toldailytopic: What could Obama say in his State of the Union speech tonight that wou

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The previous one maybe . . . but yeah that won't fly for a wide range of reasons. Anyone else? And how do you determine the next philosopher?

I don't think that people fully understand just how well educated Catholic priests are. To become a Catholic priest, you have to get a doctorate in theology. Philosophy makes up a massive amount of a priest's undergraduate coursework. You should check out Pope Benedict XVI's academic career.

Say what you want about the present pope, but you can't deny that he's brilliant, and he's quite possibly the most qualified ruler in any nation on earth. I'm unaware of any other president/dictator/etc. who was the chair of dogmatic theology (or anything else, for that matter) at the University of Tubingen (or anywhere else, for that matter).

In any case, I'm hesitant to name an American for this reason:

1. Since I work for the state, I can't endorse a political party or candidate.

2. To be honest, I'm not all that familiar with the works of modern philosophers anyways.

Either way, I've addressed this before:

Getting a new philosopher king wouldn't be difficult. He'd be appointed by other philosophers. That's the way that a new pope gets elected. The new pope gets appointed by the college of cardinals. I fail to see why a new philosopher king couldn't just get appointed by "the college of chairs of philosophy."


Well-known member
I don't think that people fully understand just how well educated Catholic priests are. To become a Catholic priest, you have to get a doctorate in theology.
And? Sorry if I'm not impressed but I have a PhD in the sciences and I know quite a few PhDs. Some of them are amazingly stupid or just ignorant of everything outside of their field, even those that publish. Granted some of them are extremely intelligent, but intelligence alone does not a good leader make. Neither does being educated mean you are smart or qualified to rule a country, the world, a particular religious group etc.

Say what you want about the present pope, but you can't deny that he's brilliant, and he's quite possibly the most qualified ruler in any nation on earth. I'm unaware of any other president/dictator/etc. who was the chair of dogmatic theology (or anything else, for that matter) at the University of Tubingen (or anywhere else, for that matter).
Much as I may occasionally enjoy delving into theology I don't see how it would qualify one to rule a country. Really I don't think any one person will have enough knowledge to properly rule a country.


When I say "nuke", make it "drop two MOABs and a bunker-buster over every known military and government facility of theirs".
The kaboom level is set by the mood of the guy in charge, actually.

While left alone, we leave alone. When attacked, we respond with overwhelming force, a completely disproportionate reprisal.

We may accidentally kill too many innocent folks while nuking, right?


New member
Getting a new philosopher king wouldn't be difficult. He'd be appointed by other philosophers. That's the way that a new pope gets elected. The new pope gets appointed by the college of cardinals. I fail to see why a new philosopher king couldn't just get appointed by "the college of chairs of philosophy."

If there's a better proof that this mechanism doesn't work well, I don't know what it would be.


New member
Hall of Fame
Seems like a pretty dull, boiler plate speech. There wasn't even a "You lie!" moment this year.


Yeah, I'm sure we're nto borrowing from China to give those tax cuts to multi millionaires either . . . . . .
Why do you covet? Col. 3:5, 1 Tim. 6:9–11, Hab. 2:9, Ps. 39:6. Leaning on your own understanding again (Pr 3:5). Vain thoughts leading you astray--again (Ro 1:21). :rolleyes: Do you believe that you are entitled to money someone else earned? Is it right to borrow from China to maintain entitlement programs? Is it right to leave debt to future generations? Amos 8:5.


New member
If it's not mutual, one side is not deterred. If it is not assured, one side might take their chances.

Except in the Missile Crisis and the Berlin Blockade, there was no risk, zero, nada, nil, of the USA and the USSR going to war. Once destruction was mutual and assured, any saber-rattling was purely for internal propaganda purposes.


New member
If it's not mutual, one side is not deterred. If it is not assured, one side might take their chances.

Except in the Missile Crisis and the Berlin Blockade, there was no risk, zero, nada, nil, of the USA and the USSR going to war. Once destruction was mutual and assured, any saber-rattling was purely for internal propaganda purposes.

That is a good point. Now, we are dealing with extremists willing to kill their own children to make a point.


New member
Hall of Fame
If it's not mutual, one side is not deterred. If it is not assured, one side might take their chances.

Except in the Missile Crisis and the Berlin Blockade, there was no risk, zero, nada, nil, of the USA and the USSR going to war. Once destruction was mutual and assured, any saber-rattling was purely for internal propaganda purposes.

Except for the numerous close calls, false scares, and near misses that've been documented throughout the Cold War that could have killed millions before anyone realized what had happened, sure.


Let's apply Nancy Pearcey's three-part grid to :Commie: your humanistic worldview, shall we?


Q: What is Marxism's counterpart to creation, the ultimate origin of everything?
A: Self-creating, self-generating matter


Q: What is Marxism's version of the Fall, the origin of suffering and oppression?
A: The rise of private property


Q: How does Marxism prose to set the world right again?
A: Revolution! Overthow the oppressors and create the original paradise of primitive communism" Total Truth: Liberating Christianity from Its Cultural Captivity

Does that sound good to you? Those evil rich people must be stopped? :sozo2:
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