinsic worth.

aggie naggie!

Welcome back!


Blessed is the man that......
Hall of Fame

toldailytopic: What is the appropriate way to help the poor?

We always try to help as best we can, but not be an enabler. We've given money only in real dire circumstances, if lunch or dinner that is sought we take them to a place to eat and eat with them, we have taken some of the hard pressed vets to the VA hospital; and some others of the homeless wandering the streets to the shelter but no money, if they refuse that is their choice, we offered. For one poor family, when we went to the store we bought many of the bogo's, one for us and one for them, it was a pretty good deal for both. For us it is more like the parable of the Good Samaritan, we'll get what you need to help, and if it is a bit more we'll cover the cost, usually money given to the poor or homeless just feeds the addiction and that is no real help.

Lazy afternoon

Unlimited handouts, new shelters, only seems to create more homeless people.

What's the appropriate way a society could help the less fortunate?

In times past the poor would go house to house looking for some work and a meal. Anything like cutting the grass or chopping wood.

If someone can not work it is another matter, but some will not even look after themselves and want everyone else to do everything for them.

God only helps those willing to help themselves in some way.

The idea for example is that if someone uses their money on drugs of any kind and is starving then without their giving up the drugs then they can just starve to death as far as I am concerned.

Some call it tough love but it is just love.

If I smoke and go and keep buying cigarettes then why would God help me to give it up?

People can start gardens and the like to feed themselves but mostly are too busy watching TV or something and buying things they do not need.

A lot of money from well meaning people goes to support the wrong people imo.

I have always been hands on myself and will not give my responsability to someone else, by me giving them the money the Lord has provided to me, for them to do with it what they like and I do nothing myself.

When on the little farm it was easy to help the right people but in the city it is difficult and the shops and other temptations are too close.


john w

New member
Hall of Fame
According to those opponents of taking a dispensational view in interpreting the book, including "MAD," who think we are wackos, in a cult, and all that jazz.....sell all you have, and have all things in common, since all of the book is written specifically to us, for our obedience. Back to Pentecost!!!! Do I hear an "Amen?"

I know, I know....spiritual....does not mean sell all...have all things in are in a chopper/slicer...we will pray for you, John W...

Nathon Detroit

"Sell your possessions, and give to the needy. "
Luke 12:33
Uh... Luke 12:33 has nothing to do with giving to the "needy". Instead, it's an analogy about trading your earthly goods for heavenly goods.

It doesn't help your argument when you have to mangle and misrepresent God's word.

Luke 12:31 “But seek the kingdom of God, and all these things shall be added to you. 32 “Do not fear, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom. 33 “Sell what you have and give alms; provide yourselves money bags which do not grow old, a treasure in the heavens that does not fail, where no thief approaches nor moth destroys. 34 “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.


New member
Help them become self sufficient? Job training programs, adult education, literacy programs - in other words, teach them all the stuff successful people pick up while they're growing up and going through school.

I have met some very enlightened people who live on the streets, in some cases homelessness is as much a choice as anything. Further I would say a good deal, not all, have the education etc; but neither the luck or inclination.

It's not a decision I would make or agree with; but there is knowledge wrapped in blankets on the streets!?!

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Unlimited handouts, new shelters, only seems to create more homeless people.

What's the appropriate way a society could help the less fortunate?
Meet the immediate need but condition assistance to the able bodied upon completion of job training. And make sure we have an economy where every able bodied person can find work that will pay their freight and allow them to become sustained, productive members of the Republic.

Ben Hur

New member
Jobs, jobs, jobs!

We need to assist through private charity. I truly believe people would be more generous if the government wasn't confiscating half their $ in taxes.

some other dude

New member
aggie said:
See my post 19 to see how unchristian your last post is.

A Christ denier attempting to instruct a Christian on Christian behavior. :nono:

I see you're still riding the short bus Aggie. :chuckle:

Ted L Glines

New member
The TOPIC OF THE DAY for October 5th, 2011 10:16 AM

toldailytopic: What is the appropriate way to help the poor?

People who are poor are those who are lacking resources. Duh. But poor people are not necessarily needy. The poorness may be due to circumstances, but it may also be intentional; as in someone who concentrates on ascetic values rather than on worldly riches.

Needs in our society include food, clothing, housing, transportation and employment. I am poor, but the aforesaid needs are fulfilled so I am not needy. Medical and spiritual are not mentioned because only doctors can help with the first, and only God with the second. We should concentrate on only the needy, and we should concentrate on only those elements of help where we are qualified.

The first step is to identify those who are truly needy. Example: There is a % of homeless people who have chosen to drop out of society; that Vietnam vet is not as needy as you think.

The second step is to discontinue help to those who only pretend to be needy. Such persons misuse their resources in order to appear to be needy. Left to their own devices, they will fill their own needs.

The third step is to shut down all welfare programs which exist solely to give resources to the poor, and which often give nothing to the needy. Such agencies only provide job security for their own workers while generating tons of worthless paperwork and false statistics. Such agencies contribute to the national debt while producing nothing of value.

In the way of personal charity, how do you want to help the needy? What are you qualified to do for anyone? We talk a good game but walking the walk may be a difficult path when you have no map.

Ted L Glines

New member
Jobs, jobs, jobs!

We need to assist through private charity. I truly believe people would be more generous if the government wasn't confiscating half their $ in taxes.

The government does not confiscate half my $ in taxes. Only a tiny % of my wages are withheld for taxes. So, what is my excuse?


New member
Temporary aide and shelter with the condition of establishing employment.

"Condition"--that is the appropriate word for a long term situation. For example, there is a Christian charity near by that gives help to people, but they have to be willing to "work it off" when and however they can. This is most often a good thing. However, we do need to remember that some folks can contribute much--remember the widow's mite.


New member
Uh... Luke 12:33 has nothing to do with giving to the "needy". Instead, it's an analogy about trading your earthly goods for heavenly goods.

It doesn't help your argument when you have to mangle and misrepresent God's word.

Luke 12:31 “But seek the kingdom of God, and all these things shall be added to you. 32 “Do not fear, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom. 33 “Sell what you have and give alms; provide yourselves money bags which do not grow old, a treasure in the heavens that does not fail, where no thief approaches nor moth destroys. 34 “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

Jesus is quite clear about his advice to help the poor and give to the needy. He is also quite clear that our true treasure is in heaven. It is not either/or. He was also clear to render to Caesar what is Caesar's.
"God's word" was written by people and needs to be interpreted by people. It has authority only to the extent that you choose to give it authority. It is past time for Americans to take responsibility for their own knowledge. We are supposed to be a democracy, not an authoritarian state. We should not take an authoritarian approach to religion. That is unbecoming of us as Americans, and a sellout of our human nature and abilities. God is expressing as us. God is not sheep.