toldailytopic: Underwear bombs, shoe bombs, what should be done to protect us?

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Well-known member
I won't post a link, since this is a family-friendly forum, but there is a Naked Airlines, where passengers fly (you guessed it) NAKED.


New member
Stop subsidizing the industry. Make the airlines pay for their own everything through industry assessment for FAA and TSA and all those associated abc bureaucracies. When they pass those costs on to their customers, flying will be too expensive for almost everybody (while the taxes on non-flyers goes down). Then, they can check the rest out a lot better.


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Hall of Fame
Once we have the airplanes down to sedated passengers sealed in boxes they'll just attack the trains busses and ships.

Backscatter x-ray is the thing that sees thru your clothes, they have it at 13 airports but it's use use is controvesial due to the naked thing.


New member
For crying out loud! This man was on a watch-list and was denied a student visa by the British gov't! He boarded without showing his passport! He did not go through the full-body scan in either Nigeria or Amsterdam! They screwed up in so many ways, it's no wonder he got as far as he did. If the airports would just do their jobs as they are, there would be little problem from panty bombs or the like.


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Hall of Fame
I think, above all, we need a president and legislative branch, who understand that we are at war with an enemy that wants to destroy us. I'm sure most of you have heard this sentiment before.
In what ways do you think Obama and Congress don't understand we're at war?

Then we need to be proactive against that enemy ... and we certainly don't need our leaders attaching ear marks to bills delegated for improving our military situation.

I would suggest that citizens vote out all those leaders who vote for anything that deters our war on Islamic terrorists. Complete turn over if needed - beginning in 2010.

What do earmarks have to do with attacks on airplanes?

And when you say to be more proactive, what exactly do you mean?


New member
They make non- woven surgical scrub type garments that at fairly cheap. Everyone, no exceptions, strips to the skin and puts one on. the customer gets to keep it as a souvenier.

If you are unwilling to do it you don't fly. If you so much as protest the proceedure, you don't fly. No refund on the ticket.

Its low tech and fairly cheap the scrubs cost about $15 a set.

We could also build more rugged planes.

It is possible to build planes that come apart in sections, individualy pressurized, with built in parachutes. All that equipment weighes something so the plane will not carry as many passengers, or make as much money.

There is jet fuel that is jellied so it will not form an aerosol and blow up. The military uses it but it costs a little more so civilian airlines don't.

The buck stops with the buck.


Get used to it.
Hall of Fame
For crying out loud! This man was on a watch-list and was denied a student visa by the British gov't! He boarded without showing his passport! He did not go through the full-body scan in either Nigeria or Amsterdam! They screwed up in so many ways, it's no wonder he got as far as he did. If the airports would just do their jobs as they are, there would be little problem from panty bombs or the like.

:plain: kind of irritates me that this is such a huge topic of discussion now. I mean, I don't care if they want to put in scanners everywhere do profiling and's already a big enough pain in the butt to fly right now one more inconvenience isn't going to matter much.
:nono: Please though let's (and I don't mean this Forum I mean the rest of the World) not loose sight of the fact that the ONLY reason this kook got to where he did is not because of "TEH SECRET HIGH TECH PANTY NUKE" ™ but because people did not do their jobs.

...And it doesn't matter what new measures we take we will always be defeated if people do not do their jobs. :doh:


Yeah....we could just issue all the pasengers bubble gum to plug the holes too. :)
Problem is, bubble gun looks an awful lot like plastique explosive, a combustible material used in bombs. We must be sure we are getting Hubba Bubba not Acme Company gum so we'll need a bubble gum czar and/or single-payer chewing plan. :chew:

Plan B on a wide body aircraft, if the plane does blow up in flight, we can form double lines, stay close together, and float down through the air in the slide liferafts. :cloud9:

Plan C on a narrow body aircraft, we can form single lines, stay close together, and evacuate via the lavatory one by one. :comeout:

It would be worse to loose our diversity.


New member
I always figured that if I ever got stuck on a falling airplane, I'd just stand real still with my knees bent and just before we hit the ground, I'd just jump straight up.

Seriously. I don't see what all the fuss is about. All you gotta do is think a little. :plain:


Get used to it.
Hall of Fame
I always figured that if I ever got stuck on a falling airplane, I'd just stand real still with my knees bent and just before we hit the ground, I'd just jump straight up.

Seriously. I don't see what all the fuss is about. All you gotta do is think a little. :plain:

This has always been my plan for failed helicopters and elevators. :plain:


Well-known member
That's why God gave us thumbs.

Don't you watch cartoons? :idunno:

Yes . . . I think you need a piece of chewed bubble gum instead.

I think air marshalls on every plane is a good idea. Profiling . . . would we have had any bettter chance of catching a nigerian guy if everyone was thinking of looking for those of middle eastern descent? :idunno:

And then they'll get smart and recruit some blonde people from the caucasus region. Better intelligence in the first place is the best answer.


New member
Post leaked pictures of the guy's badly seared junk on Jihadi websites. I bet that would put a stop to the underwear bombs in short order.


[W]ould we have had any bettter chance of catching a nigerian guy if everyone was thinking of looking for those of middle eastern descent?
Do you really want to spend your travel time inspecting which passenger may be planning to slit your throat that day? How about this--don't let them on the plane. If intelligence knows that they are known Muslims with extreme views (normal for a good Muslim), they do not travel on U.S. carriers--period. Will that work in our nation that elected a Muslim for president? :think:
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"...[L]ow tech and fairly cheap the scrubs cost about $15 a set...individually pressurized, with built in parachutes...jet fuel that is jellied so it will not form an aerosol and blow up... The buck stops with the buck."
How 'about the buck stops at the ticket counter. When Muslims attempt to purchase a ticket, we pat them on the back and laugh at them for thinking we will allow them on our air carriers. :darwinsm:

When we see them marching in the streets in protest of violent acts committed in the name of their supposedly peaceful faith, we'll talk. Islam is a threat to people's existence. Muslims are a danger on the ground and in-flight. Theological matters must be settled on the ground. Not in a tube flying through the air at 40,000 feet. Terror has a name and its name is Islam.
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