toldailytopic: What do you think of Rick Perry?


I identify as a Christian
Staff member
Hall of Fame
I have not heard much about this guy. Let's take a look:

Protect the unborn via sonogram requirement. (Feb 2011):up:
Abortion only for rape, incest, or maternal health. (Jun 2002):down:
Why murder a kid because his father was a rapist? :doh:
Supports prohibiting human embryonic stem cell research. (Aug 2010):up:
Opposes federal abortion funding. (Aug 2010):up:
Supports Amendment to prevent same sex marriage. (Aug 2010) :up:
Life without parole for certain repeat sex offenders. (Feb 2011) :up:
Death penalty for aggravated rape. (Nov 2010) :up:
Signed the No Climate Tax Pledge by AFP. (Nov 2010) :up:
Stop declaring wildlife sanctuaries on water reservoirs. (Feb 2007) :up:
Individual right to keep and bear arms. (Nov 2010) :up:
Opposes restrictions on the right to bear arms. (Aug 2010) :up:
ObamaCare is a trainwreck of a plan. (Feb 2011) :up:
Repeal ObamaCare; simple message to Washington: "Enough". (Feb 2011) :up:
Total repeal and dismantling of ObamaCare. (Nov 2010) :up:
Secure the Mexican border against drug cartels. (Feb 2011) :up:
Unelected judges shouldn't tell us when & where we can pray. (Feb 2011) :up:
Prohibiting school prayer is federal overreach. (Nov 2010) :up:

Source----> Rick Perry on the Issues

His political record does have one very bad hitch in it. I would rather have a candidate that has zero tolerance for abortion.


New member
Perry's record

Perry's record

Great summary of Perry's record posted by bigbang123:

Gov Rick Perry

Texas standings against all 50 states on a variety of issues (1st means highest ranking, 50th means lowest ranking).

• State Aid Per Pupil in Average Daily Attendance – 47th
• Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT) Scores – 45th
• % of Population 25 and Older with High School Diploma – 50th
• High School Graduation Rate – 43rd
• Per Capita State Spending on State Arts Agencies – 43rd
• Birth Rate – 2nd
• Percent of Uninsured Children – 1st
• Percent of Children Living in Poverty – 4th
• Percent of Population Uninsured – 1st
• Percent of Non-Elderly Uninsured – 1st
• Percent of Low Income Population Covered by Medicaid – 49th
• Percent of Population with Employer-Based Health Insurance – 48th
• Total Health Expenditures as % of the Gross State Product – 43rd
• Per Capita State Spending on Mental Health – 50th
• Per Capita State Spending on Medicaid – 49th
• Health Care Expenditures per Capita – 44th
• Physicians per Capita – 42nd
• Registered Nurses per Capita – 44th
• Average Monthly Women, Infant, and Children (WIC) Benefits per Person – 47th
• Percent of Population Who Visit the Dentist – 46th
• Overall Birth Rate – 2nd
• Teenage Birth Rate – 7th
• Births to Unmarried Mothers – 17th
• Percent of Women with Pre-Term Birth – 9th
• Percent of Non-Elderly Women with Health Insurance – 50th
• Rate of Women Aged 40+ Who Receive Mammograms – 40th
• Cervical Cancer Rate – 11th
• Percent of Women with High Blood Pressure – 16th
• Percent of Pregnant Women Receiving Prenatal Care in First Trimester – 50th
• Women’s Voter Registration – 45th
• Women’s Voter Turnout – 49th
• Percent of Women Living in Poverty – 6th
• Mortgage Debt as Percent of Home Value – 47th
• Foreclosure Rates – 10th
• Median Net Worth of Households – 47th
• Average Credit Score – 49th
• Retirement Plan Participation – 47th
• Amount of Carbon Dioxide Emissions – 1st
• Amount of Volatile Organic Compounds Released into Air – 1st
• Amount of Toxic Chemicals Released into Water – 1st
• Amount of Recognized Cancer-Causing Carcinogens Released into Air – 1st
• Amount of Hazardous Waste Generated – 1st
• Amount of Toxic Chemicals Released into Air – 5th
• Amount of Recognized Cancer-Causing Carcinogens Released into Water – 7th
• Number of Hazardous Waste Sites on National Priority List – 7th
• Consumption of Energy per Capita – 5th
• Workers’ Compensation Coverage – 50th
• Income Inequality Between the Rich and the Poor – 9th
• Income Inequality Between the Rich and the Middle Class – 5th
• Homeowner’s Insurance Affordability – 46th
• Number of Executions – 1st
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --


New member
Perry is no doubt the biggest ***/creep running for president. Today he proved it by somehow threatening the federal reserve if it does more QE, accusing Republican Ben Bernanke of playing politics. How dare him try to improve the economy and thus improve Obama's chances. Just what the Tea Party is trying to do by cutting off stimulus.


Well-known member
This article talks some about the minimum wage issue.


I'm not really seeing that his points have that much bearing. He's arguing that because Texas has population growth and many of the jobs are relatively low income is all due to demographics. Maybe so, but that doesn't make Texas an economic miracle as Perry has claimed. What policies does he cite were responsible for his "miracle" anyway?


I don't think Texas is something the rest of the country should be emulating regardless.



Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
If eameme hates him this guy must be a non-socialist, awesome! :thumb:

I'm sure Gov. Perry will be torn up inside knowing he doesn't have your vote. :chuckle:

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Sorry, had the guy confused with the actor. I'm on board now...not a big fan of Journey though, honestly. To each his own, I suppose. :plain:

The city by the bay song was all right...:idunno:


New member
Not unless the economy suddenly starts moving quickly. Not likely to happen anytime soon. And frankly calling someone treasonous is ridiculous and a bad idea when dealing with economic issues in any case.

Like Perry has made Texas a better place? They're tied with Mississippi with the highest percentage of the state's workforce living on minimum wage.

You're spewing utter nonsense. HALF jobs in the nation have been created in Texas during the Obama years. Economic growth has been significantly higher in Texas and in Obamanation. Wages have gone up 50% more Texas than in the rest of the nation.

Perry would destroy Obama in landslide if the two face each other.


Well-known member
You're spewing utter nonsense. HALF jobs in the nation have been created in Texas during the Obama years.
Eh not really. The statistics used for that one are only about half true.

Economic growth has been significantly higher in Texas and in Obamanation.
And? That doesn't mean it was due to Perry. Texas has a lot of oil, oil prices are high . . .

Wages have gone up 50% more Texas than in the rest of the nation.
Uhh when? Wages have stagnated in Texas and gone up slightly elsewhere.

Perry would destroy Obama in landslide if the two face each other.
Riight. In your dreamworld maybe. I don't think the American people want someone that thinks social security, medicare and medicaid should be abolished, privatized or otherwise destroyed. Perry is on the fringe, even compared to Bush. Perry being the nominee is probably the Obama campaign's dream opponent.

Here's the rest of the breakdown on the Texas economy.


Well-known member
Riight. In your dreamworld maybe. I don't think the American people want someone that thinks social security, medicare and medicaid should be abolished. Perry is on the fringe, even compared to Bush. Perry being the nominee is probably the Obama campaign's dream opponent.

Perry wants those programs abolished? Source?


Well-known member
Perry wants those programs abolished? Source?

He says they're unconstitutional.

The Constitution says that “the Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes… to provide for the… general Welfare of the United States.” But I noticed that when you quoted this section on page 116, you left “general welfare” out and put an ellipsis in its place. Progressives would say that “general welfare” includes things like Social Security or Medicare—that it gives the government the flexibility to tackle more than just the basic responsibilities laid out explicitly in our founding document. What does “general welfare” mean to you?

[PERRY:] I don’t think our founding fathers when they were putting the term “general welfare” in there were thinking about a federally operated program of pensions nor a federally operated program of health care. What they clearly said was that those were issues that the states need to address. Not the federal government. I stand very clear on that. From my perspective, the states could substantially better operate those programs if that’s what those states decided to do.

He thinks they shouldn't exist and the states COULD create similar programs, if they wanted. :kookoo:


Patron Saint of SMACK
Hall of Fame
Well you know, a dollar a day is still employment! I mean people can survive on sticks of gum right?

He also thinks Social Security is a ponzi scheme, the 16th amendment should be repealed and the clean air act is unconstitutional. As a liberal commenter said "Meet Rick Perry: the guy who’ll make you miss George Bush."

Social Security is a ponzi scheme

Frank Ernest

New member
Hall of Fame
Rick Perry is fine with me. I would like to see the Repub nomination go right to the convention floor. Hey! Ryan is making some DC noises about running! More the merrier. Got lots to pick from.

Libs are stuck with Comrade First Secretary Obama (um-um-um) and their "I :hetro: Mitt" placards.


New member
Remember when Rick Perry forced little girls to take Gardasil?Plenty died. Worse, this was after drug trials showed deaths, convulsions, foaming at the mouth, and an incredible, ebola-like bleeding from orifices. I was following the news feed about it at the time.

No way would I elect him after that. Never mind his promise not to run, which was probably manipulative baloney to begin with.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Sorry again, had the guy confused with the singer. Big Rick Perry fan. 24 point career average, seven rebounds and six assists a game? He deserved the HOF even playing most of his career for Golden State.. :thumb: :plain:


New member
We tried this before. A born-again Texas hick? Really?

That's so true :rotfl: . Like Jersey Shore proves, loud, obnoxious glory hounds are well loved by the public :chuckle: . I swear man, all I see in the either party is just chiseled from stone figureheads that are just lame caricatures. I'm going to start suggesting we nominate cartoon characters for president. There is no difference. The sad thing is election cycle after cycle people still put their hope in these clowns.


New member

WASHINGTON — The Texas state government spends less money per resident than any other state in the country, according to a new survey that also ranks Texas as the fourth best-run state in the nation.

Texas spent $3,638 per year for each person in the state, according to the report — less than one-third the amount of top spender Alaska's $12,833. While the Lone Star State budget ranked third in the country, Texas spent about half as much per resident as the states ahead of it, California and New York.

The report card from the Pew Center on the States, released Monday, gave Texas an overall grade of B+ for quality of governance, improving upon its grade of B from its last report card in 2005. The state scored highest for its innovative uses of technology.