toldailytopic: What is the appropriate way to help the poor?

Nathon Detroit

The TOPIC OF THE DAY for October 5th, 2011 10:16 AM

toldailytopic: What is the appropriate way to help the poor?

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Nathon Detroit

Unlimited handouts, new shelters, only seems to create more homeless people.

What's the appropriate way a society could help the less fortunate?

some other dude

New member
Help them become self sufficient? Job training programs, adult education, literacy programs - in other words, teach them all the stuff successful people pick up while they're growing up and going through school.

Nathon Detroit

Is it a good idea to give homeless people money when they are sitting on the side of the road with a handout sign?


Unlimited handouts, new shelters, only seems to create more homeless people.

And the congregation said "Amen!"

What's the appropriate way a society could help the less fortunate?

Private charity for the truly needy, they're much better at filtering out the scam artists than a huge government bureaucracy is. Also, start making working for a living profitable and a proud thing to do. Due to liberal heavy taxation and constantly playing the "victim card", some people have no problem standing on a street corner making a lucrative living.


Help them become self sufficient? Job training programs, adult education, literacy programs - in other words, teach them all the stuff successful people pick up while they're growing up and going through school.

More government programs dude? How about letting the private sector work their magic? It's worked before and will work again.


New member
There are plenty of parks to be mowed, trash to be picked up, roads to be sweeped, bubble gum to be steamed off, etc.

They should have to work for their meals.


As far as I can tell Christians aren't supposed to try to change society. The Bible says that we should take care of widows and children within the church first. That doesn't mean you can't do something for the poor outside of church. The Bible tells us who to take care of first.

I guess we don't have much choice when the government takes our money for their programs. I guess I would consider what ever the government takes from me if the funds find the way and truly help someone then there stands my gift. People who abuse the system are not invisible to God.


New member
The TOPIC OF THE DAY for October 5th, 2011 10:16 AM

toldailytopic: What is the appropriate way to help the poor?

First of all, ignore dinosaurs. :D

Second of all, let's all do what we can to contribute to local charities.

Third of all, charities cannot do the job by themselves. People used to starve before there was government help. We need social security, medicare, medicaid, food stamps, disaster relief, welfare, unemployment benefits.

Welfare programs that ask recipients to find work or get training are good. Time limits on welfare are not, because recession can happen anytime, and people lose income through no fault of their own. Republicans who blame welfare recipients for not being able to find a job deserve to lose their jobs and see what it's like.

Social Security may need some adjusting, like raising the cap on how much income is taxed, raising the retirement age, etc. Other kinds of income besides payroll should be taxed. But cuts to social security to ease the deficit is robbing people who pay into the program. Social Security has received more than it pays. It should not be thought of as a resource so that the rich don't have to pay more taxes.

If the cap on how much income is taxed for SS is raised, then the rate can perhaps even be lowered. That would allow medicare taxes to be raised. They are low now, and the program is losing money; but it still covers the least healthy group of people. Raising the medicare tax to cover everyone seems like the best deal to both save the program and eliminate the cost of private health insurance on people and businesses. More cost controls need to happen on unnecessary treatments. Drugs prices should be open to competition from companies in other countries, and drugs should be purchased in bulk by pharmacies. And alternative holistic medicine should be fully covered, and people should be required to get health and lifestyle education.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Send them all to Arthur Brain's house. :thumb:

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
Kick 'em.

If somebody is lying on the ground and you want them to get up, you don't toss them a pillow.

some other dude

New member
When my kids would lie on the couch and ignore my efforts at encouraging them to get moving, I found that the best way to dislodge them was to let one rip. :)
"Sell your possessions, and give to the needy. "
Luke 12:33
Of course we are all sinners. We would never do that! Imagine a starving child in your living room as you eat a ham sandwich. Would you be evil if you did not offer him a bite? Of course! Unfortunately, we rationalize the fact that starving children exist now!! And geographical distance is not an excuse!
I am a sinner. It is only by the grace of God ( perhaps) that he will save me.
I hate this nonsense about how the poor deserve their fate. That is VERY unchristian( and Social Darwinism!) There by the grace of God go I. I have been very lucky and it has nothing to do with my intrinsic worth.


Hall of Fame
Temporary aide and shelter with the condition of establishing employment.