toldailytopic: What do you believe God requires of you?

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Nathon Detroit

The TOPIC OF THE DAY for August 23rd, 2010 10:10 AM

toldailytopic: What do you believe God requires of you?

Take the topic above and run with it! Slice it, dice it, give us your general thoughts about it. Everyday there will be a new TOL Topic of the Day.
If you want to make suggestions for the Topic of the Day send a Tweet to @toldailytopic or @theologyonline or send it to us via Facebook.


New member
Sinless perfection. Everybody fails.

What does God provide? Sinless perfection. Everyone (who chooses) wins.


Well-known member
Say you were going through a point in your life where you weren't sure what you believed.

Would you still be saved?

It's not easy for me to answer the way you phrased it. For example, if I wasn't sure that my sins were forgiven, how could I believe the gospel? And if I don't believe the gospel, how can I be saved? :idunno:

If you're asking if we can be lost over the details our belief, then, like you, I don't believe we are saved by a perfect understanding of theology. And lacking a perfect understanding, we will likely have doubts about which interpretation of the details are correct. That strikes me as normal and, to some extent, a good thing (iron sharpens iron?).

Can I turn the question around on you?

The three worthies in the book of Daniel (chapter 3) were about to be cast in the fiery furnace by Nebuchadnezzer. They had faith that God would deliver them (Daniel 3:17).

If the three worthies did not have that faith, would they have been consumed in the fiery furnace?

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Say you were going through a point in your life where you weren't sure what you believed.

Would you still be saved?

Yes. Give yourself to God and you are no longer your own. So accepting grace isn't God imparting--that was already accomplished. The giving is on our side of it and only then in the giving over to God what was paid for by God.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
you have to prove
you can be trusted
that you appreciate what you have

not by what you say
by what you do


TOL Subscriber

toldailytopic: What do you believe God requires of you?

I, as a Calvinist, consider your question to be providential, for I have been contemplating and praying about beginning a new thread regarding the unconditionality of the Covenant of Grace.

For under this new covenant (contrasted with the old Covenant of Works that included all the requirements of the Law), there are NO requirements that the sinner must meet.

Jesus Christ has done all that was necessary for the Father to forgive the sons of God. Spiritually, physically, and legally.

The Law says man must believe God and repent from sin. No man can and no man ever has willingly obeyed these requirements.

That is why God sent His Son into this world. To do for the sons of God what they were unable and unwilling to do. Jesus Christ was faithful to the Father and had no part with sin . . . as representative of His spiritual children.

It is His faithfulness that is imparted to the sons of God, which changes their hearts and causes them to be able to believe and willing to turn away from sin (repent). So all the legal requirements under the Covenant of Works (Law) were met and satisfied by Christ, and imputed to His children as their own righteousness before God.

Even the good works of the Spirit that evidence one is a genuine believer, are the works of the Holy Spirit of Christ. For without the Spirit of Christ abiding within the Christian, the Christian can do nothing on His own.

So there are no requirements made of sinners in order to be saved. No sacraments are required, but only enjoyed after conversion. Salvation from God is unconditional.

There are no works required in order to remain saved. It is the Holy Spirit of Christ that seals us and guarantees everlasting life to every child of God.

Christians have been spiritually brought into union with the Son, and we are now one with God as the Father and Son are one, and nothing or no one can separate us from the love of God. John Chapter 10 and Christ's prayer in John Chapter 17 are the believers' assurance of these things.

I could say more Knight, but it is enough to see we have the same thoughts today, and you have saved me starting a new thread. Thanks! I will be very interested to see the responses to this question, too.



Well-known member
Mic 6:8 He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the LORD require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God.
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