toldailytopic: What are your thoughts about the Tea Party movement in America?

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Nathon Detroit

The TOPIC OF THE DAY for April 5th, 2011 11:27 AM

toldailytopic: What are your thoughts about the Tea Party movement in America?

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New member
It was a good effort to start a grass roots movement that promoted conservatism and libertarianism. Its reputation has been tarnished because of media insistance that it is linked to the GOP and claims that Sarah Palin is the symbolic leader of the movement.

Four O'Clock

New member
It was a good effort to start a grass roots movement. Its reputation has been tarnished because of Sarah Palin .
I agree with the above portion of your post.
It's not the media that's tarnished them, it IS Palin, among other factors that have them almost totally polarized. She went around, last fall, stumping for all these wing-nuts.
They want every moderate-Republican out?? Is that the problem?
Several have lost seats because of the tea-bag moronic mantra.
I've said this before but the FAR-right and the FAR-left, collectively, are the problem in our country.
And the saddest thing is that politics are infecting Christianity or, at least, people's perception of Christian truth.
On the left you've got the inner-city 'social gospel' one-issue folks, many of which also support the quasi-Marxist 'Liberation-theology' crapola infecting Central & South America along with other underdeveloped nations.
On the right you've got the "capitalism is good, socialism is bad, the poor are poor because they choose to be, abortion/homosexuality are the ONLY things Christians should worry about, yadda, yadda,..."
I basically agree with TCM. I don't like Obama either (tho I don't think him some anti-christ, we've had worse in office) but this far-right movement may well put him back in office for another 4Y's.
The right ignores the poor and impoverished. The left ignores many basic Christian dictates.
There is some truth in both sides but neither seems the least bit willing to acknowledge the other.
Can we please keep politics out of our Faith?


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
without the tea party movement there would be no gov walker doing what gov walker is doing

Four O'Clock

New member
without the tea party movement there would be no gov walker doing what gov walker is doing
I don't think I've ever seen a more, right-wing Catholic as yourself c.
As a non-Catholic with my many trips to the Gethsemini monastary, along with my fellowship with Christians of all faiths?
You are truely a work of mis-guided art.
In Christ....


New member
On the right you've got the "capitalism is good, socialism is bad, the poor are poor because they choose to be, abortion/homosexuality are the ONLY things Christians should worry about, yadda, yadda,..."

You are doing a classic example of pushing the beliefs of the GOP onto the tea party.

The tea party is not about supporting capitalism. It is about trying to regain the individual private property rights we had 100 years ago. The GOP supports corporate capitalism and allows themselves to be bought off by the corporations.
The tea party wants morality in our culture because it is the best way to protect individual private property. The GOP does nothing to stop immorality or protect individual private property.


New member
Hall of Fame
The TOPIC OF THE DAY for April 5th, 2011 11:27 AM

toldailytopic: What are your thoughts about the Tea Party movement in America?

I think they have some valid concerns and some good points about fiscal issues.
I think their valid message gets crowded out by the crazies and those who focus on the crazies.
I think they need to distance themselves from people like Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin and Michelle Bachmann if they want to retain any credibility. But maybe this is just a repeat of my previous statement. :think:

I like anything that attempts to shake up the status quo and the two-party establishment but I'll be surprised if they have any long-term effects. Especially because parts of the TP have gotten hijacked (or was driven by them the whole time) by people within the Republican establishment.


New member
Hall of Fame
It was a good effort to start a grass roots movement that promoted conservatism and libertarianism. Its reputation has been tarnished because of media insistance that it is linked to the GOP and claims that Sarah Palin is the symbolic leader of the movement.

I don't think that last part is all a media creation but for the most part I agree. :up:


Well-known member
I don't believe the Tea Party was ever grass roots. They're people inflamed by the Koch Brothers and similar actors to campaign for things that actually go against their own interests.

The Horn

The problem with the Tea Party is that it supports right-wing Washington politicos,or non-politicians who are wannabees, who are much,much worse than Obama,whatever his undeniable flaws and mistakes ,and who would NOT be in any way good for America.
Like so many Americans, the Tea Partiers delude themselves into thinking that if our government just keeps reducing taxes as much as possible, deregulates business totally, and the whole conservative agenda, general prosperity will somehow miraculously reuslt.
Boy are they wrong !
Being concerned about government and inefficiency is entirely legitimate, but the government must not go so far as to throw the baby out with the bathwater. Defunding NPR,PBS and the National Endowment For The Arts is NOT a good way to do this, because it would barely save peanuts. There are plenty of other wasteful things which could be eliminated. And furthermore, this would only eliminate a lot of jobs. These things are job creators,for Pete's sake ! I don't care if you think NPR etc have a liberal bias. They're good for America economically. and in many other ways,such as fostering the arts, which are so beneficial to the economy. Conservatives forget that America can't function without taxes.
Like them or not,they are absolutely necessary,and just reducing them does nothing but hurt a lot of people in America in many ways. Reduce taxes too much and the entire nation would literally collapse !
All this talk of "limited government","smaller government", and "getting the government off our backs" sounds great to gullible conservatives, but this won't make government smaller, just far less efficient. It won't create wealth,but destroy it,and destroy opportunity for many people in America.


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
The TOPIC OF THE DAY for April 5th, 2011 11:27 AM

toldailytopic: What are your thoughts about the Tea Party movement in America?

It is quite evident that the left fears the Tea Party, and has the left wing in full retaliation mode to discredit it in any way because, Real People are Real Angry with mainstream politicians from both sides. Though they are more organized now than in the beginning, the Tea Parties across our nation started organically, at the grassroots level and rose into a force that turned the tide of the last election. Again the left wants to marginalize their effect on this past election but, the numbers speak for themselves. All I can say to those on the left is that you can cry racism or any other slur at the top of your lungs all the way to your next defeat in 2012 but, until you take the Tea Party's message to heart, and maybe adopt some of the ideals of the majority of America you will continue to suffer those losses (except in Mass., and in Calif. of course) in the future.

God Bless America :5020: & bless the Tea Party supporters, Americas new patriots who want to preserve the America we grew up in, for our kids, and grandkids if the Lord tarries. :thumb:


New member
They have a valid beef with the out of control Federal debt. Unfortunately the objectives and originality of the movement have been derailed somehow.

I participated in the original Contract from America voting in February of 2010. The leading ideas at that time were pretty darn good and included:

- Implement the Fair Tax
- Congressional Term Limits
- Legislation shall have no unrelated amendments
- Nationwide Medical Malpractice Tort Reform
- No lifetime salary or benefits for congress
- Congress shall not exempt itself from rules and regulations for everyone else
- English as the official language of the US
- Interstate health insurance competition
- Bills from the House or Senate to be made public 7 days before any vote.
- Presidential advisors shall have no regulatory authority
- Hands OFF the Internet

Unfortunately when the Contract from America was released on April 15, 2010, most of these things had either disappeared or been so reduced as to be almost unrecognizable. All of the specific concepts had been replaced by the political equivalents of motherhood and apple pie based pablum with no teeth.


Well-known member
toldailytopic: What are your thoughts about the Tea Party movement in America?

Simply an attempt by the American people to get back to the foundational idea of 'government by the people and for the people' as opposed to a tyrannical ruling elite.
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Patron Saint of SMACK
Hall of Fame
Several have lost seats because of the tea-bag moronic mantra.

I'm rather surprised to see you embracing that vulgar reference. Are you unaware of it's meaning, or are you a potty mouth? Not good!


Patron Saint of SMACK
Hall of Fame
I think they need to distance themselves from people like Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin and Michelle Bachmann if they want to retain any credibility.

Beck and Palin are not strongly Pro life, so I see what you mean. I don't know that much about Bachmann.
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